
Salt in the soil has always made it impossible to grow crops.But that's now changing.

    Famous agriculturalist (农学家)Yuan Longping said they would grow a special rice.They would turn 100 million mu of saline﹣alkali (盐碱的)land into farmland in the country over the next 10 years.

   In 2017,Yuan's team successfully grew rice on the saline﹣alkali land in Jiangsu Province.It is called sea rice.Now they have made great progress.Both China and many other countries around the world have large saline﹣alkali land.If all of it can be used to grow rice and grain,it is very important for food security(安全).And it will help the UN zero﹣hunger goal come true.

    Yuan Longping was named as"Father of Hybrid Rice".He helped China make a great wonder—feeding nearly 20% of the world's population with less than 9% of the world's farmland.Then Yuan had a much bigger dream—to save the world from hunger.The world is seeing China's sea rice as a way to fight food insecurity.

"I had a dream.Rice was as high as sorghum (高粱);ears (穗)were as long as brooms;grains were as big as peanuts (花生).I could actually enjoy the cool under the rice crops." Yuan said of his childhood dream.And he was one step closer to his dream.

    "I'm confident in the future of my country,and I want to do more for my motherland." said Yuan.

(1)What was Yuan Longping?   

A.A famous reporter.

B.A famous pianist.

C.A famous headmaster.

D.A famous agriculturalist.

(2)What did Yuan's team grow on the saline﹣alkali land in 2017?   



C.Sea rice.

D.Hybrid rice.

(3)What will happen if all saline﹣alkali land around the world is turned into farmland?   

A.The people in China will stay away from hunger.

B.The people in Africa will stay away from hunger.

C.The people in many countries will stay away from hunger.

D.The people in the world will stay away from hunger.

(4)Yuan Longping helped China feed nearly   of the world's population with less farmland.

A.one fifth

B.one tenth

C.four fifths

D.nine tenths

(5)What was Yuan Longping's bigger dream?    

A.The rice was as high as sorghum.

B.He could save the world from hunger.

C.The ears were as long as brooms.

D.He could enjoy the cool under the rice crops.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If you feel sad or upset,remember not to watch a happy movie.A sad movie may be more suitable for you.

Some scientists at Ohio State University,the U.S.,have found that sad movies can make people happier.They published their study in a magazine called Communication Research.

    Scientists asked 361 college students to watch a sad movie called Atonement.The movie tells a story of two lovers who were separated.They died during World War II at the end of the movie.The 361 college students answered questions from the scientists before,after and three times during the movie to find out their different feelings,including sadness.

    According to the result of the survey,scientists found out that people felt better after watching the sad movie.Scientists believed this was because the movie made them think about their own lives and relationships.Compared to those of the unlucky lovers in the movie,their lives were full of hope.

    "I want to live my life to the fullest,and this movie has made me think a lot," one student wrote.

    Silvia Knobloch﹣Westerwick,the leader of the study,explained that bad moods (情绪) would make people more thoughtful. "Good moods are generally a sign that everything is fine.You don't have to worry,and you don't have to think about problems in your life," she said. "But bad emotions,like sadness,make you feel terrible about your situation.Therefore,seeing a sad movie may make you feel bad,but that will cause you to think more about your own close relationships and value them more."

(1)The scientists asked the college students to watch Atonement   .

A.to help them make more friends

B.to make them feel better about themselves

C.to find out how they felt after watching it

D.to encourage them to share their feelings

(2)How many times did the students answer questions from the scientists?    

A.Six times.

B.Five times.

C.Four times.

D.Three times.

(3)What does the underlined word "those" in paragraph 4 refer to?  





(4)What is the best title for this passage?   

A.Feeling Sad?Watch a Sad Movie.

B.Feeling Lonely?Find True Love.

C.Feeling Bad?See a Happy Film.

D.Feeling Down?Think about Others.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Every living thing needs to reproduce.Reproducing means creating more members of your group.In order for plants to reproduce,they have to spread their seeds (种子) to other areas.Plants have developed all kinds of ways to do this.

      The simplest way is gravity.Many seeds are inside of fruit.When a piece of fruit gets too heavy,it falls from a tree to the ground.Sometimes animals will pick up the fruit and drop it in another area.That helps move the seed even farther away.Apples spread this way.

       Other plants use wind to spread their seeds.Dandelions are a good example of this.Dandelion seeds are so light that when wind blows,it carries dandelion seeds to new places.Maple (枫树) seeds also use wind.Their seeds are connected with long,thin leaves that look like wings.When the seed falls from the tree,its "wings" help it fly farther from the tree.

      Some animals help plants spread their seeds.The animals eat the seeds.While the seed is in the animal's body,it stays whole.when the seed leaves the animal,it's in a new place.

      Ants also help spread seeds.Some seeds have a special smell that attracts ants.The ants bring the seeds back to their home,which of course is underground.They only eat part of the seed.They leave the rest of the seed underground.After that,the seed can start growing.

(1)What does the word "gravity" mean in the second paragraph?   

A.The action that makes animals drop seeds.

B.The help that moves seeds even farther away.

C.The need that comes from animals and plants.

D.The force that causes fruit to fall to the ground.

(2)How do maples spread their seeds?    

A.They use ants.

B.They use wind.

C.They use smells.

D.They use animals.

(3)What do ants do to help spread seeds?   

a.They only eat part of the seed.

b.They help seeds fall from the tree.

c.They carry seeds to the underground home.

d.They pick up the fruit and move it far away.

e.They leave the rest of the seed underground.





(4)What is the theme (主题 ) of the text?   





(5)What's the best title for the text?   

A.How Plants Spread Seeds?

B.Why Animals Pick Up Seeds?

C.How Wind Helps Seeds Spread?

D.Why Seeds Have a Special Trip?

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I was a girl growing up,I cannot once ever remember either my mum or my grandma wasting food.

Anything we didn't eat at one meal was leftovers(剩菜).I can remember my grandma making a huge pot of potatoes.We would all eat until we were full enough,but there were always about half of the potatoes leftover.A few days later,Grandma would take those potatoes out of the fridge,boil some noodles,add some vegetables and mix them all together.And I also remember when I watched my mum fry bacon (煎培根)for us in the mornings,she would always take the oil carefully and pour it into a bottle.Then she would use it later to add flavor to so many other dishes.I was an adult before I realized that potatoes didn't actually taste like bacon!

    I learned their lessons well,and after I grew up,I tried to never waste food myself.I always planned the week's meals ahead of time and only bought what was on my shopping list so that nothing went to waste.Every meal went into our stomachs and any leftovers were later eaten by either myself my boys,my husband or my dogs.To me,throwing food into the bin was just wrong.

    However,when it comes to living,there are no leftovers.Life is just like a feast.Each moment that you don't live is lost forever.Life cannot be saved or stored.Each day is a fresh beginning.Live each moment of your life to the fullest,then.

(1)The writer's grandma used the leftover potatoes to   .

A.mix with noodles

B.boil some vegetables

C.fry bacon

D.throw away

(2)Why did the potatoes cooked by the writer's mum taste like bacon?   

A.Because she mixed the bacon with potatoes.

B.Because she put potatoes into the containers.

C.Because she was good at cooking.

D.Because she poured the bacon oil into potatoes.

(3)According to the passage,how did the writer save food in her way?   

A.By shopping ahead of time.

B.By throwing it into the litter bin.

C.By following her mother's shopping list.

D.By planning the next week's food.

(4)What does the underlined word " feast" in the last paragraph probably mean?    

A.Sweat dream.

B.Large meal.

C.Happy story.

D.Beautiful picture.

(5)What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?   

A.It is never too old to learn.

B.Eat to live,but not live to eat.

C.Neither food nor life should be wasted.

D.There is no such thing as a free lunch.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Shashiyu was once a poor village in Hebei Province,but now it has changed into a rich and livable place.

    In the 1940s,villagers in Shashiyu had little food and few clothes,but they had a strong wish for a better life.Zhang Guishun,the Party secretary of Shashiyu,encouraged his villagers to do their best to pull themselves out of poverty. "In the ancient Chinese story,Yu Gong could move mountains with his strong will and hard work,why can't we?Nobody was born to be poor?" Hearing his words,the villagers decided to make a difference.

    Led by the Communist Party of China(中国共产党),the villagers carried water and soil to their village from faraway places to improve their land.From 1966 to.1971,they reclaimed(开垦)lots of land and greatly improved their life.

    However,the village encountered a new problem two decades later as the environment became heavily polluted by chemical plants and mine refineries built in 1990s.

    The polluting factories were shut down in 2004,and villagers started grape cultivation,which soon became a main industry in Shashiyu.

    In 2009,the city﹣level government invested over 1 million yuan($152,723)to change the village's exhibition hall into a museum in memory of development efforts made by earlier generations.

    After 10 years,the village was called "National Forest Village".

    Zhang said that the village started a yearly tourism festival in 2015 to attract travelers to pick grapes. "The grapes could be sold at a better price once Shashiyu becomes famous through this festival.Our villagers can then live even better lives, "he said.

(1)Why did Zhang Guishun use the story of Yu Gong to encourage the villagers?  

A.Because Yu Gong had strong will and hard work.

B.Because Yu Gong was born poor too.

C.Because the villagers worshiped Yu Gong.

D.Because Yu Gong became rich at last.

(2)From 1966 to 1971,what did the villagers do to improve their living situation?    

A.They planted grapes to earn money.

B.They carried water and soil to their village to improve their lands.

C.They moved to another place to live a better life.

D.They built a lot of factories.

(3)Which word can be used to describe the villagers?   





(4)When was Shashiyu called "National Forest Village"?   

A.In 2009.

B.In 2004.

C.In 2015.

D.In 2019.

(5)Where can you probably read the passage?    

A.In a storybook.

B.In a newspaper.

C.In a sports magazine.

D.In a science book

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

School Gardens Could Help Children Try More Vegetables

    It's not always enjoyable for children to eat vegetables.But what if a garden is built in the school?New research suggests that a gardening program in schools can increase children's vegetable intake(摄入量) .

    How the Study Was Carried Out

    The study was carried out in eight schools,Each school was in the gardening program for one school year.Every child in grades 3﹣5 received a total of eighteen 60﹣minute lessons across the school year.In the program,each school built a garden,where children learned to grow their own fresh produce,like fruit and vegetables.

    The Benefits Children Could Get

    The study found that vegetable intake if the children who grew their own produce increased greatly across the year.Related studies show that increased vegetable intake can improve health and cut the risk of chronic diseases(慢性疾病).Not only are there benefits to health,increasing the variety of vegetables children are exposed(接触)to may also make mealtimes much easier." Children who are often exposed to a variety of vegetables are more likely to try new foods," explains Dr.Kerry Jones.For children,growing their own food is a powerful tool to increase their intake of the food.2

    Any opportunity to expose children to more vegetables is meaningful. "If children are learning about vegetables at school,it's important to encourage this interest," says Jones.Parents can listen to their children about what they have learned and read the handouts they bring home from school.Parents and children can also read books together.Younger children can enjoy reading stories about vegetables with parents who offer useful message.Older children may enjoy searching through cookbooks with parents to find new dinner ideas to cook vegetables in a tasty way.Besides,a small planter box in a sunny part at home can encourage children to understand more about where their food comes from.

    Teaching children to grow their own produce is a great way to increase their preference for the produce.If children are taught to enjoy vegetables early in life,they will probably continue eating vegetables in the long term.

(1)What did children do in the gardening program?    

A.They did research on new plants.

B.They grew fresh produce at school.

C.They took home green vegetables.

D.They built gardens for their classes.

(2)Which of the following would be the best heading for Paragraph 4?    

A.Ideas to Encourage Children to Cook at Home.

B.Ways to Expose Children to Vegetables at Home.

C.Reasons Why Parents Should Understand Children.

D.Suggestions Which Children Could Get from Parents.

(3)What can we learn from the program?   

A.Parent' support might improve children's reading.

B.School programs could develop students' creativity.

C.Doing studies can prepare students for future learning.

D.Hands﹣on experience may influence children's preference.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I was in the eighth grade,my class was assigned(指派) to be friends with the second﹣grade kids.I got this little girl named Shelley.The first time I saw her,she was silent and cold.She was small for her age,and she didn't play with the other kids in her class.

    I tried all kinds of things to get her to talk to me.I bought her toys,crayons and candies,But try as I might,nothing worked.One time,I gave her a coloring book and said, "Shelley,now you can color in it any time."

    Shelley looked at the coloring book and then looked up at me,and finally looked away.By that,I didn't know how I was going to get through to the little girl,but I knew I wouldn't give up on her.

    One Friday.I decided to tell her a story about my childhood.I told her that l felt lonely when I was with my classmates,and how I thought only my teachers liked me.I also told her that every day was a battle(战役) for me and I fought back tears so people wouldn't know how much I was hurting.

    She sat there just listening,trying to decide whether I was lying or not Finally,when my story ended,there were tears in her eyes.And then she did the unthinkable.She said, "Thank you." From then on,Shelley was a different little girl.She started smiling and talking with other kids.

    Looking back at this I'm in awe(惊叹),because all I did was to help her realize that she wasn't alone.I didn't ask her to tell her story,because her story is my story.

(1)What was Shelley like when the writer first saw her?   





(2)In order to get through to Shelley,the writer   .

A.wrote her a book

B.made her a toy

C.drew her a picture

D.told her a story

(3)Shelley changed a lot because she realized that   .

A.her teachers loved her

B.her classmates were kind

C.the writer understood her

D.she had to study even harder

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mike is graduating (毕业)from Concord Academy High School and Rowan Kabbalah Community College at the same time.And he's only 12.At his high school science fair,he introduced his newest invention HORIZON OS.

    Mike showed great learning ability and interest in the "how"and"why" behind things at a very young age.He began to study computer programming at age 5.He taught himself on the Internet and put his learning into practice.He has learned 10 languages.

    Also,he is improving (提高)another skill:written communication. "My idea is no use to anyone if I can't express it," he explained.

    "Mike does well in all subjects," his mother said "When he has difficulties he will try to find a way out." His father was satisfied with Mike's non﹣academic (非学业的)achievements. "They mean much more," his father said.

    Mike has started two technology companies.And he has a bigger dream for the future. "I really want to make things easier for people,especially the old," Mike explained."The next,maybe a heath care robot."

(1)When did Mike start to learn computer programming?   

A.At age 5.

B.At age 7.

C.At age10.

D.At age12.

(2)Why is Mike improving the skill of written communication?   

A.To learn another language.

B.To make new inventions.

C.To better express his ideas.

D.To teach himself online.

(3)What can we learn about Mike's parents?   

A.They are proud of their son Mike.

B.They help Mike with all subjects.

C.They care more about Mike's grades.

D.They work in the same company.

(4)What is Mike's bigger dream?    

A.To be a health care worker.

B.To make things easier for people.

C.To learn computer knowledge.

D.To start two technology companies.

  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

If you have Problems describing people,don't worry!We'll use popular film characters (角色)to help you learn some useful words.


Meaning:If someone is naive,they have little experience and believe good things will always happen.

Example:In the film EI,Buddy is a naive person who grows up with elves (精灵).One day,he goes to New York City but finds things very different there.

Director:David Berenbaum


Meaning:If you're loyal,you always give support to a person or a group and help them and act honestly.

Example:In the film Toy Story,Woody is loyal to his friends and owner,Andy.He stays with Andy,even when Andy grows up and goes to college.

Director:John Lasseter


Meaning:If someone is demanding,they are not easily satisfied or pleased.

Example:In the film The Devil Wears Prada,Miranda is very demanding.She always works very hard,and expects others to do the same.

Director:David Frankel


Meaning:If you're talented,you have a natural ability to do something well.

Example:In the film McFarland,USA,coach White notices some talented runners in his PE class.He forms a cross﹣country group that races against other schools.

Director:Niki Caro

(1)Which word is used to describe a person with a natural ability to do something well?   





(2)Who always gives support to friends according to the films?    



C.David Frankel.

D.Niki Caro.

(3)In which part of a magazine can we read the text?   





  • 更新:2021-08-14
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mostly, inventions happen because someone works to solve a problem. Kids are natural inventors.They often create amazing thing from simple ideas.Here are a few examples that might make you wonder,"Why didn't think of that?"


   Popsicles were invented by 11﹣year ﹣old Frank Epperson in 1905. He forgot a drink of juice and left it with a stir(搅拌) stick in it outside on a cold night. The next day it was ice. Because of this he couldn't drink it any more, but he could eat it. It tasted good! These ice sticks became popular among kids at school in summer because they were delicious and helped them stay cool.

   More than a hundred years later, popsicles are sill one of the best summer treats!

   Crayon Holdans

   When 11﹣ year﹣ old Cssidss Coldstein needed crayons for a school project,she had a hard time because,there were so many small or broken ones.She found some small clear plastic tubes(管子)at home.Although the tiny tube were usually filled with water to keep flowers fresh, she found that they fit tightly (紧紧地) around the crayons. She was now able to hold them easily.This is how she invented Caryon Holders.


   When snow gets in kids' gloves and their hands get wet, they feel uncomfortable.10﹣year﹣old Kathryn Gregoary decided to do something about it.She created the wristies as she wanted to keep her wrists(手腕)warm and dry. Wristies are long gloves with no fingers and they are worn under your coat. They help you when you work in the cold because your hands stay warm while you use your fingers. With her parents' help, Kathryn also opened a small shop where she sold her wristie. And she still runsit today.

   All these inventions have one thing in common﹣the kids were trying to solve problems in their lives. When you meet problems, what would you do? If the kids can do it ,you can do it, too!

(1)Popsicles became popular among kids at school in summer because   


they could not only drink them but also eat them


they tasted good and helped them stay cool


the stir sticks were useful in popsicles


it was easy to make them

(2)The underlined word "runs" in the passage means"   "in Chinese.









(3)Where do you think the passage is from?   


A novel.


A guidebook.


A science magazine.


A poster.

(4)What 's the main idea of this passage?   


Let us run a shop like Kathryn.


Everyone can become an inventor by accident.


Kids are so clever that they can invent things.


When you meet problems, never give up and you can solve them well.

  • 更新:2021-01-20
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Amy wanted a mobile phone as her birthday gift, because most of her classmates had one, but she knew her parents couldn 't afford it.

   One day, when she woke up, she found a new mobile phone on her desk. How excited she was!This was the phone that had appeared in fashion magazines.

   She played with the phone on the way to school. And the teacher was already there when she arrived at school. Amy was very embarrassed (尴尬的). She looked at her new mobile phone and whispered (低语),"I didn't want to be late …"

   Everything changed with her thought. She went to school on time with her new mobile phone.

   She was surprised at that. She turned on the phone and found there was a sentence on the screen,"Every dream will come true." Since then, she always asks the phone for help. As a result, she has become lazier and lazier. Her teachers and parents were very disappointed with her and her classmates didn 't like her any more.

   When the term exams came, Amy asked the mobile phone for help again,but things turned bad. She got the lowest mark in the class. She wanted to throw it away, but when she did, the phone would come back into her hand. Amy was so scared (恐惧的)that she cried out,"I don't want the mobile phone any more."

   She woke up to find that the terrible experience had been just a dream.

(1)What was Amy's dream before her birthday?   


To pass the exam.


To have a mobile phone.


To be praised by her teacher.


To be popular with her classmates.

(2)In the exams,why did Amy get the lowest mark in the class?   


Because she stayed up late to play the mobile phone.


Because she was always late for school.


Because it took her too much time to read fashion magazines.


Because she always asked the mobile phone for help.

(3)From the passage we can infer (推断) that   


Amy got mobile phone at last


Amy's parents were rich enough to buy her a mobile phone


Amy didn' t want the mobile phone any more after the dream


Amy became better and better with the help of the mobile phone

(4)The Best title of this passage may be"   ".


A Birthday Gift


An Embarrassing Experience


A Useful Mobile Phone


A Terrible Dream about a Mobile Phone

  • 更新:2021-01-20
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

When I was in the middle school, I seldom raised my hands to answer questions in class. And I found lots of my classmates were just like me. When the teacher asked a question, I always lowered my head because I was afraid that the teacher saw me.

   One day, in a foreign language class, Mr. Black gave us a lesson. He wanted us to be active in class, so he asked us some questions,but no one answered."At the beginning of the class, let me tell you a story." He said.

   "When I came to the United States to study, the university often invited famous people to make speeches. Before the beginning of every speech, I found an interesting thing. The students around me always took a cardboard folded (折叠) in half,wrote their names in bold (粗体) with the most eye﹣catching color,and then placed the cardboard on the seat.So when the speaker needed the answers from the students,he could see and call a listener' s name directly."

   "I couldn't understand that. My classmates told me the speakers were all top people who meant chances. When your answer was to their surprise, it meant they might give you more chances.In fact,I really saw a few students got great chances because of that."

   After listening to the story,I understood that the chance will not find you itself. You must show yourself all the time so that you can find a chance and then catch it.

(1)When the writer's classmates were asked questions, most of them   


raised their hands


shook their heads


closed their eyes


lowered their heads

(2)Why did Mr. Black tell his students a story at the beginning of his foreign language class?   


Because he wanted the students to do homework.


Because he wanted the students to take notes carefully.


Because he wanted the students to be active in class.


Because he wanted the students to be quiet in class.

(3)A speaker at the university got to know the students' names from   


the computer


the cardboards on the students' seats


Mr. Black


the name list on the teacher' s desk

(4)What can we learn from this passage?   


Being active in class is interesting.


Doing as others do is necessary.


Answering questions bravely is easy.


Showing yourself bravely can win chances.

  • 更新:2021-01-20
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

HE Karin,

   Thanks so much for your support this week.Things have been really difficult with all the revision and everything! Really appreciate(感激)all your help.Let's get together after the exams!



Dear grandma,

   Thank you very much for the bag you sent me for my birthday.It was really nice of you. I'm going on holiday next month, so I'm planning to take it while I'm away! I hope you're well.



Dear Mr. Green,

   I am writing to say thank you for letting us stay in your house in Australia last month.We were very happy with everything and we thought the house was beautiful.

   We had a lovey holiday in Sydeny. We really enjoyed exploring (探索) the town and the local area.We will use the "Love A Flat "website again to find a house to live in when we plan our next holiday.

   Thank you again!



(1)Which note above is for a friend?   


John's note.


Cindy's note.


Costa's note.


Mr.Green's note.

(2)Who has sent a bag to Cindy for her birthday?   


Her father.


Her mother.


Her grandma.


Her grandpa.

(3)What did Costa think of Mr.Green's house?   









(4)Costa used the   to find Mr.Green 's house according to the passage.









  • 更新:2021-01-20
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Both of my two sons were born in Toronto, but they moved with us to Ottawa when they were quite young.They went to school there, gew up there.Later, one of my sons went to Canada's east coast near a city called Hallfax and the other moved to the west coast to Vancouver.My wife and I were left in the middle.

   As we nealy retired(退休) , we stared to think where we shoud spend our final years.For several reasons we decided to live on a small town on Vancouver Island, where was close to one of my sons.However, the son moved to Hollywood soon after he had got another job there.I helped him move.

   We still lived a happy life in our little west coast town, but we have paid a price.We have not been there for some important events such as the births of our grandchildren.We have missed watching them grow up; we have missed backyard barbecues(烧烤) and basketball weekends with them. Our home while very comfortable was also very quiet

   Every fall we travel to see the children.We usually fly, first to California to see our son Scott and spend a week or more with him trying to catch up on everything we've missed.Then, usually in November, we make the even longer trip east across Canada to see Travis and our grandchidren,who were about their twenties.

   Fortunately, both our sons are doing well and grandchidren are growing up straight and tall.We love all of them and they love us.We're very happy but there are times I think about the things we didn't see; the tears or the smile on the granddaughter's face, their school graduations, my son's joy at successes in business.

   Life has been good for our family but we have all paid a price.


(1)The writer's sons grew up in   









(2)From the underlined sentence in paragraph 3, we can infer(推断) that the writer   


wanted to live a noisy life


was satisfied with retired life


lived a comfortable life


was sometimes lonely

(3)Which of the following important events did the writer miss?   


The births of his grandchildren.


School graduations of his grandchildren.


The successful times of his son's business.


All of the above.

(4)For his family life, the writer implies(暗示)   


they all regret not living together all the time although enjoying a happy life


they enjoy a happy life because they can see each other every year


they are proud of the sons and the grandchildren


they love the sons and the grandchildren

(5)What's the best title for the passage?   


Living a happy life.


A price to pay.


Moving from east to west.


My sons and grandchildren.

  • 更新:2021-01-20
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Everyone needs friends.There is an old saying"Friends are God's way of taking care of us."But how do you find real friendship and keep it?

The American writer Sally Seamans tells young students some smart ways to find friends.Sally says finding friendship is just like planting a tree.You plant the seed and take care of it to make it grow.

First,you should choose a friend.What makes a Good friend?It is not because a person has money or good looks.A good friend should be kind and patient.For example,if you have a bad day,a good friend should listen to your complaints and do his or her best to help.To make a friend,you can not be too shy.You should make each other happy and share your lives.But things cannot always be happy.Even the best have fights.What should you do when you have a fight with your friend?You have to talk to him or her.When there is no one around,have an honest talk.If he or she doesn't want to talk,you could write a letter.

There are three steps to being friends again:

Tell him or her how you are feeling; say what your friend has done wrong,and explain why you did this or that.Remember that friendship is the most important thing in your life.

56.The world"patient"in the first paragraph means   









57.Sally wants to tell students the ways to   


find friends


plant trees


get happy


keep fit

58.What makes good friends?A good friend should   


be lovely and cool


be kind and patient


c.have lots of money


have good looks

59.According to the text,you can   your friend after a fight.


buy a present for


never say a word to


have dinner with


write a letter to

60.What is the best title of the text?   


Teenagers and friendship


The good friends around you


The trouble of growing up


The care and keeping of friends.

  • 更新:2021-01-31
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
