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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 2065

“Show them the money!” That’s what some people are saying for college athletes. They say students who play sports for their school should receive salaries.
Top athletes should be paid because many of them practice full time, Mark Jameson argues. Rico Cannon, a former college football player, agrees. “Nonathletes can get a job for extra spending money, but many student athletes spend so many hours in training that they don’t have time to work,” he explains. “Shouldn’t athletes be able to earn extra money too?”
The students also make money for their schools when people buy tickets to their games. The players should receive some of that cash, supporter Robbie Pokora reasons.
College athletes are about honor and tradition, but they’re also a business. Thanks to ticket sales, there’s money for schools to build new athletic stadiums and give the coaches high salaries. The cash should be shared with athletes. They’re the ones out on the field or court working hard for their school.
The money matter has others crying foul, though. Kaitlyn Rentala argues that colleges should not pay their athletes. Students are in school to get an education. Playing a sport is an extracurricular(课外的)activity, not a job. If athletes need extra money, they can apply for college scholarships(奖学金). Michael Massett is a middle school teacher and a football and a basketball coach. He agrees. “Athletes should be paid with scholarships, like nonathletes are,” Massett explains.
In addition, if colleges pay their athletes, those students might focus more on sports than on their education. “Most students do not become professional athletes after college. If they focus too much on sports, they may not learn the skills they need to get good jobs,” Kate Macrae reasons. Plus, she says, many athletes have schoolships that help them pay for school.
What is Rico Cannon’s opinion on paying student athletes?

A.They make money for their schools and should receive salaries.
B.Training leaves them no time to work and they should be paid.
C.Playing a sport at school is not a job and they shouldn’t be paid.
D.They can apply for scholarships and should not be paid.

Who supports the idea of paying student athletes?

A.Kaitlyn Rentala B.Robbie Pokora
C.Michael Massett D.Kate Macrae

What does the underlined part “crying foul” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A.Making no progress. B.Giving up beliefs.
C.having different opinions D.Taking no interest.

What’s the best title for the text?

A.Pay to play? —— Will it be popular with college athletes?
B.College athletes make a lot of money for their schools.
C.College athletes can apply for scholarships as their salaries.
D.Pay to play?—— Should college athletes be paid?
