They entered the area without __________ (许可).
He would ____________ (淹死)his sadness in coffee.
Yonghui did not look happy but __________(怒视)at him.
Perhaps we should combine our ideas and provide a _________(均衡的)menu.
Come on, ____________(满足) my curiosity, what happened last night?
We stood for a few moments, _______________(赞美;钦佩) the view.
They see a ___________(一文不名的)young man wandering on the pavement.
The fact is that I earned my ___________(船费)by working as an unpaid hand.
The discovery of __________(重力) is so important for science.
It was not so obvious that water was to be __________ (基本的)to the development of life.
I cheered up immediately and floated _________(失重地) around in our spaceship cabin.
For several ______ (十亿)years after the “Big Bang”, the earth was still just a cloud of dust.