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What’s up, Bill? You __________upset.

A.look B.looked C.have looked D.had looked
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_______ patient when you argue with someone who is not so reasonable.

A.Be B.Being C.To be D.Having been
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  • 难度:未知

It is more important than ever to develop one’s maths, science and computer skills _______technological change is accelerating.

A.though B.unless C.until D.because
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While looking for some personal documents, I happened to see an album __________some old photographs.

A.contained B.to contain
C.containing D.being contained
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  • 难度:未知

--Oh, I __________my passport!
--Don’t worry. We have time to go back home and get it.

A.forget B.forgot
C.will forget D.had forgot
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  • 难度:未知

His study was a mess with lots of books and magazines __________up everywhere.

A.to pile B.having piled
C.piled D.to be piled
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  • 难度:未知

An advantage of being the youngest child in his family is __________he gets a lot of attention.

A.that B.whether C.why D.when
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Hotels fill up fast during the busy tourist season, __________it is necessary for tourists to make reservations in advance.

A.or B.so C.for D.but
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He failed the driving test though he __________for a long time.

A.practises B.has practised
C.was practising D.had been practising
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  • 难度:未知

--Why won’t you go to Jim’s birthday party with us?
--Well, I don’t like him, if you ________know.

A.can B.may C.must D.should
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Due to the light pollution, stars are too faint _________with naked eyes in the urban area.

A.observing B.being observed
C.to be observed D.to be observing
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  • 难度:未知

The professor can answer almost any question __________we have about any history topic.

A.as B.that C.why D.where
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--I think we are lost. I’ve no idea where we are.
--I wish we __________the map with us.

A.bring B.would bring
C.have brought D.had brought
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  • 难度:未知

The books sold ________millions in one day, and the publisher had to print another ten thousand copies.

A.with B.in C.for D.at
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The researchers have discovered __________they believe to be a new species.

A.which B.who C.where D.what
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The 100th Running Shoe Keychain
When I was in Grade 6, I joined the cross country running club. I hated running but______ because my friends were in the club. I worked hard but no matter how hard I trained, I ______ came in the last. After yet another meet where I came in last, I told my coach that I was going to ______. I couldn’t run. I hated running and all I was doing was pulling the ______ down. I don’t remember his words, but I do remember he ______to let me quit. I remember feeling that he believed in me even though I didn’t believe in myself. I kept ______and participating in the meets. He never gave up on me. Instead, he always encouraged me to keep going, and told me that I could do it.
Then the final meet came, a huge ______ with less than two hundred students running. We learned that not only the first 20 students ______ the line would win an award, but also the first 100 would be given a running shoe keychain as encouragement. We set off and I quickly______behind. I didn’t stop and kept running. My friends who_____me encouraged me to keep running. When I passed the_____, finally, and received the 100th keychain, there were still students behind me. For the first time, I was not the_____one! I remember how excited I felt and how my friends felt happy for me.
The following week there was a school gathering. We were all called up in front of the school. The coach shared that we were high_____at the meet, and almost everyone on the team came home with_____. I felt ashamed, for I was the one who didn’t win an award. I only came in the 100th place and didn’t______ his praise. Then he came behind me, put his hands on my shoulders and told the school he was _____of me because I never gave up and because of that, I pulled from last ______to the middle of the race--which was an unbelievable personal ______. He spoke on how we all ______one another and how well we worked together, ______we all were racing alone.
I still keep that keychain, which tells me never to give up and always work with others. It doesn’t matter if you are the first; what matters is doing your best.

A.obeyed B.joined C.agreed D.practised

A.constantly B.approximately C.personally D.absolutely

A.fall B.lose C.rest D.quit

A.score B.coach C.team D.record

A.regretted B.forbade C.refused D.hesitated

A.begging B.applying C.failing D.training

A.affair B.success C.amount D.honour

A.to B.beyond C.over D.across

A.followed B.fell C.left D.kept

A.helped B.inspired C.passed D.supported

A.field B.line C.test D.match

A.least B.last C.quickest D.farthest

A.spots B.speeds C.quality D.chance

A.presents B.keychains C.wishes D.awards

A.believe B.value C.deserve D.request

A.aware B.proud C.capable D.sure

A.place B.number C.race D.minute

A.matter B.ambition C.victory D.opinion

A.encouraged B.introduced C.proved D.attracted

A.as if B.in case C.as long as D.even though

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A Special Halloween Party
Ever since its opening, “Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party” has been the center of attraction for thousands of Disney vacationers during Halloween in Orlando. Started as a special one night event in 1995, this Halloween event at Disney World has been transformed and developed into one of the most family-fun events today, and runs throughout selected nights in September, October and November.
“Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party” guarantees a unique Halloween experience right in the middle of the most magical place on Earth. Whether it’s you or the kids, “Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party” welcomes all with equal fun and entertainment opportunities. Visiting this special Halloween party once in your life is a dream that comes true. Even though it costs you a few extra dollars, there is every reason to visit it.
It starts at 7 pm on every selected night and continues till midnight. During the show the entire Magic Kingdom Park is transformed into a heaven of Halloween adventures, including amazing fireworks, grand parade, and plenty of trick-or-treat opportunities. One of the most striking features of the event is--guests are allowed to visit in their favorite Halloween costumes(服装). Unlike the usual party guidelines, there is no restriction for dresses at “Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party”. Both adults and kids are encouraged to choose their favourite Halloween costumes.
The Party unfolds amazing Halloween activities. If you are a character lover, don’t miss the various “Character Meet& Greet” opportunities. Let your child take photos with his or her famous Disney characters. Or you can have a magical trick-or-treat experience at the numerous candy locations all over the park with the kids. Also don’t miss the unique “Mickey’s Boo to You Halloween Parade”, which is one of the rarest, must-see Disney shows. The parade also enables you to see all your favorite Disney characters in their own Halloween costumes. The skeleton(骨架) dancers make the Parade a little scary too, but it’s a great fun. The “Hallo Wishes Firework Display” is another grand show, which lasted for about 20 minutes and one should not miss at the party.
“Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party” __________.

A.is an event intended for all ages
B.attracts more tourists than usual
C.is usually held on Halloween night
D.lasts longer than regular Disney parties

Tourists to “Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party” need to ___________.

A.wear Halloween costumes
B.prepare trick-or-treat candies
C.go to the party with their families
D.pay more for admission than regular days

In “Mickey’s Boo to You Halloween Parade”, tourists will be able to ___________.

A.see holiday symbols
B.watch grand firework
C.frighten each other for fun
D.take photos with Disney characters
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  • 难度:未知

Hockerill’s Suggestion
Caught between the rising cost of university tuition in England and the falling percentage of applicants offered places, one British school is giving its students some surprising advice.
By any measure HockerilI is one of the most successful schools in Britain. Named last month as one of the government’s flagship academies, its students regularly come at or near the top of exam results for the entire country, outperforming such famous names as Eton or Harrow. But unlike those private schools, where fees can exceed £28, 000 or £45, 000 a year, Hockerill, in the Hertfordshire town, is a state comprehensive, which charges no tuition fees and is forbidden from selecting its students on the basis of academic ability. And while a third of Hockerill’s 830 students are boarders, they are chosen on the basis of need rather than ability to pay.
So when the school’s principal heard of government plans to raise university tuition fees in England to £9, 000 a year, he decided to make use of the school’s international focus. urging his students to apply to universities abroad and hiring a counselor(顾问) to help the students who want to apply to universities in countries whose fees are cheaper. “If you can get into a university in France and pay about £180 a year for an education at one of the best institutions in the world, why would you pay £9, 000 a year in Britain?” the principal asked.
Pupils at Hockerill are offered a choice of seven foreign languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese or Mandarin. History and geography classes are taught exclusively in French or German. But with English rapidly becoming the international language of education, even less linguistically flexible students soon find that going abroad can save them money while enhancing the quality of their education.
“Our students can get to Maastricht in Holland by train more quickly than they can get to Lees from London,” the principal said. Just over the border from Germany and Belgium, Maastricht University offers a highly regarded undergraduate program taught in English. Tuition fees are about £1, 430, a year. Germany and France offer even greater savings.
What is Hockerill’s suggestion to its students?

A.Learning foreign languages.
B.Picking courses on their basic needs.
C.Applying for less famous universities.
D.Receiving further education outside of UK.

We can learn from the passage that Hockerill __________.

A.admits students based on their academic performance
B.provides dormitories to the students in need
C.collects less money than private schools
D.hires counselors for every student

What’s Hockerill’s principle’s attitude towards government’s tuition plan?

A.Neutral. B.Supportive.
C.Indifferent. D.Negative.

Students choosing Maastricht in Holland will benefit from the followings EXCEPT_________.

A.education quality
B.convenient location
C.flexible program plans
D.lessons taught in English
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

“Oh, my God! Did I really just send that text?” Most people have said something that they wish they could take back. And if they had paused to think about it first, they probably would have acted differently. Pausing doesn’t pay off just when you speak. Scientific studies have shown that making a habit of pausing before you do something can actually have a big impact on how your life turns out.
In making decisions we rely on two areas of the brain. One area creates and processes emotions; the other governs logical thought. The type of decision, how we feel about it, and how prepared we are to handle it help determine which brain area has the most influence.
But our age also plays an important role. Thinking through the consequences of one’s actions is actually harder for teens because the area controlling logical thought is not fully developed until around age 25. This is why teens often feel an intense emotional drive to act impulsively--it’s how their brains are structured! Though this tendency to act without considering the outcomes can lead to problematic situations, impulsivity during the developmental years evolves because it makes teens more open to new experiences and ideas. This openness helps teens become independent adults.
The key to making impulsivity work for you--instead of against you--is to train your brain by practicing pausing. This doesn’t mean you stop taking risks or being open to new experiences. But you won’t know if the risk is worth it until you think it through. Deciding to take a risk based on logic shows self-control, not impulsivity.
What are different ways to pause? You might take a deep breath, count to 10, or ask, “Is this worth it?” Different strategies work for different people. Whatever works for you, keep doing it! By practicing pausing, you can actually change your brain. This means that over time, pausing, instead of immediately reacting, becomes your “natural” response. And with this change, people are on their way to enjoying the life rewards that come with high levels of self-control--even if they weren’t natural--born pausers!
What challenges teenagers________?

A.Giving natural response.
B.Making logical decision.
C.Acting before thorough thinking.
D.Choosing brain-training strategies.

An impulsive person tends to __________.

A.think through a risk in advance
B.show high level of self-control
C.consider or accept new ideas
D.change ideas frequently

According to the passage, by training one’s brain, one can __________.

A.stop taking risks
B.fully develop one’s brain
C.become more open to new experience
D.reduce the influence of emotional drive

What is the best title for the passage________?

A.Discover the Brain Function
B.Crying Over the Spilt Milk
C.Push the Pause Button
D.Impulsivity Works
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Fencing or Not
Wildlife fences are constructed for a variety of reasons including to prevent the spread of diseases, to protect wildlife from poachers(偷猎者), and to help manage small populations of threatened species. Human-wildlife conflict is another common reason for building fences. Wildlife can damage valuable farm animals and crops. Some species carry diseases of agricultural concern, and a few threaten human lives. At the same time, people kill wild animals for food, trade, or to defend lives or property, and human activities destroy wildlife habitat(栖息地). Separating people and wildlife by fencing can appear to be a mutually beneficial way to avoid such harmful effects. But in a paper in the journal Science, published recently, some scientists argue that fencing should only be used if worse comes to worst.
According to the scientists, although fencing can have conservation benefits, it also has costs. When areas of wildlife habitat are changed into islands, the resulting small and isolated populations tend towards extinction, and the resulting loss of larger-bodied species can affect interactions between species in ways that cause further local extinctions. Therefore, scientists are asking that conservationists carefully weigh up the biodiversity costs and benefits of new and existing fences.
In addition to fences’ ecosystem-wide impact, the scientists don’t think they always achieve their specific aims. Construction of fences to reduce human-wildlife conflict has been successful in some places but the challenges of appropriate fence design, location, construction, and protection mean that fences often fail to deliver the anticipated benefits. In some places, fences also provide poachers with a ready supply of wire for making traps.
A variety of alternative approaches, including better caring for farm animals, community-based crop-guarding, insurance and wildlife-sensitive land-use planning are suggested to reduce conflicts between people and wildlife without the need for fencing. Some projects working with local people and government agencies in Indonesia have shown that human-elephant conflict can be dramatically reduced without using fences.
The scientists conclude that as climate change increases the importance of facilitating wildlife mobility and conserving landscape connectivity, fence removal may become an important form of climate change preparation, and so fencing of wildlife should be avoided whenever possible.
What does the underlined word “mutually” in Paragraph 1 probably mean________?

A.Indeed. B.Outdoors. C.Straight. D.Both.

According to the scientists, what will fencing influence______?

A.Land building.
B.Species diversity.
C.Human population.
D.Wildlife’s body size.

What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 4_______?

A.Replacements for fences.
B.Wildlife-protection methods.
C.Effective land-use approaches.
D.Conflicts between human and wildlife

The main purpose of the passage is to ________.

A.argue and prove
B.inform and explain
C.appeal and discuss
D.compare and assess
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Powerful Negotiation
Negotiation is one of those aspects of life we face on a everyday basis. Through great negotiation techniques, you can be very successful in your work, as well as your personal life. Negotiation is a skill or a talent. ____However it is achievable through learning and practice. There are some important tips you need to keep in mind.
When negotiating, you must be able to successfully present your argument. Do not be shy and avoid the topic. There should be no surprises at the last minute. _____. And you should always keep your emotions away from the discussion.
____If negotiating on a wage rate and someone asks you what rate you are expecting, respond with a question back to them by asking them what amount they are willing to pay. Believe in what you are asking for. You can choose an amount and not change your mind. Or ask for more than what you intend on receiving and be willing to negotiate. Convince them that they can give you a better offer than the present one.
______Be able to give the impression that you may walk away from the deal that is being offered to you. You must also be ready to offer the other party those things which do not have any impact on your side of the deal or the things you are willing to compromise on. ______This will ensure a good relationship between both parties at the end of the conversation.
These are some important points and tips every successful negotiator should keep in mind. With practice you will be a far more confident negotiator.

A.Be very clear on your bottom line.
B.Not everyone has the ability to negotiate.
C.Never take the first step when negotiating.
D.Being calm and patient while negotiating is very important.

E. Try your best, and you are more likely to master the negotiation skills.
F. If you have other options, ensure the other party won’t be aware of them.
G. This way, everyone feels they have contributed to the negotiation process.

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  • 难度:未知

1. 当日下午在金宝街西头的一个角落里拾得;
2. 手包内发现失主名片及失主的护照和信用卡;
3. 名片上的电话打不通, 希望尽快取得联系, 你的电话号码:13801672389。
1. 词数不少于50。
2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
3. 开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数。
Dear Ms White,
Li Hua

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  • 难度:未知

假设你是红星中学高二(1)班的学生李华。下面四幅图描述了你从图书馆借书及以后发生的事情, 请根据图片的先后顺序, 为校刊“英语园地”写一篇短文。词数不少于60。


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