
Lang Lang is a world-class young pianist who grew up in Shenyang. He went to a piano school in Beijing when he was just eight. “You need fortune(运气), ” his father said. “But        you work hard, no fortune will come.”
What made him sad was that his piano teacher in Beijing didn’t like him. “You have no      .You will never be a pianist.” As an eight-year-old boy, Lang Lang was badly       . He decided that he didn’t want to be a pianist any more. For the next two weeks, he didn’t touch the piano. Wisely, his father didn’t    , but waited.
Luckily the day came when his teacher asked him to play some holiday songs. He didn’t want to, but as he placed his fingers on the piano keys, he     he could show other people that he had ability to do it well. That day he told his father that he wanted to       with a new teacher. From that point on, everything turned around.
He started      competitions in the 1994 International Young Pianists Competition. When it was announced that Lang Lang had won, he was too           to hold back his tears. Soon it was clear that he couldn’t stay in China forever—he had to play on the world’s big stages. In 1997 Lang Lang      again, this time to Philadelphia, US. There he spent two years practicing and by 1999 he had worked hard enough for fortune to take over. After his     performance at Chicago’s Ravinia Festival, gigs (演奏会) in Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall started pouring in. Lang Lang finally worked to reach the place where fortune spots(找到) him, and lets him shine.

A.if B.unless C.when D.since

A.piano B.knowledge C.fortune D.talent

A.hurt B.ill C.broken D.scared

A.hear B.push C.eat D.sleep

A.realized B.explained C.forgot D.noticed

A.argue B.dance C.study D.interview

A.winning B.beating C.watching D.refusing

A.annoyed B.mad C.tired D.excited

A.started B.left C.moved D.performed

A.helpful B.meaningful C.successful D.useful

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was midday when I got the call that my grandfather was not well and he was quickly getting worse. My family did not know how long he would        in the world. I knew I had to get to the hospital to tell him how much I loved him. As I drove to the hospital, I pictured him before I got to tell him how much he        to me. Trying to fight back the tears, I wanted to stay calm when I saw him.
   I got to the hospital, I hurriedly looked for his hospital room. I found him in a semi-conscious state(半清醒状态). On my knees, I said softly, “Hello, Grandpa.”
Still feeling shy, I        not to leave his bedside without letting him know. While I asked about how he was, he told me, “I’ll be fine, Henry.” although we both knew that wasn’t     . Then he asked me with a smile        I was doing.
Hearing what my grandpa said, I was much       . I made the decision that I had to show my gratitude for him. As I found all the courage(勇气) I had, I hold his hand tightly. I
   out, “Grandpa. I just want to let you know how much I love you. I hope you already know that yet I just want to make sure.” By this time, tears were rolling down my face. All those years of love that I had shut and not let him know, became       .
Smilingly, he said, “I know. Thank you for telling me that. All I have on this planet is my family and my love for       . If there is anything I could ask of you, I want you to be good to your family, your mother, your father, and your brother. That’s all I want of you.”
What I learned that day        my whole life.
From then on, I began telling people how much I love them, care for them, and respect them. I get in touch with, for example, my babysitter, my barber, to        my appreciation. I go down into the city once a week and serve pizza to the homeless. I wake up every morning and list everything I’m thankful to in my life.

A.keep B.stay C.leave D.stop

A.talked B.helped C.wanted D.meant

A.But B.When C.Before D.Because

A.told B.wanted C.decided D.expected

A.true B.right C.correct D.certain

A.how B.what C.when D.why

A.moved B.agreed C.carried D.surprised

A.got B.cried C.walked D.stood

A.open B.free C.closed D.hidden

A.us B.him C.you D.Them

A.finished B.increased C.improved D.changed

A.show B.tell C.know D.understand

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It began a year ago, around Christmas. Every time I drove down our street, I       an old man sitting in his front yard. He was usually smoking or drinking, and looking rather unhappy.
One day, while I was driving past him with my         , I decided to wave at him with a lot of excitement.       , when he noticed me waving at him, he looked a bit shocked. Then, I saw his hand go up and he waved back.
        did you wave at him?” my daughter asked.
I told her it’s just an act of kindness that doesn’t         anything. It gives both him and me a feeling of joy. My daughter replied that she felt a bit uncomfortable to wave to a         , but next time she would try it as well.
We liked close to the old man,        we saw him rather often. Whenever we drove by, both of us would start waving at him and, pretty soon, the old man started          at everyone who passed by his house.
One time, my daughter’s friend came to visit and she told my daughter that she saw this strange old man near our home wave at her very         . She mentioned that she waved back, although she didn’t know         , and it felt really good.
As soon as my daughter heard this, she told her friend the         of how all the waving began. Her friend answered: “Tell your mom that’s really cool!”
Other friends gave similar         . This taught my daughter that an act of kindness can be natural and         , if you really want to do it. It showed us how giving happiness can do good to         the giver and the receiver.
Moved by the old man’s actions, we’re planning to give our waving neighbor a thank-you card to express our         for his exciting waves. We are really thankful for him sharing his simple joy with all who pass by his house.

A.noticed B.felt C.heard D.kept

A.husband B.son C.daughter D.friend

A.Just now B.On time C.In the end D.At the beginning

A.Why B.How C.When D.Where

A.buy B.cost C.hide D.guess

A.friend B.driver C.classmate D.stranger

A.or B.but C.so D.yet

A.shouting B.waving C.laughing D.looking

A.angrily B.excitedly C.loudly D.carefully

A.him B.me C.her D.us

A.lesson B.accident C.news D.story

A.gifts B.notes C.opinions D.books

A.easy B.funny C.usual D.special

A.past B.between C.all D.both

A.attention B.thanks C.suggestions D.interests

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

George and Betty didn’t have much money, but they wanted to buy a car. Betty didn’t have a  36   , so she was always finding ways to save money.
She  37    vegetables in her garden so that she wouldn’t have to buy any. She made sandwiches for George to  38    to work so that he wouldn’t have to buy his lunch.
Every day George took the bus to go to work and go home. It was not a long trip 39    the bus was slow because of the traffic.
One day, the traffic was even  40  than usual.
“I could run faster than this bus!” thought George.
The next day   41  work he decided to have a try. He went to the bus stop but didn’t take the bus. He ran along beside it on the sidewalk. He had to run quite fast to 42  the bus.
He arrived home. Betty was  43  to see him panting (喘气). She was worried. “What’s the matter?” she asked.
“I ran along beside the bus,” said George. “I saved two dollars and fifty cents without paying the fare.” He thought it would make Betty   44 , but it didn’t.
45    didn’t you run beside a taxi?” she said. “You would have saved six dollars!”

A.work B.job C.child D.house

A.grew B.gave C.bought D.knew

A.make B.carry C.bring D.take

A.or B.and C.but D.so

A.larger B.bigger C.worse D.better

A.after B.before C.finished D.began

A.get out of B.get along with C.come up with D.catch up with

A.excited B.surprised C.interested D.bored

A.tired B.sad C.clean D.happy

A.When B.What C.Why D.Where

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Two little boys were playing one day when a Fairy (仙女) suddenly appeared before them and said, “Father Time asks me to       you New Year presents.” She handed each child a package and disappeared immediately.
Carl and Philip opened the       and found two books with clean pages in them.
Twelve months passed and the       came again and said, “I have brought you another two books and will take the first one back to Father Time.”
“May I keep       book a little longer?” asked Philip, “I’d like to paint something on the last page.”
“No,” said the Fairy.
“I wish that I could finish reading mine at a time,” said Carl, “I can only open the book once each day       see only one page every time, because when the page turns over, it sticks fast.”
The Fairy said, “Well, you can       Philip’s book.” Then she lit (点亮) two little lamps for them. By the light of the       they saw the pages as she turned them.
“Who did this?” they asked in surprise, “Every page was       when we first opened it. But now some pages are drawn with beautiful things like birds and       and some pages with ugly, black spots and scratches (划痕) on them!”
The Fairy, smiling at the two little      , said, “See, Philip, the beautiful birds and flowers appeared when you share toys with your friends, or when you try to be kind to others.”
“But what made the ugly,       spots and scratches?” asked Philip.
The Fairy said, “That came when you told a lie one day, or when you did not listen to your mum. All these ugly spots and scratches in your books were made when you were naughty (淘气的). Each pretty thing in your books came on its page when you were      .”
“Oh, we wish to read the books      !”
“They can’t be read once more,” said the Fairy, “See! They are only for this year, and they must now go back into       bookcase, but I have brought you each a new one, and perhaps you can make these more beautiful than the first ones.”
With these words, the Fairy      . The boys were left alone, but each held in his hand a new book open at the first page.
And on the back of each book was written in letters of gold, “For the New Year”.

A.bring B.make C.sell D.buy

A.door B.window C.packages D.cards

A.Fairy B.Queen C.Witch D.Princess

A.her B.their C.his D.my

A.but B.and C.or D.so

A.look after B.look for C.look at D.look out

A.candles B.stoves C.campfires D.lamps

A.dirty B.untidy C.clean D.old

A.trees B.flowers C.grass D.houses

A.boys B.girls C.women D.men

A.red B.black C.white D.blue

A.good B.rude C.selfish D.stubborn

A.too B.again C.though D.before

A.Fairy’s B.Carl’s C.Philip’s D.Father Time’s

A.arrived B.came C.disappeared D.appeared

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Hundreds of years ago in a small town, a moneylender lent a lot of money to a poor man. The moneylender , who was old and ugly,       the poor man’s beautiful daughter. So he came up with an idea. He said the poor man didn’t need to return the money to him       he could marry his daughter. Both the man and his daughter were      .
The moneylender then told them that he would put a small       stone and a small white stone into an empty bag. The girl would have to       one. If she took the black stone , she would become the moneylender’s       and her father’s debt(债务) would be let go. If she picked the white stone, she didn’t need to marry him and her father’s debt would       be let go. Her father would be put into prison if she refused to pick a stone.
As they talked, the moneylender picked up two stones. As he did that, the girl        that he had put two black stones in the bag. He then asked the girl to pick her stone from the bag.
The girl thought for a while and then had an idea. She put her hand into the bag and took out a stone.       looking at it, she let it fall onto the path where it       became lost among all the other stones. “ Oh how       I was!” She said, “But never      . If  you look into the bag for the one that is left, you will be able to       which stone I picked.” This       tells: Sometimes we can think about things in a       way. Most difficult problems do have an solution.

A.pleased B.attracted C.loved D.saw

A.if B.unless C.so D.but

A.bored B.frightened C.relaxed D.excited

A.pink B.red C.black D.yellow

A.show B.drop C.check D.choose

A.daughter B.cousin C.wife D.friend

A.again B.still C.never D.hardly

A.said B.feared C.thought D.noticed

A.On B.About C.For D.Without

A.usually B.surprisingly C.immediately D.slowly

A.worried B.clever C.careless D.lucky

A.laugh B.mind C.cry D.complain

A.tell B.explain C.ask D.arrange

A.saying B.story C.news D.man

A.careful B.funny C.different D.normal

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Once upon a time, a rich man wanted to make a trip to another town. He tried not only to take things to sell but also to take money to   things with. He   to take ten servants with him. They would    the things to sell and the food to    on their trip. Before they started, a little boy ran up to    and asked to   with them.
The rich man said to the little boy, “well,______may go with us._____you are the smallest, the thinnest and the weakest of all my _____,you can’t carry a ___load. You must ______ the lightest one to carry.”  The boy thanked his master and chose the biggest to carry. That was bread.
“You are   ,”said his master. “That is the biggest and the heaviest one.”The boy said13   and lifted the load happily.
On the trip they walked for days and at last they got to the town. All the servants were tired but the little boy was very     . Do you know    ? Most of the bread was eaten during the trip and a little was left when they arrived in the town.

A.eat B.buy C.change D.get

A.decided B.liked C.hoped D.tried

A.take B.bring C.carry D.borrow

A.cook B.eat C.buy D.drink

A.them B.the servants(仆人) C.the road D.the rich man

A.stop B.stay C.go D.talk

A.you B.he C.I D.they

A.Since B.If C.Because D.But

A.family B.guests C.servants D.things

A.heavy B.light C.small D.difficult

A.eat B.choose C.pick up D.understand

A.brave B.right C.clever D.stupid

A.sorry B.nothing C.angrily D.goodbye

A.besides B.of C.except D.with

A.who B.him C.that D.why

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It’s spring now. New leaves come out from the tree. Everything begins to turn green. It makes us feel happy.
I watch the apple trees and remember a little story.
A long time ago, there was an apple tree and a little boy. The boy came and          around it every day. He climbed to the tree top, ate the          , and rest under the shadow (树荫). He loved the tree and the tree loved him. Time went by … The little boy         up and no longer played around it. The old tree was very sad. It didn’t know          . The boy said, “I am not a kid. I want to play with toys. But I don’t have money.”
“You needn’t            about it. Pick all my apples and sell them, you will have money.” After that the boy didn’t come back. Years later, the boy returned and the tree was happy. But           its surprise, the boy cut it down to build a house. Many years later the boy returned again. The old tree was happy and said to him “Sorry, my boy. I can’t give you           more. The only thing left is my dying roots. But you can sit down and rest here. This is your forever          .
This is a story of everyone. The tree is our parents. When we were young, we loved playing with them. When we grow up, we          them, and only come to them when we need something or are in trouble. No matter what happens, parents will be there and give what they have to make us         .
We may say the boy is cruel (冷酷的) to the tree but that’s how we are treating (对待) our parents. Nowadays, many old people feel lonely because their children don’t live with them. We hope all of us try to help those old people and manage to make the old have a happy life.

A.rest B.played C.play D.eat

A.apples B.leaves C.food D.birds

A.got B.set C.grew D.took

A.what B.who C.how D.why

A.worry B.feel C.talk D.dream

A.in B.to C.on D.of

A.something B.everything C.nothing D.anything

A.home B.tree C.bed D.place

A.love B.leave C.bring D.hate

A.angry B.tired C.happy D.sad

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr Smith      from London. Now he is in China. He is         .He teaches English        a middle school. He works very hard. His students like      very much. He can      a little Chinese . His students often teach him Chinese     Sundays. Mr Smith likes playing football . He often plays football     his students.
Mr Smith      a son. His name is Jack. He is student. He studies in a middle school. He goes to school      bike every day. He gets back home at four in the afternoon. He likes      TV in the evening.

A.come B.comes C.are D.coming

A.a teacher B.a worker C.a driver D.a farmer

A.on B.in C.to D.from

A.he B.him C.she D.her

A.say B.speak C.talk D.tell

A.at B.on C.of D.in

A.for B.to C.with D.at

A.has B.have C.there is D.there are

A.on B.by C.in D.of

A.seeing B.looking C.watching D.looking at

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Once upon time, a man taught some monkeys how to dance. The monkeys were    16    clever that they began to dance well very soon.
The man was happy. He     17    the monkeys up in special clothes and masks(面具). Then he took them to   18   party. He wanted people  19   his dancing monkeys.
The dancing monkeys were very popular at the party.   20   knew they were monkeys, and everyone enjoyed   21    them dance.
Then a naughty boy threw some bananas in front of the dancing monkeys.  22    the sight of the bananas,the monkeys forgot all about    23  . They tore off   24   masks and rushed over to the bananas and began to eat.
All the people at the party began to laugh. "They aren't dancers at all," said one person. "They are just monkeys! I guess not everything you see is   25    it appe- ars to be!"
"And," said another, "you should never try to be something you're not."

A.so B.very C.too D.such

A.dress B.dresses C.dressed D.dressing

A.an B.a C.the D./

A.to admire B.admire C.admiring D.Admired

A.Somebody B.Nobody C.Anybody D.Everybody

A.watch B.watched C.to watch D.Watching

A.In B.Under C.With D.At

A.dance B.dances C.dancing D.to dance

A.them B.they C.theirs D.their

A.that B.how C.who D.what

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Will Smith is famous for his movies. He thinks it's  26   that people like his movies. The actor admitted that he was touched  27  by the warm welcome from his fans.
He said that he judged(评价) the   28   of the material by how it was liked by people. People worked hard to make a living and then on a Friday night they went to the   29 , and a lot of the time they   30   his movies over a lot of other movies. So he thought that was very ,very crazy.
Will— who made the most money in Hollywood in 2008 —    31    almost an hour talking to the thousands of exciting fans who came all the way to see him though it was a freezing cold day.
Huge letters, "W-I-L-L S-M-I-T-H", also made a deep  32   upon the married actor.
The "Men in Black" star was deeply moved and said, "Oh this is so fantastic.You see that? It's beautiful you know.  I told them I wanted my   33   40 metres high!"
In his new movie, Will    34   a man with a secret who starts out to set himself free by changing the   35   of seven strangers,but unexpectedly falls in love with one of them.

A.funny B.interesting C.crazy D.exciting

A.proudly B.greatly C.happily D.sadly

A.quality B.quantity C.size D.appearance

A.parties B.shops C.restaurants D.movies

A.bought B.wanted C.got D.chose

A.cost B.spent C.took D.paid

A.impression B.decision C.choice D.difference

A.photo B.movie C.fans D.name

A.plays B.wakes C.does D.becomes

A.faces B.hopes C.lives D.Words

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

 Mr. and Mrs. Green were very worried about their son, Leo. He seemed to be dumb(哑的)          he was normal in every other way. Mr. and Mrs. Green tried everything to get him to          , but with no success.
When Leo was six years old, the best doctors in the town          him carefully, but could find nothing wrong. And he seemed to be smart. It was just that he          spoke.
“There might be something wrong with his         , and he doesn’t know he’s able to speak,” One doctor said.
"But he can read and write.” said Mr. Green. “We've written him notes, telling him that he can speak.”
“ It's certainly very         ,” another doctor said. “Perhaps he’ll be able to speak some day.”
        passed. Leo went to university. But he did not speak a          word.
Then one day Leo was having a meal with his parents. Without any warning, he looked up from his         and said. 'Pass me the salt. please.”
Mr. and Mrs. Green were excited. “You spoke! You spoke!' they cried. "Why have you         so long to speak?”
“I didn’t have anything to say,” he said. “Until now everything was perfect. But you forget to put salt in these potatoes.”

A.because B.when C.though(虽然) D.before

A.speak B.walk C.play D.laugh

A.taught. B.found C.examined D.asked

A.never B.often C.usually D.always

A.back B.hair C.face D.mind

A.unfair B.strange C.noisy D.quiet

A.Hours B.Weeks C.Months D.years

A.good B.right C.single(单一的) D.new

A.chair B.meal C.hands D.books

A.slept B.walks C.served D.waited

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

On Friday I have a busy day. I _____ at half past six in the morning. Then I __________ my hands and face, and have ____________ at seven. At half past seven, I go to school and __________ work at eight. There ___________ four lessons in the morning. At twenty to ten, we have a __________ for twenty minutes. We go to the playground and I ___________ with my friends. We have lunch in the school dining hall. In the afternoon, we have two ___________ and go home at half past three. I don’t do ___________ on Friday evening. I do it ________ Saturday.

A.go to bed B.get up C.go home D.do homework

A.eat B.smell C.wash D.look

A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner D.lessons

A.finish B.start C.close D.open

A.am B.is C.are D.be

A.break B.dog C.apple D.football

A.talk B.sleep C.look D.listen

A.lessons B.schools C.students D.teachers

A.something B.homework C.nothing D.everything

A.at B.in C.on D.for

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr White works in an office. He liked reading in bed when he was at school. It was bad for his ______ and now he has near sight. But he wouldn’t want______ to know about it and he never wears a pair of glasses. It often ______ him some trouble.
One winter morning he was sent to a village school on business. He______a bus at a stop in a small town. Then he had to walk there. The road to the village wasn’t smooth. He fell over some times and it______his clothes dirty. ______he got to the village. Suddenly it began to blow and it got colder. He was looking for the school while his ______was blown off. He began to run after it but he couldn’t get it. He couldn’t understand why his hat ran into a house as if (似乎 ) it had ______. And he ran into the house, ______.
A woman stopped him and shouted ______ , “What are you running after my hen for?”

A.ears B.nose C.mouth D.eyes

A.anybody else B.nobody C.woman D.somebody

A.follows B.takes C.brings D.carries

A.took off B.got off C.got on D.came on

A.let B.made C.gave D.felt

A.At first B.At home C.At times D.At last

A.clothes B.bag C.hat D.glasses

A.legs B.hands C.shoes D.arms

A.always B.also C.either D.too

A.angry B.happy C.angrily D.happily

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sitienei, a 90-year-old Kenyan grandmother, has become the world’s oldest primary school student. She is studying at the local primary school to learn to read and write. She is from a small          in Kenyan. She has spent most of her life          as a midwife(接生婆), helping women to give birth to babies. She wants to pass on her midwife skills to the young. She said she didn’t have a chance to go to school when she was         . So she wants all the children in her village to          .
The head teacher at the school said, “I’m proud          her. She is loved by every pupil. They all want to learn and play with          .” He also said, “She is doing well considering her         . I can say I have seen a big difference in this school           she came.”
Sitienei often said, “I want to tell children,         girls in poor areas, that           will be your wealth.” She added, “With education, you can be whatever you want to be --- a doctor, a teacher, a scientist, and so on.”

A.school B.village C.town D.city

A.reading B.writing C.playing D.working

A.young B.old C.famous D.free

A.study B.work C.leave D.listen

A.for B.with C.of D.in

A.her B.me C.him D.you

A.chance B.age C.skills D.ways

A.after B.when C.since D.before

A.naturally B.especially C.luckily D.certainly

A.friendship B.future C.competition D.education

  • 更新:2020-03-19
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
