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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 完型填空
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 1401

阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Recent years have seen many conflicts caused by square dancing. Since loud music______ students preparing for the College Entrance Examination (or gaokao),____citizens who practise the dance near a local middle school in Beijing ________the music to the lowest possible volume. ________the controversy, however, it is difficult to demand a(n) _____on square dancing in the weeks before the College Entrance Examination , says an article .
To some degree, it is necessary for senior citizens to sacrifice the_____of square dancing despite being very ______ of it. Their sacrifice is seen as necessary also because the gaokao is an important ______point in a student's life.
But if students preparing for the okao have the______ to study in a peaceful environment, then senior citizens, too, have the right to practise the dance form of their ____without disturbance. In the Beijing case ______above, more than 300 senior citizens have set a good example by _______a smaller square away from the middle school and turning down the volume of the music while practising the square dance.
Therefore, the authorities, instead of forcing senior citizens to __   practising square dancing in the weeks preceding the gaokao, should take measures to___ that they do so in non-residential areas and, definitely, as far away from _____as possible. The authorities, for instance, could ______for buses to take senior citizens to and from places where they could practise the dance without disturbing anyone and get some _____ exercise and mental comfort.
________, local communities could organize leisure activities that create little noise to provide senior citizens with some_______. In short, senior citizens should not be forced to give up square dancing in the weeks preceding the gaokao, _____they should be provided with alternatives to spend their time happily.

A.keeps B.leaves C.disturbs D.helps

A.elder ly B.friendly C.healthy D.active

A.turned up B.turned in C.turned out D.turned down

A.In spite of B.Because of C.Due to D.As to

A.suggestion B.action C.ban D.promotion

A.approach B.method C.practice D.manner

A.tired B.excited C.interested D.fond

A.turning B.moving C.changing D.reforming

A.ability B.right C.opportunity D.chance

A.choice B.nature C.range D.variety

A.mentioned B.explained C.suggested D.promoted

A.getting to B.moving to C.referring to D.coming to

A.stop B.keep C.risk D.miss

A.forbid B.realize C.warn D.ensure

A.shops B.schools C.factories D.parks

A.arrange B.making C.paying D.preparing

A.spiritual B.physical C.material D.technical

A.However B.Therefore C.Obviously D.Besides

A.welfare B.equipment C.recreation D.supplies

A.instead B.still C.quite D.accordingly

