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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 453


That our students rarely get the opportunity to use their imagination was an open secret among Chinese people. Now,a global survey has brought it to the notice of the rest of the world.
The survey covering 21 countries,conducted by International Educational Progress Evaluation Organization,showed Chinese students excelled at math,beating their peers from other countries. But when it came to using their imagination,they were tied for the last place. And in creativity,they were fifth from the bottom.
The survey results are not shocking,given the way our children are taught in schools and at home. But they are a severe reminder to our educators and parents to improve their ways.
Chinese students rarely get the time or chance to use their imagination. Right from the day they enter school they are pushed into a culture of exams and more exams. Teachers and parents teach them that education is all about passing these exams with flying colors. And to pass those exams,they are made to learn by fixed standard answers.
Teachers dare not encourage students to think outside the box. Teachers don't like students questioning them,killing the curiosity of the young minds. For children,there's hardly any room for bright ideas either in class or at home.
Israel shares the values of education with China. But there is a world of difference between the way Israeli parents treat their children and we do. Israeli parents do not mollycoddle their children. Instead,they encourage them to learn how to live independently. In contrast,Chinese parents go to extremes,allowing their children to do whatever they like to do and punishing them severely the next for committing a “mistake”.
The global study should make us swing into action and help our students to throw open their young minds to imagination and creativity. It is time our education officials and educators asked themselves what they should do to let our children's imagination and creativity blossom.
Based on the passage,the creativity of the Chinese students ranks ________ among the 21 countries.

A.the 5th
B.the 17th
C.the 21st
D.the 1st

Why is the imagination of the Chinese students so poor?

A.Their parents often improve their educational ways.
B.They are thought to be lacking in curiosity.
C.Their teachers are afraid of being questioned.
D.They are not encouraged to imagine both at home and in class.

What does the underlined word “mollycoddle” probably mean in Paragraph 6?


It can be learned from the passage Israeli parents ________.

A.lay much more emphasis on education than Chinese ones
B.allow their children to live in whatever way they like
C.focus more attention on developing their children's living ability
D.encourage their children to commit mistakes in lives

Israel is introduced in the passage mainly ________.

A.to enrich the content of the text
B.to support and advocate Israel education
C.to illustrate the disadvantages of Chinese education
D.to criticize the wrong behavior of Chinese parents
