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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 完型填空
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 607

When my father was still in his teens, his father usually took him to the church to pray (祈祷). My grandfather had a______of keeping his change in his shirt pocket. As they______in the church side by side one day, the______fell out of his pocket and onto the floor. Obviously deep______concentration, my grandfather didn’t notice it at all______, a gentleman that was sitting nearby, as well as my father,______the incident. The man moved quickly and picked up the coins______. Maybe he was afraid the others would have seen what he was doing. Then he______to another corner of the church. He pretended (假装) he hadn’t done anything except praying. My father saw the man’s______and as soon as my grand- father______praying, he couldn’t______telling my grand-father what had happened. My grandfather______what had happened and stopped my father from telling him who______the money. He then told my father the following:______the man had to steal in church, then it must be because he was very______and could not support his family. "We mustn’t be so______to judge a person," he added. They______a grocery store (杂货店). My grandfather told my father to make sure that every month he would______a bag of daily things needed by a______and send it to that person without telling him whom it was from. I don’t know how______went for that man from then on, but wouldn’t this world be a better place to live in if we had that kind of kindness in our society?

A.hobby B.habit C.dream D.secret

A.sang B.walked C.existed D.prayed

A.coins B.cards C.tickets D.bills

A.in B.on C.by D.at

A.Therefore B.Besides C.However D.Instead

A.experienced B.noticed C.found D.searched

A.slowly B.bravely C.hardly D.secretly

A.put up B.set off C.went away D.ran after

A.sighting B.behavior C.evidence D.change

A.finished B.continued C.succeeded D.supported

A.keep B.imagine C. help D.stop

A.cared B.talked C.heard D.worried

A.brought B.borrowed C.earned D.took

A.Whether B.Although C.If D.Once

A.angry B.bad C.mild D.poor

A.quick B.friendly C.impolite D.clever

A.owned B.reached C.passed D.bought

A.compare B.produce C.examine D.propare

A.group B.shop C.church D.family

A.life B.luck C.time D.work

