读等高线地形图(图中等高线上数值单位为米),回答问题。(1)计算乙山与甲山的相对高度______米,乙山在甲山的______方向。如果甲山和乙山的图上距离是2.5厘米,计算两山的实际距离是__________。(2)图中E、F哪处容易形成河流_______。从D和F两处选择一地登山,哪处更容易_________。(3)填出图中字母代表的山体部位名称:B _________, F_________。
In China, you are not s to start eating first if there are old people at the table.
I felt so sleepy that I could h open my eyes.
It's dinner time. I'm wondering w to have Chinese food or Western food.
The teacher advised the couple to talk with their son i person.
In autumn, l fall down and it makes an amazing scene.