一Is there any possible way to help them get rid of such a bad habit? 一To tell the truth, it’s very hard.But we on this problem.
(天津市河东区201 4年高三二模考试) 5.-What made your friend Tom so unhappy yesterday ? -A letter from his home ____an attack of home sickness
(年(春)重庆市高三考前冲刺测试卷)14. If women are mercilessly exploited by fashion year after year, they have only themselves ______ .
(年福州市高三适应性练习)29. China is struggling to deal with an aging population and the social problems that ______ it.
The discovery of the oil field, to the delight of the whole nation, will largely _______ the country’s dependence on imports of energy.
(年福州市高三适应性练习)25. Travelling to different time zones often _________ one’s body clock.