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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 容易
  • 浏览 688

According to the Chinese traditional lunar calendar, we’re having the Tiger Year. Chinese tradition proposes that people born in a certain animal year will meet bad luck when their animal representative comes into power in the 12-year turn.
People born in Tiger Year: Be cautious in every aspect of life.
"But this is not 100 percent true," says Dong Yilin, who comes from a long line of masters of I Ching . "Tiger is the chief executive of this year, thus people born in Tiger Year are also proposed to be the king of the year," Dong explained. "But Chinese have a saying that a mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, thus Tiger people are in effect threatened by their peers."
"As a result, people born in the Tiger Year must be cautious in dealing with affairs in every aspect of their life to pursue good fortune and shun the course of disaster."
People born in Horse Year and Pig Year: __________________________.
Dong foretells that the luckiest people in this year will be Horse people and Pig people.
" Horse people will have good fortune in the Tiger year, both in career and in family. It's a good time for Horse people to make investments or fall in love."
The other lucky star falls on people born in Pig Year. "Pig people will always meet a good turning point in Tiger Year," he said. "So it's the best time in the 12-year cycle for Pig people.""This year, Pig people will gain great achievements in their career and thus make a fortune. It's especially good for unmarried Pig people to get engaged or form a family."
People born in Snake Year and Monkey Year: An unstable year.
"Only a small number of Snake people can pursue good developments in the Tiger Year. Most of them may suffer from bad health or bad relationships with their surroundings," Dong said. "They should also be prudential in the whole-year financial issues."
"Monkey people will encounter upheavals for a whole year, in almost all aspects of their life, like career, marriage, and even housing," Dong said.
56.After reading the passage, we could know Dong probably agrees that __________.
A. Tiger year will surely bring bad luck to Tiger people.
B. All Snake people won’t have good luck in Tiger year.
C. Monkey people will encounter a stable life for the whole Tiger year.
D. Horse people may lose money somehow in Tiger year.
57.According to the passage, which kind of people of these animals is most suitable to get married in Tiger year?
A. Pig people      B. Snake people    C. Horse people   D. Monkey people
58. We can infer from the passage that __________.
A. Tiger people had better not get close to Tiger people this year.
B. Monkey people’s life, career, marriage and even housing will be badly affected in Tiger year.
C. We are undergoing Tiger year in China now.
D. Tiger people should be careful in every aspect of their life this year.
59.Which sentence can be put into the blank most properly?
A. You’re a willing horse.                          B. You’re a big dog.
C.You’re a poor fish.                                 D.You’re a lucky dog.

