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We live in computer age (时代). People     1     scientists, teachers, writers and even students use computers to do all kinds of work. But more than 30 years ago,     2    couldn't do much. They were very big and expensive. Very     3    people were interested in them and knew how to use them. Today computers are smaller and     4    . But they can do a lot of work, many people like to use them. Some people     5    have them at home.
Computers become very important because they can work     6    than people and make fewer mistakes. Computers can     7    people do a lot of work. Writers now use computers to     8    . Teachers use them to help teaching. Students use them to     9    . Computers can also remember what you     10    them. Computers are very useful and helpful. They are our friends. Do you want to have a computer?

A.like B.as C.and D.with

A.students B.scientists C.teachers D.computers

A.few B.a few C.little D.a little

A.cheap B.cheaper C.more expensive

A.even B.still C.already D.yet

A.fast B.faster C.slow D.slower

A.help B.make D.use

A.write B.play C.study D.learn

A.sing B.study C.dance D.watch

A.put in B.put on C.put into D.put up

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A: You shouldn’t join the Lions.
A: If you become a professional soccer player, you’ll never go to college.
B: But I really want to play soccer. I want a job I love, I want to be happy.
A:     ___But there are many interesting jobs you’d like.
B: But my dream is to play soccer!     ____
A: Of course it’s exciting. And I know you want to make a lot of money,  ______
B: I know. _________

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We live in the computer age. People use computers to do much of their work. But few people know how to look after them. Remember the following when you use your computer:
1.Keep your computer in a cool, dry room. Too much or too little heat is bad for computers. Damp(潮湿) is also bad for them.
2.Do not let people smoke near your computer. Smoke of all kinds is very bad for many parts of a computer.
3.Do not eat or drink when you are near your computer. Pieces of food and a little water in the keyboard are also bad for a computer.
4.Keep your screen clean and do not have it too bright. They are bad for your eyes. Make sure the screen is not too far from or too near your eyes. Some people use different glasses to protect their eyes when they use a computer.
Computers can          people to do a lot of work.

A.use B.help C.make D.take

Few people know how to          their computers.

A.look at B.try out C.look for D.take care of

A computer works well at a temperature of         .

A.0℃ B.-5℃ C.20℃ D.35℃

Smoke is not good for many parts of a computer, is it?

A.Yes,it is. B.No,it isn’t. C.Yes,a little. D.Not at all.

A dirty screen or a very bright screen is    for your eyes.

A.bad B.good C.useful D.helpful
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What will you do if you get 5 million (百万)? Some people give some different answers.
Sally: I want to do business (生意). If I am rich, I will do a lot of things for my family. For me nothing is more important than my family. I will buy a new house for them and travel around the world.
Joe: If I have 5 million, I will use the money to do everything I like. At first, I will use 2 million to open my own shop. And I will use another 2 million to buy some new houses. In the future, the houses which I buy will become more expensive,and I will sell them to other people. Finally, I will use 1 million to buy some presents for my family and my best friend.
Anna: If I have 5 million, I will put 3 million in the bank and spend 2 million. I will visit Paris, London and New York. I will eat delicious food, play games, and build a building with a swimming pool.
Jack: I will buy an island if I have 5 million. Then I will be the king of the island nad I will invite my friends to my island.
Who will do business if he/she gets 5 million.?

A.Sally B.jack C.Anna D.We don’t know.

What will Anna do if she gets 5 million?

A.Do business
B.Open a shop
C.Buy an island
D.Put three million in the bank and spend 2 million.

What will Joe do with the last 1 million if he gets 5 million?

A.He will buy some new houses
B.He will open his own shop
C.He will buy some presents for his family and his best friend
D.He will build a building.

Where will Anna visit if she gets 5 million?

A.China and japan
B.London, Paris and New York
C.London, Paris and Belgium
D.Angola, Cuba and Inda.

What does the passage talk about?

A.If one loses money, what will she/he do?
B.If one borrows 5 million, what will he/she do?
C.If one gets 5 millions, what will he/she do?
D.If one builds a big building, he/ she will sell it.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Children need time to do things by t_______(他们自己)
Rodert and his friends walked home together in  s________(沉默)
Could you pass on the  m________(消息) to Alice?
Marcia wants to have a s _________(惊讶) party for her mom.
How  l_________(幸运的) you are!

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People who have finished education often admire students for their carefree life. But they don't know how difficult it is to ___1__ a student. He can never finish his homework. Furthermore, he has to ___2___ the great pressure of examinations. Everyone wants to get the first __3__ in exams. And after school, there are also many extra classes waiting for him. The worst of all is that students can hardly do ____4__they really love to do, for they ___5__ almost all their time on studies.
(    ) 1.  A. grow    B. take      C. as        D. be
(    ) 2.  A. use     B. become    C. face      D. wait
(    ) 3.  A. place    B. top       C. position    D. desk
(    ) 4.  A. how    B. why      C. what     D. which
(    ) 5.  A. take    B. spend     C. take     D. have

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We had a math contest today. I am good at math, so I ___1____it quickly. I was the first one to _____2___ the paper. I was sitting on my seat relaxing, while the teacher shouted, "Whose paper is this?" I made no response. Some time later, I suddenly realized that I didn’t sign my name on the paper. I stood up ____3___ and went to the teacher. She helped me find the __4____ paper and sign my name. I would have failed the contest if she hadn’t ____5___me in time.
(    )1.A. did        B. finished     C. worked       D. readed
(    )2. A. gave out    B. put out     C. hand in      D. took out
(    )3. A. hurriedly    B. quietly    C. worriedly     D. friendly
(    )4. A. nameless    B. test       C. writing      D. blank
(    )5. A. told        B. asked      C. said        D. reminded

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-Do you hear there was _______ fire in the shopping mall last night?
- Yes. I never thought _______ fire can be so terrible.

A.the; the B./; a C.the; a D.a; /
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- Take one more pen. If your pen doesn't work during the exam, you can use the other one.
- OK, Mum. You are always_______.

A.grateful B.useful C.thoughtful D.wonderful
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The boy learns everything quickly because he has a good _______.

A.memory B.idea C.ability D.dream
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- Does the MP4 0n the desk belong to_______?
- No, it is _______.

A.you; her B.hers; mine C.you; his D.him; you
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_______ boys in my class can ski but _______ of them can do as well as Jim does.

A.Few; few B.Many; few C.A few; many D.A few; a few
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- Look! Mrs Green is wearing a black dress today.
- I think she _______ wear red. She looks young in red.

A.should B.must C.may D.need
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The boy _______ that the duck _______ two eggs yesterday.

A.lied; lied B.laid; laid C.lied; laid D.laid; lied
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- I've bought a box of chocolate for our daughter.
- Oh, how good a dad! But she doesn't like sweet things. _______ know that?

A.Do you B.Don't you C.Won't you D.Didn't you
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I'm too busy _______ my homework _______ walk my dog every day.

A.to do; to B.doing; to C.to do; / D.doing; /
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- Daniel is ill. I _______ to see him after school.
- Sorry to hear that. I _______ with you.

A.am going; will go B.am going; am going
C.will go; am going D.will go; am planning
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- Who left the window _______?
- Sorry. I forgot _______ it when I left yesterday.

A.opened; to close B.open; to close C.open; closing D.opening; closing
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- _______ does it take to get to the bus stop from your home?
- About twenty minutes.

A.How far B.How much C.How long D.How many
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- Mum, why _______ some water?
- Good idea. I am feeling a little thirsty.

A.not stop drinking B.not stop to drink
C.don't we stop drinking D.not we stop to drink
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It was difficult for me to _______ this morning because I slept too late last night.

A.wake up B.go up C.pull up D.pick up
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_______ enjoyable music programme on Channel 3!

A.How B.How an C.What D.What an
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---What are the police doing there?
---They are _______ the building. A robber ran into it just now.

A.finding B.searching for C.searching D.looking for
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--- Excuse me, where is the nearest hospital?
--- Go _______the road, then turn left _______the first turning.

A.down; in B.across; on C.along; at D.along; across
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--- _______did it _______ the conductor to check the tickets this morning?
--- Half an hour.

A.How soon; take B.How long; cost
C.How often; spent D.How long; take
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---Hi, Kate. You look tired. What’s the matter?  --- I _______well last night.

A.wasn’t B.don’t sleep C.haven’t slept D.didn’t sleep
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They _______ the train until it disappeared in the distance.

A.saw B.watched C.noticed D.realized
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  • 难度:未知

---Who left the window _______?
--- Sorry. I forgot _______it when I left yesterday.

A.opened; to close B.open; to close C.open; closing D.opening; closing
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If you want to keep _______, You _______ do more exercise and eat less.

A.health; shall B.healthy; shall C.health; should D.healthy; should
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I heard him _______ the piano in the next room at 10:00 last night.

A.played B.to play C.playing D.plays
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Be _______. Make sure not to make the same spelling mistake next time.

A.peaceful B.careful C.helpful D.thankful
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--- The exam was very easy, wasn’t it?  --- Yes, but I don’t think _______ could pass it.

A.somebody B.everybody C.nobody D.anybody
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---Tom finish the rest of your homework tonight and _______it to school tomorrow.
--- I will, Mr. Wu.

A.take B.get C.bring D.send
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--- Mum, could I play with my classmates for a while after I finish my homework?
--- _______. But you must come back before supper.

A.Yes, you can B.Yes, you could C.No, you can’t D.No, you couldn’t
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---_______ does this book belong to? --- It _______be Li Lei’s. There’s his name on it.

A.Who; must B.Whom; can’t C.Whose; must D.What; may
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---Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Museum?
--- Sorry, I’m a stranger here.

A.Thanks anyway B.It doesn’t matter C.Never mind D.No problem
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My father died when I was a baby, and my mother had to go out to work. I was the only  36   so I had no brothers and sisters to play with at home. I used to play in the street with other children, or ride my bike down to the park, but I remember I  37  a lot of time just sitting at home reading. We had a television, I think, but don’t remember   38   it very much.
My grandparents lived with us and we used to do a lot of things together.I remember we played cards a lot. At the weekends, my mother always  39  -- We often went down to the sea and swam, and I   40  to swim when I was quite young.
We didn’t have a car, so we went everywhere by bus. Occasionally(偶尔),one of my uncles used to come and take us out in his car, which was a great   41  .For holidays we always went to the seaside, but never far away maybe a short train journey.
My mother wasn’t very    42  , and I don’t remember her ever    43    me. In fact(事实上),I got my way too much.
I was given small pocket money because we weren’t very   44   and I probably spent most of it on sweets, as far as I remember I don’t think anyone thought they were   45  for you then.

A.child B.father C.friend D.mother

A.used B.kept C.took D.spent

A.repairing B.listening to C.watching D.looking at

A.let me in B.took me out C.told me stories D.went shopping

A.hates B.learned C.stopped D.forgot

A.game B.chance C.pain D.pleasure

A.strict(严格的) B.kind C.interested D.worried

A.playing with B.staying with C.beating D.loving

A.busy B.happy C.rich D.well

A.good B.bad C.important D.delicious

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What does little birdie say,
In her nest at peep(初现)of day?
Let me fly, says little birdie,
Mother, let me fly away,
Birdie, rest a little longer,
Till the little wings are stronger.
So she rests a little longer,
Then she flies away.
What does little baby say,
In her bed at peep of day?
Baby says, like little birdie,
Let me rise and fly away.
Baby, sleep a little longer,
Till the little limbs(四肢) are stronger.
If she sleeps a little longer,
Baby too shall fly away.
In the poem, which words rhyme with "say"?

A.longer, stronger B.say, day
C.day, away D.A, B and C

In the poem, where does the bird rest?

A.In her bed. B.In her nest
C.At peep of the day. D.In the sky.

How do you understand the last sentence If she sleeps a little longer, Baby too shall fly away?

A.If the baby sleeps for a long time, she can fly.
B.The baby is too lazy, so she wants to sleep longer.
C.The baby has a special ability to fly like a bird after she sleeps longer.
D.You should get enough power and abilities before you do something.
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Joan worked in a hospital as a nurse. One evening there was a big dance at the hospital. Most of the doctors and nurses would be there, but of course somebody had to be left to look after the sick children, and Joan was not of the lucky ones. She liked dancing very much, so when she had to start work that evening while her friends were getting ready to go to the dance, she felt very sorry for herself
She went to each sick child one after another and said good-night, until she came to we little boy, Dicky. He was eleven years old, but he was already able to talk like an adult(成年人). Poor Dicky had a very serious(严重的) illness, and now he was hardly (几乎不) able to move any part of his body except his hands. Joan knew he would never get any better, but he was always happy and always thinking about other people instead of about himself.
Dicky knew that Joan loved dancing, so now when she came to say good-night to him, he greeted(问候) her with the words, "I’m very sorry that you have to miss the dance because of us. But we are going to have a party for you. If you look in my drawer, you will find a piece of cake. I saved(省下) it from my supper today, so it is quite fresh. And there is also a dollar there. You can buy something to drink with that. And I’d get up and dance with you myself if I was able to," he added(补充说) .
Suddenly the hospital dance seemed very far away and not at all important to Joan.
Dicky was lovely because _______.

A.he was a nice, kind boy of eleven
B.he was always thinking about others more than himself
C.he saved a piece of cake for his nurse
D.he could foresee(预知) that he would never get any better

Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Dicky knew why Joan was unhappy. B.Dicky heard about the dance.
C.Dicky showed sympathy(同情) for Joan. D.Dicky got up to greet Joan when she came.

At that party arranged(安排) for Joan, Dicky probably _______.

A.got up and danced with her
B.gave Joan a piece of cake he had saved
C.brought her something to drink
D.lost the dollar which he was going to give Joan
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When you look at the sky at night, the moon looks bigger than the stars. Actually, the moon is much smaller than the stars and the sun. It’s much smaller than the earth. But the moon is much closer to us than any star. That is why it looks so big. If you hold a coin close to your eye, it looks big. If you look at it across the moon, it looks small.
The moon moves around the earth. It makes one trip in about four weeks. The moon looks flat to us. But it is a round ball, like the earth.
People once thought the moon had fire on it. They thought the fire made it bright. Now we know the moon is like a mirror. It gets its light from the sun.
Our sunlight comes from the sun, too. What is the sun? The sun is a star. The stars we can see have their own light. There are many big stars we cannot see. Their light had burned out. Others are still bright, but they are so far away that we cannot see them. The sun looks bigger and much brighter than other stars because it is the nearest of all stars. The sun and the other stars we see are very hot, but the air around us saves us from the heat of the sun.
The sun gives us light and warmth. It makes plants grow and turns leaves green. It makes life possible on our earth. It is a life giving star.
It takes _______ for the moon to go around the earth.

A.more than a week B.nearly a month C.half a year D.more than a year

The moon is bright because _______.

A.there is some fire on it B.it is near the sun, too
C.there is a big mirror on it D.it can get light from the sun

The passage tells us _______.

A.the sun is not the biggest star B.the sun is bigger than any other star
C.only the sun can shine D.the sun is one of the farthest stars to us

Why do we call the sun "a life giving star"?

A.Because it gives us warmth.
B.Because there are some living things on it.
C.Because plants and animals can’t live without it.
D.Because people have to live in the dark without it.
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My grandfather is celebrating his_______(第九十九)birthday.
Will you please put the piano_______(在…的对面)the sofa?
There are two_______ (座位)left in the back row.
Kenny has spent months_______(准备)to take the entrance exam.
Marcia_______(藏)the pictures in her desk drawer yesterday.
The neighbors had a _______(烧烤)Saturday night.
He tried to stop smoking and_______(失败).
Going into the hospital can be very_______(令人恐惧的).
I'll tell you about it _______(以后).
Look both ways before_______(穿过)the street.
Josie was all_______(独自)in a strange city.
It's a children's book, but l would like to_______(推荐)it to everyone.
He studied_______(地理)in college.
A queen-sized bed will never_______(容纳)in this room.
Sandy made her dress_______(她自己).
There was Cat_______(毛)all over the chair.
Those tortoises_______(下)their eggs on the beach last night.
Why are there so_______(少的)women in these jobs?
How many_______(条)of bread would you like'?
It was 20℃_______(低于)zero outside.

  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

1.He has a brother and a sister.(改为否定句)
He        have a brother         a sister.
2.Let’s go camping this Sunday,           ?(反意疑问句)
3.He was surprised to see the three men in the police office.(改为感叹句)
    surprised              to see the three men in the police office!
4.The teacher asked Tom to help with the work yesterday.(对划线部分提问)
What       the teacher     Tom to      yesterday?
5.Can you tell me what kind of pet I should get?(同义句转换)
Can you tell me what kind of pet            ?
6.The weight of the cow was 200 kilograms.(同义句转换)
The cow        200 kilograms.
7.Lily went to sleep and forgot to turn off the lights. (同义句转换)
Lily went to sleep       the lights        .
8.You can’t get there before 10 o’clock. (同义句转换)
It’s                you to get there before 10 o’clock.
9.Kate is good at speaking English. Jack is good at speaking English,too.(合并成一句)
Kate speaks English                     Jack.

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