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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 770

It is not easy to reach Panjiayu, a village in the countryside around Thangshan, Hebei province. To get to the isolated village, visitors first have to take a bus ride of about an hour to the Fengrun district before taking a long-distance bus, which usually runs five times a day.
Surrounded by mountains and bathed in plentiful sunlight, Panjiayu is nicknamed “Turpan”, after the city in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region that is famous for its sweet grapes.
The fruit is the Panjiayuy’s main money spinner(摇钱树) ------ the courtyard of almost every home boasts at least one grape trellis(棚架), and the main road is enlaced(围绕) by vines.
Last year, about 200,000 tourists from nearby cities visited Panjiayu. Even so, the place has retained its traditional feel. When night falls, except for a few road lamps that send out a dim light, the village is shrouded(覆盖) in darkness, the silence only broken by the occasional bark of a dog.
So why does this village of just 1,500 residents attract so many visitors? Grapes are only part of the reason; most of the tourists visit to commemorate a massacre(大屠杀) that happened 73 years ago. The modern building that seems so at odds with the traditional feel of the place is a memorial to the events of Jan 25, 1941, two days before Lunar New Year, when the Japanese army carried out a frenzied(疯狂的) slaughter of unarmed villagers.
“About 1,298 of the 1,700 villagers were murdered. Of the survivors, 273 were not in the village that day, and although nearly 200 others survived, 98 of them were badly injured,” said Pan Ruishen, the leader of the Panjiayu compensation(补偿) Team for Japanese Atrocities(暴行).
Panjiayu was just one of many massacres committed by the Japanese during the occupation of China before and during World War II, however, it is now a patriotism-education base because the village is full of sites of historical interest, such as the big lotus tree, whose hollow trunk was used to hide secret files of the Eighth Route Army, and the metal doors at the village entrance, which are scarred with countless white marks left by Japanese bayonets(刺刀).
Where can you most probably read the text?

A.In a telephone book.
B.In a newspaper.
C.In a travel guide.
D.In a textbook.

What does the underlined phrase “at odds” in the fifth paragraph mean?

A.attractive B.original
C.contradictory D.conventional

What can we know about Panjiayu from the text?

A.It is an isolated village with a long history in Hunan province.
B.Many tourists visited Panjiayu last year despite the fact that the place hasn’t kept its traditional feel.
C.Panjiayu is viewed as a patriotism-education base in view of its historical events and many sites of historical interest .
D.All the residents were slaughtered by the Japanese during the occupation of China before World War II.
