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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 354

A number of recent studies have shown how making several small lifestyle changes could help you lose weight without losing the pleasure to enjoy the food you love.
1.Use a smaller plate
A Comell University study found that when a fixed portion(一份,一客) of food was eaten from a large plate, diners felt they had been given a smaller than average portion, so ate more.When the same portion of food was eaten from a smaller dish, the meal seemed more, so they ate less.
2.Eat with men
Eat with men if you're a woman.According to psychologist Meredith Young, women eat less if there are men around.She told The Atlantic: "It is possible that small food portions signal attractiveness."
3.Avoid light at night
This includes late-night television and computer use.A study into the effects of bright light or darkness on weight-gain in mice found that those under a bright light at night gained 50 per cent more weight than those in darkness.
4.Be careful around friends
Children eat more with a friend than with a stranger, according to a study at the State University of New York at Buffalo.Researchers said that  it ,which applies to adults too, can be blamed on the fact that friends act as so-called permission-givers, and encourage one to eat.
5.Be aware of skinny friends who eat a lot
Worse still, are thin friends who have large appetites.A study found that participants ate more during a movie when accompanied by a skinny person who ate a Jot, compared with those sitting next to a fat person who ate a lot.
6.Avoid advertisements for exercise
A study shows that participants who were shown advertisements encouraging exercise ate more than those who weren't.The same was true of participants exposed to words related to exercise during mealtimes.
The underlined word "it" refers to ____.

A.children eat more with a friend
B.adults eat more with a friend
C.friends act as permission-givers
D.people should be careful around friends

In order to lose weight, everyone should _____.

A.be exposed to words related to exercise
B.try to eat with men together
C.avoid watching TV at night
D.be always around skinny friends

The purpose of writing the passage is ______.

A.to make the readers amused
B.to give advice on losing weight
C.to introduce common sense
D.to attract more fat readers
