If you are interested to find a part-time job or learn something different during your spare time, you can have a look at the following jobs offered by the DC Public Library.
Teens of Distinction Program
The DC Public Library offers part-time jobs for teens through the Teens of Distinction Program. Teens work 10-12 hours per week all year long, helping the library with important tasks and projects. The Teens of Distinction Program is now hiring! To apply, you have to:
● be a DC resident
● have and maintain at least a 2.5 grade point average
● be 16 to 18 years old
● be able to work 10-12 hours per week
● be able to work for DCPL for at least 9 months
Oh, and of course you have to impress us with your wonderful personality!
Teen Volunteer Opportunities
If you want to earn community service hours for school, Youth202 is a good choice.
Youth202 is a radio program created by youth and for youth. You can learn radio production skills, interview people around you, and help keep other teens to learn news, events, and anything else you think is important.
Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP)
Every summer, teens can work here to help library customers organize books and learn lots of new skills, such as program planning, writing and media production.
On Friday, January 25 at 12:15 pm, the application for the 2014 SYEP will be open to teens between the ages of 14 and 21.
Applications will be processed on a firstcome, firstserved basis. Space is limited this year, so teens are encouraged to apply early, and remember not to miss the deadline, Saturday, February 16.Working for the Teens of Distinction Program, teenagers will ________.
①become a DC resident
②work 10-12 hours per week
③work for DCPL for at least 9 months
④have a wonderful personality
A.③④ | B.②③ | C.①②③ | D.①③④ |
Who has the biggest chance to work for the 2014 SYEP?
A.A teenager who applies early. |
B.A teenager who is popular. |
C.A teenager who is smart. |
D.A teenager who gets high grades in exams. |
The aim of text is to ________.
A.introduce the DC Public Library |
B.describe the job of library workers |
C.offer teenager part-time jobs in the DC Public Library |
D.teach how to apply for part-time jobs |