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--Did you go to the park last Sunday?
--______. But it was too crowded.

A. No, I didn’t B. No, I don’t
C.Yes, I did. D.No,he didn’t
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--_______ do you exercise?
--  Three times a week.

A. How long B. How far
C. How often D.How much
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_____he is ill, ____ he goes to school.

A.Although, but B./. /
C.Although, / D.But, although
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Tina works as ________as Amy.

A.hard B.harder
C.the hardest. D.the harder
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China is famous ________ the Great Wall.

A.as B.with C.for D.at
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There doesn’t seem_____much hope of our beating that team.

A.that B.to have C.to D.to be
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The twins are _____from each other. Can you tell me the ______ between them?

A.different; different B.differnet; differences
C.difference;different D.differences; different
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Eat _____fruit and vegetables but ______chocolate, and you can be healthier.

A.much, less B.more, less
C.much, little D.more, few
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He finished ____his book last year, and now he is planning ____another new one.

A.writing, writing B.to write, to write
C.writing, to write D.to write, writing
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Most British high school children ______uniforms at school.

A.wear B.dress C.put on D.dress up
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I found Li Ming ________in the river on my way home.

A.to swim B.swimming C.swims D.swam
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–How often do you go to concert?
--______ever. I am not interested in that at all.

A.Usually B.Hardly C.Almost D.Never
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He bought a lot of fruit,_______apples and oranges.

A.such as B.for example C.so as D.same as
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---How nice the building is!
---It _____a hotel. But I am not sure.

A.must be B.have to be C.may be D.can be
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My daughter wants to ______a pianist when she grows up.

A.become B.get C.turn D.go
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I run faster than______in my class.

A.any other boys B.the other boys
C.any boy D.another boy
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Tina is            at playing soccer than Tara.

A.more better B.much better
C.a lot good D.much more better
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There are a lot of flowers on            sides of the street.

A.each B.both C.all D.either
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I don’t think  it is a            performance.

A.success B.succeed C.successful D.successfully
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The weather in Beijing is colder than           .

A.in Shanghai B.Shanghai
C.that in Shanghai D.of Shanghai
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         do you          sitcoms? I love them .

A.What, like B.What , think of
C.How ,think of D.How, think
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I ate ______ for lunch yesterday. It tasted good.

A.something special. B.special something
C.anything special D.special anything
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--- Who is ________, Tom, Mike or Jim?
--- I think Jim is.

A.the tallest B.talle
C.tallest. D.the taller
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She eats a lot of vegetables and fruit every day to ______ healthy.

A.look B.make C.stay D.sound
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______ people in our city knew David ten years ago, but now he is very famous.

A.A few B.Few C.A little D.Any
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There ______ a meeting last Monday.

A.is B.was C.has D.had
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--- Who do you think is         actor?  --- I think Zhao Benshan is.

A.the most funny B.most funny
C.funniest D.the funniest
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Do you mind         the door?

A.open B.to open C.opening D.opens
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I can’t         that man, because he is too lazy.

A.stand B.like C.mind D.love
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Would you like _______to eat?

A.something delicious B.delicious anything
C.anything delicious D.delicious something
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London is such a wonderful city. It is very large. The Thames River runs        the city from west to east. So the city has         parts; the South and the North. In the North, there are important buildings, shops,big parks and interesting places. The weather in London is good. In winter it is not very cold and in summer it is not very hot        the city is near the sea. People say ________London is a foggy city and it often rains. It is true. Last year, when I        in London I met one of the         fogs in years. You could hardly see your hand in front of your face. Cars and buses moved along with their lights on. When evening fell, the weather ________ even worse. The fog was as thick as milk.  ________ the buses and cars stopped. I happened________an important meeting on the other side of the town, but it was impossible to find a car. I had to get there  ________  .
A. about      B. through      C. along
A. four      B. two         C. five
A. because   B. so          C. but
A. what      B. where        C. that
A. were       B. am          C. was
A. thick      B. thicker     C. thickest
A. become     B. turn        C. got
A. All       B. Each        C. None
A. to have   B. had         C. having
A. by bus   B. by car       C. on foot

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Bruno was a boy of eight. His father worked in a cinema and his mother worked in a shop. He lived not far from his school. He always walked there and walked home. On his way to school, he had to pass a playground. It was full of water after it rained. Many boys liked playing in the water, so they often got their clothes wet. One day, when Bruno got home, his clothes were all wet. His mother got angry and said, "Don't play in the water on your way home from school!"
The next day, Bruno came home with wet and dirty clothes. His mother got angrier. "I’ll tell your father if you come back wet again, " said his mother.
The third day the little boy was dry when he came home.
"You are a good boy today,” his mother said happily. "You didn’t play in the water.”
"No,” the boy said unhappily. "There were too many older boys in the water when I got there this afternoon. There wasn't any room for me at all. "
His mother was a ________.

A.movie maker B.teacher
C.shop assistant D.housewife

Bruno went to school________

A.by bus B.by bike
C.in his father's car D.on foot

Bruno got wet________

A.because of the rain
B.because he played in the water
C.because it was hot that day
D.because he passed the playground

Bruno played in the water ________

A.once B.twice C.three times D.four times

From the story we can know that________

A.Bruno’s father was not angry when he knew Bruno got wet,
B.Bruno didn’t play in the water because he didn’t want to make his mother angry,
C.Bruno was not a student.
D.Bruno liked playing in the water.
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Many people today like exercise. Some like to run, and some like to walk. Others dance or play balls. They do different kinds of exercise. Why do people like exercising? It’s good for their health. And exercise helps to make them tired, so they sleep better at night.
You may like to run. If you do, take care of your feet. Make sure you have the right shoes. Some people like to run on roads, but they must watch out for cars.
Walking is a good exercise. You may take a long walk in the park. It’s more fun if you don’t go alone. Go with a friend. Both of you may have a great time.
Some people like to swim. But others don’t like to go into the water. If you like this kind of exercise, make sure that someone is watching you. You must always take care when you are in the water. Jumping a rope (跳绳) or riding a bike is also good exercise. There are many other exercises. Find out what you like. You may need help at first. Some people often do exercise, and they can help you. Do exercise every day, and you will know what it makes you feel.
The passage tells us about _______.

A.running B.swimming C.walking D.exercise

If you want to run for exercise, you should _______.

A.have the right shoes
B.run fast on the roads
C.go with a friend
D.let someone watch you

They must watch out for cars. Here “watch out” means _____.

A.向外看 B.左右看 C.小心 D.担心

In the passage there are _______ kinds of exercise.

A.5 B.6 C.7 D.8

What should you do if you want to do exercise?
A. Find out what you like.    B. Ask for help at first.
C. Exercise every day.        D. A、B and C.

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I usually sleep l________ than eight hours a night.
What’s your favorite TV p___________ ?
You can get more i________  about our club on the Internet.
It’s   _________ (必要的) for us to work hard every day.
He is too lazy. You can’t  __________ (期待)him to help

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Are you ready ___________(help)) the blind (盲人)with us?
I hope ___________(buy) a big house for my parents.
Wuhan is ___________(hot) of the three __________(city) called “Three Furnaces”.
Of the two, Peter is ___________(thin).
I am sure that your bag is smaller than _________(me).
Mr. Smith plays tennis _________(two) a day.
Tom is much __________(quiet) than his friends.
Please tell me about the __________ (different) between Lucy and Lily.
My little sister has a good__________ (eat) habit.

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It’s impolite to ________ ________others 。
Mary is one of          _________ ________ students in our class.
This book _________ __________ last year.
Japanese is less useful than Chinese. (改为同义句)
Japanese _____ as useful _____ Chinese.
My brother is so young that he can’t go to school now. ( 改为同义句)
My brother is ______ ______  to go to school.
It’s an interesting talk show。( 改为感叹句)
      interesting talk show it is!
Jane hardly  eats junk food.(改为反意疑问句)
Jane hardly  eats junk food,  _______ _______?

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In August 2015, my husband and I visited London with our two sons Sam and Eric. They were 12 and 10 years old at that time.  We spent four days visiting some interesting places there. The last day , I wanted to relax at the hotel. But the children didn’t like that. So I carefully thought about how we would spend the last day.
I read a passage about HMS Belfast in a magazine. In fact, I don’t like visiting a warship(战舰). I only thought that Sam would enjoy visiting it and his dad might like it, too.So we decided to go there .
The weather was sunny that day. We started at 8:00 a.m. It took us about two hours to get there from the hotel. Children under 16 were free of charge. The price of the ticket for an adult was £14. The warship was very large. We took some photos there. Sam对战舰上面的所有东西都感兴趣。He told me it was the most imteresting place in London.
回答问题:How many days did they spend in London ?
The writer went to London with her            and two             .

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参考词汇: 故宫 the Palace Museum; 北京烤鸭Beijing Roast Duck

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