首页 / 高中英语 / 试题详细
  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 1753

Discover the beautiful, silent, white world or Antarctica on the holidays of a life-time.Head South to Buenos Aires and then transfer to the world's most southern city, Ushuaia.From there, it's about 1,000 kilometers on a special icebreaker ship to the freezing temperature of Antarctica.
Getting off the ship and taking your first step onto the ice, you will imagine what it is like to be an explorer.Meet penguins(企鹅) sitting on their eggs, or see an Antarctic seal that lives all the year round on the ice.But do not get closer than five meters to any animal, in case you frighten it or make it angry.
The friendly crew of the ship will look after you as you explore the ice continent. We promise you fantastic meals and a comfortable bed — you sleep in a four-person cabin — as well as many special treats.If you don't think it is cold enough, try the ''polar plunge" — jump into a special hole dug in the ice and dip your head under the water.You can then jump into a hot bath and if you succeed we will give you a certificate.
After you wake up for the first time in the Antarctica you will understand why everybody who goes there falls in love with the place.The scenery is different every day because the sea ice is always moving.
Our ships travel to Antarctica from November to March — phone today and book your dream holiday!
How should you behave when you see animals on Antarctica?

A.Don't take photos with them.
B.Sit on the legs of the penguin.
C.Don't watch them too near.
D.Never make them angry.

If you want to get a certificate, you have to          

A.try the "polar plunge"
B.sleep in a four-person cabin
C.have a bath in hot water
D.dive in the sea

The author writes this text mainly to          

A.describe what Antarctica is like
B.tell about the scenery in Antarctica
C.call for people to discover Antarctica
D.attract more tourists to Antarctica
