民政部下发的《关于促进农民工融入城市社区的意见》要求,凡拟订社区发展规划、兴办社区公益事业、制定社区公约和居民自治章程等涉及农民工切身利益的重要事项,都应听取农民工或农民工代表的意见。这一要求①方便了农民工管理基层公共事务 ②保证了农民工依法直接行使民主权利 ③拓宽了农民工参与民主监督的渠道 ④有利于基层政权了解民意和汇集民智
------ What did he want to know, Jim?-------_________ I could finish writing the report.
A huge fire ______ last night and many houses were burnt down.
Mike’s never willing to change any of his opinions. It’s no use ______ with him.
The organization was founded (建立) for the ________ of poor children .
People try to save time by using their own cars, and this ________ creates further problems.