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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 完型填空
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 1517

Jane walked into the hospital and shivered (寒颤). She did not like them because ______ were always so cold, and everything in them was so white. Unwillingly, she ______ her mother and father into her grandmother’s room. Up to her chin in blankets, her grandmother looked small and ______. Jane saw a tube in her grandmother’s arm and all types of machines beside her.
Her mother gently kissed her grandmother on the cheek, ______ Jane was afraid to get too close. Her grandmother smiled at her and ______ for her to come closer, and ______ Jane walked over and took her grandmother’s hand. “Hi, Sweetie,” said her grandmother. “Don’t be ______ by all these machines. It’s still me.”
The nurse came in to _____ on her grandmother. She used a thermometer(温度计) to take her grandmother’s _____ and a stethoscope (听诊器) to listen to her heart. Jane found everything the nurse did for her grandmother extremely ______. She asked about the medical instruments, and the nurse ____ how they were used. Jane was all ears, examining each instrument carefully.
The nurse was really ______ toward her grandmother. She softened her pillows (枕头)and made sure she was ______ comfortably. She supplied her with ______, food, and reading materials. Jane could see what a positive ______ the help had on her grandmother. She asked, “Do you enjoy being a nurse?” “Yes, I love taking care of people,” the nurse replied, “and I find it ______ to watch people get better. It’s exciting to be a part of all these different people’s lives.”
As the nurse left the room, Jane ______ at her grandmother and her parents. She was filled with excitement as she ______ herself attending Nursing School and learning to care for sick people. For the first time, she didn’t _____ being in a hospital. She was starting to like the smell and the white walls of the hospital. They were ______ of people trying to help other people.

A.patients B.nurses C.doctors D.hospitals

A.followed B.led C.showed D.invited

A.angry B.kind C.weak D.young

A.so B.or C.for D.but

A.headed B.longed C.gestured D.looked

A.rapidly B.immediately C.surprisingly D.hesitantly

A.frightened B.unsatisfied C.discouraged D.disappointed

A.visit B.call C.meet D.check

A.hand B.temperature C.blanket D.tube

A.meaningful B.useless C.perfect D.interesting

A.explained B.wondered C.learned D.promised

A.hopeful B.special C.attentive D.serious

A.recovering B.laying C.sitting D.resting

A.machines B.water C.pillows D.support

A.behavior B.effect C.attitude D.experience

A.tiring B.painful C.satisfying D.amusing

A.stared B.laughed C.waved D.smiled

A.imagined B.found C.admitted D.enjoyed

A.forbid B.love C.mind D.regret

A.signals B.signs C.marks D.images

