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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 2086

On my first day of high school, I asked an eleventh-grader where my class was. And he told me it was “on the fourth floor, next to the pool.” I found out five minutes later that we didn’t even have a fourth floor and there was no pool either! Besides that, I didn’t have any trouble with the older kid.
I think the biggest difference between middle and high school is the homework load(工作量) and size of the school. I went from maybe fifteen minutes of homework a night to several hours, so I had to learn how to make full use of time! Our class size is around 550, but joining in clubs, sports, music and other activities at school makes it easier to get to know people in every grade.
The best advice I can give about the years you spend in high school is to learn things for yourself, not just to get a good grade. There have been so many tests that I’ve prepared for the night before, gotten an A, but not remember anything later. I’ve changed that this year, and I enjoy school so much more. Don’t take easy classes just to have a simple year. If you have a choice between chemistry and sports, the first will prove to be a lot more useful!
While drinking and smoking might be present in some middle schools, they are also around in high school. I have a lot of friends who promised they would never drink or smoke, but are now partying every weekend. If you have “fun” and spend your nights wasted instead of studying, you will regret it when you are applying for (申请) college. The “friends” who say you are a loser for not partying are really not your friends at all. It’s hard to see your closest friends grow apart and go in different directions, but don’t follow their footsteps. Follow your own path in life and make your own decisions.
What happened to the writer on his first day of high school?

A.He had a fight with an eleventh-grader.
B.He was fooled by a schoolboy.
C.He was five minutes late for class.
D.He fell into a pool on the fourth floor.

According to paragraph 2, the writer thinks that in high school _____.

A.It needs hard work to finish homework
B.There are very few activities.
C.It’s hard to meet new people there.
D.There is always much free time

The writer advises high school students to_____.

A.give up sports
B.choose useful classes
C.try their best to get good grades
D.get ready for test the night before

The passage is probably written for ______.

A.high school students B.high school teachers
C.college students D.sports players

The last paragraph mainly tells us ______.

A.about the trouble caused by drinking and smoking
B.about the importance of making friends
C.not to go to any party in high school
D.not to lose ourselves in high school
