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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 完型填空
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 1624

I was in the ninth year at St Joseph’s High School, when I began to suffer depression. My parents noticed, but felt that since I’d always been a responsible girl and a good student, this was just a temporary  21 .
Unfortunately, that was not to be. I didn’t have many friends. I could never share my  22. A deep insecurity destroyed my self-confidence. Soon I  23  to attend classes for many days. I would shut myself in my room for hours.
The examinations were approaching,  24  I simply didn’t care. My parents and teachers were surprised at my bad performance.
One morning, after a particularly  25  lecture from Dad, I stood depressed, in the school assembly.  26 , as the other students marched to their classroom, our principal  27  me. I made my way to Sister Sylvia’s office.
The next 45 minutes were the most  28  moments of my life. Sister Sylvia said she’d noticed a big  29 in me. She wanted to know why I was lagging in studies, so frequently  30  and unhappy. She took my hand in hers and  31  patiently as I spilled out my worries. She then 32  me as I sobbed my pent-up (压抑的)emotions out. Months of frustration and loneliness 33   in her motherly hug.
No one had tried to  34  what the real problem was, but my principal had done it with her simple act of just listening to me with such  35  and caring.
As the examinations approached again, I studied  36 . When the results were  37 , everybody was pleased, but happiest of all was my principal.
I soon made new friends and was happy  38 . But whenever I had a problem, I could always slip into Sister Sylvia’s office for a(n)  39 .
Today I’m a  40  young woman doing my MA and hoping to become a writer. I’ve become an inspiration to several of my friends and cousins, thanks to a kind nun who cared.

A.basis B.stage C.adjustment D.solution

A.viewpoints B.experiences C.problems D.dreams

A.skipped B.refused C.regretted D.forgot

A.otherwise B.though C.but D.or

A.severe B.public C.popular D.formal

A.Also B.Therefore C.Still D.Then

A.attracted B.accompanied C.called D.instructed

A.precious B.curious C.anxious D.serious

A.quality B.change C.mistake D.faith

A.absent B.dishonest C.aggressive D.calm

A.looked B.waited C.listened D.worked

A.hugged B.acknowledge C.observed D.educated

A.passed away B.rode away C.drove away D.melted away

A.reveal B.understand C.realize D.doubt

A.dignity B.courage C.attention D.satisfaction

A.hard B.alone C.closely D.abroad

A.declared B.obtained C.applied D.compared

A.forever B.again C.anyhow D.instead

A.request B.effect C.reason D.chat

A.mature B.quiet C.smart D.happy

