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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 完型填空
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 408

Have you ever wished you could fly like a bird? If so, you have to think again. I learned how to fly when I was six years old, and it was not a      experience at all!
It happened on the      in Belgium. I was happily building a sandcastle when a lady        and began to talk with my parents. I      that they wouldn’t talk long, because she had a huge horrible dog on a leash! It was      its owner by her feet, trying to get her to go. It seemed that even the owner was growing        with her dog’s movements, as to my      , she turned to me and said, “Would you like to walk my dog?”
ME?  I was sure the dog would eat me whole in one bite. I      looked at my parents to see if they would rescue me, but they were paying no        to me.
A second later it was firmly tied to my wrist and I had no choice but to        the dog. At first, it wasn’t so      . The “monster” took its time, walking here and there. Then      it took off like a rocket. My arm was nearly injured as I found myself being sent into the air.
In a few seconds, everyone on the beach was      at me as if I had become some kind of local attraction. I tried hard to      the sand with my feet.
Then the dog      . And I fell onto the sand. The creature must have been      , because it was walking slowly back to        my parents and its owner were. When we finally got back, I noticed the looks of      on their faces. My parents said, “What took you so      ? Little boys shouldn’t wander away that far!” And then I began to      loudly.
Is it strange that I have grown up to be a person who likes cats more than dog?

A.secret B.fun C.suitable D.creative

A.road B.radio C.beach D.platform

A.came up B.gave up C.came out D.gave out

A.planned B.pretended C.wished D.guessed

A.carrying B.watching C.cheering D.bothering

A.impatient B.impolite C.unnatural D.unclear

A.horror B.delight C.honor D.regret

A.exactly B.fortunately C.specially D.anxiously

A.money B.debt C.time D.attention

A.beat B.borrow C.follow D.forget

A.boring B.bad C.exciting D.good

A.all of a sudden B.not any more C.in other words D.on the whole

A.working B.staring C.attacking D.shouting

A.find B.move C.reach D.collect

A.appeared B.screamed C.stopped D.escaped

A.tired B.frightened C.interested D.shocked

A.when B.what C.how D.where

A.pride B.anger C.sadness D.hope

A.fast B.long C.high D.hard

A.rest B.play C.walk D.cry

