Guiding students through open-ended discussions can help students develop their understanding of the nature of science.
One useful practice in classroom discussions involves developing a discussion map. A discussion map is a graphic timeline created by the teacher on which a discussion is recorded --- who initially states the idea and who adds to or refuses the idea.
Discussion maps let teachers gain a deep understanding of students’ level of participation, the origins of ideas, and the claims that seem meaningful, useful, and/or reasonable to students. They also give the teacher an idea of students’ science thoughts of phenomena and ideas.
To make a discussion map, the teacher needs to do a couple of things. First, the teacher needs to keep informed of the ideas that are shared and who shared the idea. The teacher does this as the children talk, making quick notes of the ideas and thoughts. It can be helpful to record the discussion, but it isn’t required. Then, after the discussion is over, the teacher reflectively creates the discussion map to clarify the understanding of the ideas and connections that students were making in their talk.
Educators have identified discussions as consistent with reform recommendations in that they help children learn about the nature science and are useful in combining literacy and science. It is suggested that discussions can be useful for teachers in evaluating students’ ideas and building excitement as science. Discussions offer windows on students’ thinking, provide students who struggle in reading and writing with a chance to participate more actively in class, and create situations where students can express their ideas differently than in traditional schools tasks.
However, I suggest that there are additional reasons for having reasoned discussions in classrooms. First, discussions like this allow students to use their own vocabulary --- the words and terms that make sense to them and their classmates --- to drive the intellectual and academic work of understand phenomena. Many times learning science can become focused on learning terms but not necessarily understanding and explaining phenomena. Second, discussions allow students to think about their experiences and the things that they know and try to reconcile these with science ideas. This is challenging, but working together with classmates can help. Finally, reasoned discussions are fundamentally scientific because they offer an open forum that allows all students to be heard, and students’ ideas can be evaluated and connected to their experiences with scientific explanations of those phenomena. For example, during the children’s reasoned discussion about plants, the group came to the agreement that seeds grow into plants. The students understood that most seeds get buried in the ground, the seeds get wet, and then plants grow. This led to a question about whether the seed was still in the ground when the plant had grown into an adult plant. The students came up with several ideas about where the seeds were. During this conversation, the teacher took careful notes so that later investigations could respond to the questions that children were asking. Thus the students were working together using their ideas and understandings and realized something as a group that they didn’t understand as individuals.
Discussion maps make sense!
Passage outline
Supporting details
The _____ of a discussion map
A discussion map is a graphic timeline the teacher creates to record a discussion by initially ______ the idea and adding to or refusing the idea.
The advantages of discussion maps
With discussion maps, teachers can get a deep understanding not only of how students ______, who put forward the ideas, and the claims that seem meaningful, useful, and/or reasonable to the students, but also of what the students think of phenomena and ideas in scientific ways.
The procedure of making a discussion map
The teacher ______ quick notes of the children’s ideas and thoughts as they talk. Afterwards, he or she reflectively ______ the map to clarify the understanding of the ideas and connections made by students in their talk.
Educators’ _____ for having reasoned discussions
Discussions are consistent with reform recommendations because they help children learn about the nature of science and ______ literacy and science. Discussions can be useful for teachers in evaluating students’ ideas and building excitement at science. Discussions offer windows on students’ thinking, enable slow students to take a more _____ part in class, and allow students to express their ideas differently than in traditional school tasks.
The author’s reasons for having reasoned discussions
Reasoned discussions allow students to use their own _____ to drive the intellectual and academic work of understanding phenomena and reconcile their _____ and knowledge with science ideas. They are also fundamentally scientific.