第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
It seems like every little girl dreams of becoming a model. They want to be thin and pretty like the models they see on television and in magazines. Often the desire becomes an obsession (无法摆脱的思想) and young girls see “thinness” as being a needed characteristic. The obsession of many young girls over their appearance or weight has led to a growing number of people developing an eating disorder.
Eating disorders are a serious health problem. Three of the most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating or compulsive eating disorder. According to Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders, a person with anorexia “refuses to maintain normal body weight for age and height” and “weighs 85 percent or less than what is expected for age and height.” A person diagnosed with bulimia has several ways of getting rid of the calories such as binge eating, vomiting, laxative misuse, exercising, or fasting. The person might have a normal weight for their age and height unless anorexia is present. The signs of a compulsive eater include eating meals frequently, rapidly, and secretly. This person might also snack and nibble all day long.
There are many reasons that can contribute to the cause of eating disorders. One of the main reasons seems to be the obsession over every little pound a person is wearing.
There are other possible causes to this widely known health problem. Everyone has the desire to look like the actors and actresses they watch on TV or in magazines but, in reality, it just will not happen for most of us.
An unfavorable relationship a person has with others is also a contributing factor to disordered eating habits. The world is so competitive that any mention from parents, peers, significant others, or co-workers about a person’s weight or appearance can lead to the start of an eating disorder.
There really is no single reason why a person acquires an eating disorder. Many factors are considered when making a diagnosis for a person with this problem. Causes like the ones mentioned above play such an important role in eating disorders. Is it really so important that in order to look like the super models people are willing to give up food and starve themselves to death for a little satisfaction on the outside? The look of a person on the inside is what really matters.
1. This text is mainly about _______.
A. how girls lose weight quickly B. why girls dream to be models
C. how teenagers control their weight D. why a person acquires eating disorder
2. If a person doesn’t have a normal weight, she might have developed _______.
A. binge eating B. bulimia nervosa
C. anorexia nervosa D. compulsive eating disorder
3. The underlined word “unfavorable” most probably means _______.
A. harmonious B. poor C. healthy D. special
4. What is author’s attitude towards the phenomenon?
A. Inner beauty is really important.
B. All girls should dream to be models.
C. People needn’t take eating disorder seriously.
D. It is worth to starve for satisfaction on the outside.