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The lake lies _____ the two villages.

A.at B.in C.between D.among
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St Peter’s Church is _____ the museum.

A.over B.opposite C.across D.in
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-- How far is it from here to your home?
--- It’s about ____________.

A.five minute walk B.five minutes’ walk
C.five minute walks D.five minutes’ walks
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---Look! There are so many people in the park.
---- Nobody likes to stay at home ______ Sunday morning.

A.in B.on C.at D.to
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Martin looks so well. We’ve never seen him ______ so well before.

A.is looked B.is looking C.to look D.look
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---What do you think of tomorrow’s football match?
--- ____ difficult for us _______ the match

A.We’re; to win B.We’re; winning C.It’s ; to win D.It’s ; winning
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Doctor Wang often asks us ______ too much meat.

A.don’t eat B.not eat C.not to eat D.doesn’t eat
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The fans can’t wait ______ to China.

A.come B.to come C.coming D.came
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I want to have a rest. I feel _____ tired.

A.kind B.a kind of C.a kind D.kind of
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All of us are _____ at the _____ result.

A.surprising; surprised B.surprised; surprising
C.surprising; surprising D.surprised; surprised
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If you want to be famous, there is still a long way ______

A.go B.going C.to go D.goes
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I think the blue shirt looks _____ better on you than the red one.

A.quite B.more C.much D.very
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--- What____ your mother______?
---- She is friendly and kind

A.is; like B.does; like C.do; look like D.does; think of
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He is very excited about _____ a policeman.

A.becoming B.become C.to become D.became
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  • 难度:未知

--Can you tell me____________?
---- You can take No.16 bus.

A.how can we get to the Olympic Park
B.how we can get to the Olympic Park
C.how did we get to the Olympic Park
D.how we got to the Olympic Park
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Pandas live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China. They mainly   1  bamboo, and each panda   2 a lot of bamboo every day. The area of bamboo is becoming smaller for many different   3 ,so pandas have  4   land to live  5   . Pandas don’t have many babies, and baby pandas often   6  . The situation is becoming very serious.
Our government is working hard to save pandas. There are more than 30 natures reserves to protect pandas but these are not enough. The government has made a new plan   7 pandas. The nature reserves will be bigger and the bamboo will grow  .Then the pandas will have enough food to eat and enough places to live in. Pandas born in the zoos may   9  live in the nature reserves.
Most people love pandas. The panda is one of the best-known   10  in the world. It is the symbol for the World Wide Fund for Nature.

A.live in B.live on C.live for D.live at

A.need eating B.needs eating C.need to eat D.needs to eat

A.causes B.excuse C.reasons D.result

A.fewer and fewer B.more and more C.less and less D.bigger and bigger

A.on B.in C.at D.into

A.dying B.die C.death D.dead

A.help B.helping C.to help D.helps

A.well B.better C.bad D.worse

A.goes back B.go back to C.go back D.goes back to

A.animals B.animal C.an animal D.the animals

  • 题型:未知
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In the middle of a dark forest, there lives an owl(猫头鹰). All the animals know that he is the wisest(聪明的) among all of them. So they often go to him and tell him their troubles. Then the owl always teaches them what they should do.
One day, a little bird goes up to the owl. She is crying. “what’s wrong with you?” asks the owl.
“I’m not happy at all. I don’t want to be a bird,” the bird says.
“Why don’t you want to be a bird?” asks the owl.
“I am so small, weak and useless,” she cries. “I want to be big and strong like the lion. He is very important, but I am not”
Then the owl whispers(耳语) something in her ear. At once the bird dries her tears and goes away. One week later, the bird came back. “Oh, thank you very much. You are a very wise owl,” she says to the owl. “I am very happy now. Every day, I sit on top of the tallest tree and watch for(监视) lions and tigers. When they come near, I shout at the top of my voice. Then my friend all run and hide. They are very thankful to me. I am useful and important now”
The wise owl smiles and says, “No one in this world is useless.”
The animals in the forest visit the owl because_____________

A.they are all afraid of him
B.the owl can help them when they don’t feel well
C.the owl can tell them what they should do when they have some problems.
D.they are wiser than the owl.

The little bird is not happy because______________

A.the lion often beats her
B.she thinks she is too small, weak and useless
C.she wants to kill the lion
D.she is very important.

The owl tells the bird_______________

A.that she is stronger than the lions and the tigers
B.that she must be happy
C.that she must run and hide
D.to sit on top of the tallest tree and watch for lions and tigers

The underlined word “tears” means “_______” in Chinese.

A.眼珠 B.汗水 C.眼泪 D.雨水

From the story we know ______________.

A.the bird’s friends are very thankful to her because she drives the tigers and lions away(赶走)
B.the lions and tigers run away when they hear the bird’s voice
C.the bird thinks that she is useful and important now
D.the owl is useless.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

How much should you save? You may be able to save 100% of your money. Does that mean you should? Not at all. The best way to develop good saving habits is to make saving a regular part of your life, along with spending.
Here is the rule you should remember: save before spending. Whenever some money gets into your hands, from a job or your pocket money or whatever, take your savings out immediately, before spending any of the money. The beauty of this system is that if you take away your savings, you are free to spend the rest.
Here are some more suggestions on how to successfully get into the saving habit from teens. Let’s see!
Tony,13: I put my money in a bank instead of my wallet, so the money is not there. And I have to take an extra step to get it.
Bill,14: When considering a major purchase(购买), wait a week or so, at least. This will help you make sure if you still want it, and the price might go down.
Dick, 13: Carry very little money always. You can’t spend money if you don’t have it. A cake would be nice, but without a dollar, you can’t get it. Little things like that really add up quickly.
Steve,16: I used to be weak when it came to money. I bought something whenever I went into a store. I’m glad I’m not that person now. I taught myself discipline by keeping a $20 bill in my pocket while waking around the mall all day and not buying anything. Now I have no strong wish to buy things when I go into a store. It works for me.
These ideas should help you get started. If you have some questions about anything you’ve read here, or would like to share your ideas about saving money, please write to us.
How does Tony advise you about saving money?

A.By keeping money in a bank.
B.By putting money in a wallet.
C.By making it easy to get your money.
D.By buying little things.

According to Billy, if you want to buy something expensive, you’d better_________.

A.wait at least a month
B.make sure it’s necessary
C.wait until it’s for sale
D.ask somebody for help

According to the passage, Steve is the person who _______.

A.didn’t carry any money
B.can’t wait to spend his money now
C.didn’t use to buy anything in a store
D.doesn’t spend money quickly and carelessly now

Where is the passage most probably from?

A.A dictionary B.The instructions C.A newspaper D.An advertisement.

The writer wrote the passage in order to ask teens to_______.

A.make major purchases
B.save 100% of their money
C.spend all their savings regularly
D.save money regularly as well as spending
  • 题型:未知
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You can buy fruit here, _________ _________, oranges and bananas.
I have known David for_________ _________20 years.
What _________ _________do you mean?
Have you _________ _________why he is late?
Most of the Asians mainly _________ _________rice.

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A: Good morning, madam.(1)_________________________?
B: Yes, please. I’d like a dress.
A: _______(2 )____________________?
B: Size M.
A: OK! ________(3 )_______________?
B: It looks nice. But it’s a little short.
A: Well! Look at that green one. It’s a bit longer. It’s nice , too.
B: Yes. It looks as nice as the blue one. Can I try it on?
A: Of course.
B: Oh, good! It’s just right. ________(4)_________________?
A: Eighty yuan.
B:I will take it. Here’s the money.
A: Here you are, Goodbye!
B:  ________(5 )_________!

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

______________ 稍微;有点
_____________ 当然
write down______________
take part  ______________
hear of   _______________
look after ________________
shake hands______________

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  • 难度:未知

On the evening of October7, Li Fen was watching TV while his mother was b___ cooking supper in the kitchen. S ___the telephone rang. Li Fen q __ picked it up to a_ the call. It was from a good friend of his m___. She wanted to say “Happy Birthday” to his mother. “Today is mother’s birthday, but I have already f ___ all about it. Mother gives me a lot of l __ and care while I didn’t care for her e __ . From now on. I must always rthis, s__ my love to her and care for her enough,” Li Fen thought to himself, feeling a little ashamed(惭愧的).

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

根据所给提示写一篇题为“My English teacher”的短文,70词左右。
提示:(1)Jackson, 英国人,40岁,1.72米高,中等身材,短而卷的金黄头发,大鼻子;

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