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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 较难
  • 浏览 468

A new planet more like Earth was discovered and regarded as a likely future home for human. The planet contains both land and water with average temperatures around 22℃. It is 600 light years from Earth. There are 290 days a year on the planet.

A French company wants to change the Eiffel Tower into a very tall and growing Christmas tree made of 600,000 plants. The Eiffel Tower is decorated(装饰)with 10,000 light bulbs and attracts(吸引)7 million visitors a year.

Wow, what a night! The evening got off to a fun start with Steven Hall. Ronan Parke took on Kelly Clarkson’s Because Of You. Jai McDowall finally won because of his wonderful performance.

The new planet     .

A.might have 365 days a year B.has no water
C.might be a future home for human D.has bad weather

   will make the Eiffel Tower become a big tree.

A.1000 light bulbs B.600,000 plants
C.600 light years D.7 million visitors

    was the winner of Britain’s Got Talent 2011.

A.Steven Hall B.Ronan Parke
C.Kelly Clarkson D.Jai McDowall
