
British adventurer(冒险家) Alastair Humphreys had ridden his bike around the world,walked cross India,and rowed (划船)from Africa to South America.In 2011,however,Humphreys had some of the biggest adventurers of his life﹣and he never even left the United Kingdom.

For a year,Humphreys went on microadventures ﹣ small,low﹣cost trips close to home.Why did he do this? "I started to think that it was possible to have an adventure anywhere." He explains.For his first trip,he went hiking with a friend around the M25﹣a 188﹣kilometre road that goes all the way around London.Other adventures included swimming in the River Thames,sleeping outside on a hill,and going on a mountain biking trip.Humphreys learned something important from his microadventures:We find adventures when we try something new.

Humphreys wanted other people to make this discovery,too,so he decided to share his idea.He challenged people to go on microadventures and send him four﹣minute videos of their trips.He asked them to do things like climb a hill,go away for a weekend,or choose a random (任意的)place on a map and go there.People from all over the world accepted his challenge and posted their videos on Twitter.

(1)Which of the following belong to microadventures?Check and choose the right answer.    

①Walk across India.

②Sleep outside on a hill.

③Go away for a weekend.

④Swim in the River Thames.

⑤Row from Africa to South America.

⑥Hike around the road around London.









(2)What can we know about Humphreys' personality according to the passage?    


Brave,creative and active.


Proud,humorous and kind.


Careful,quiet and hard﹣working.


Confident,strict and warm﹣hearted.

(3)What would be the best title for the passage?    


A Big Challenge


An Amazing Travel


Keep a Trip Record


Go for a Microadventure

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Roberta,Peter and Phyllis lived in a large house in London.Father worked hard in a government office.He was never angry and always ready for a game.Mother was almost at home,ready to play with the children,and read to them,and help them do their home﹣lessons.

These three lucky children always had everything they needed:pretty clothes,good fires,a lovely playroom and a dog called James.They had a happy life,but they did not know how happy till the pretty life in the large house was over.

Peter had a toy engine and it broke.After dinner,Peter showed Father the engine.Father looked it over and promised to do it on Saturday.

At that moment two men came to see Father.Minutes passed.Father's voice came out from the study,loud and angry.

More time passed.Then Mother came in and said, "Father's been called away﹣on business."

A week after their father went away,their mother said, "Now,we're going to move to the country.A pretty little white house,called Three Chimneys. "

The family started packing:clothes,plates,candles and also tables and chairs. "We seem to be taking all the ugly things," said Roberta.

"We're taking the useful ones," said Mother. "We've got to play at being poor for a bit."

Peter said joyously, "I do like moving!I wish we moved once a month." Mother laughed and said, "I don't like moving!"

As she turned away,Roberta saw her face.She never forgot it.

"Oh,Mother," she whispered, "how I love you!You are brave enough to laugh when you're feeling like that! "

Then they took a train to Three Chimneys.No one knew how long they had been in the train when Mother woke them up.

They stood in the cold night air on the dark platform. At that moment they didn't know how important the station and the trains would become to them.They didn't know they were going to be the railway children .

﹣Taken from The Railway Children

(1)The family packed things like plates and candles because Mother thought they were    .









(2)Which of the following questions is answered in this passage?    


How did Peter's toy engine break?


When would the children's father be home?


What was the family like before Father was away?


What was the family's life like in Three Chimneys?

(3)According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?    


Phyllis wanted to move a house once a month.


Father said goodbye to the children when he left.


Mother wanted to leave London and move to the country.


Mother was brave enough to laugh when she was feeling sad.

(4)What can we infer(推断)from the underlined sentences in the last paragraph?    


The children don't like their life in London.


The station has nothing to do with the family's future life.


Something is going to happen to the children later in the story.


Parents can better deal with life changes than their children.

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Narrator:There once was a beautiful princess whose favorite amusement was a golden ball. One day, the princess tossed the ball too high, and it landed in the well. As the princess cried over her lost treasure, she heard someone ask a question.

Frog:Why are you so sad, beautiful princess?

Narrator:The princess looked around and saw only a frog.

Princess:My favorite golden ball fell into the well.

Frog:I can retrieveit for you, but first, you must agree to one condition. You must promise to take me home and be my friend.

Narrator:The princess didn't want to be friends with a frog, but she promised anyway. When the frog brought her the ball, the princess snatched it from him and hurried home!

Frog:What a selfish princess. I'm certain that she has forgotten her promise. I'll just hop over to the castle to remind her.

Narrator:The frog hop-hop-hopped through the grass and knocked on the heavy door of the castle.

Princess:What are you doing here, you bumbling frog?

Frog:Dear princess, I am here to remind you of the promise you made.

Narrator:The princess slammed the door in the frog's face with a big BANG.

King:I heard a door slam. What's happening? If you made a promise, you must honor it.

Narrator:The princess was angry but obeyed her father. So, the king, the princess, and the frog enjoyed dinner together. It was mutton stew, the cook's specialty.

Frog:I was hungry, but now I'm full. Thank you for dinner. Kindly show me to my bed now.

Narrator:The princess did as she was asked, but the frog looked sad!

Frog:You have welcomed me into your home, but I can tell that you don't want to be my friend.

Narrator:The princess's face went red, for what the frog said was true. She bent down to kiss the frog, but ended up kissing a prince.

Frog:I am a prince who was turned into a frog, and your kiss turned me back. Thank you, dear friend!

Narrator:The prince and princess were wonderful friends from that day on and lived happily ever after.

(1). The reading material above is ________.


a poem


a play


an interview


a questionnaire

(2). What's the meaning of the underlined word "retrieve"?


bring back


take away


break down


put away

(3). Why did he frog hop over to the castle?


To ask the king for help.


To visit his friends in the castle.


To give the ball to the princess.


To remind the princess of her promise.

(4). What is the right order of what the princess did in the story?

① She went back to the castle.

② She bent down to kiss the frog.

③ She got help from the frog and made a promise.

④ She obeyed her father and ate the meal with the guest.









(5). What can we learn from the story?


It is often difficult to keep a friendship.


We shouldn't be afraid of making friends.


Once you make a promise, you must keep it.


We should ask for help when we are in trouble.

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Tips for being a super-organized student

Posted 2 hours ago by Amy

I have always admired students who hand in their homework on time and never forget to do it. Me, on the other hand…OK, I admit. I'm terrible at getting myself organized!

So I was wondering, what are your tips for getting organized? Post your tips below. Thanks! Comments

Gloria: 25 May, 2021-09:36

Recently I've started keeping a small study diary. I write down everything I need to do and when it needs to be done by. Then I write a reminder a few days before the date just in case. It's helping.

Amy: Thanks, Gloria! I agree.

Nick: 25 May, 2021-08:33

The most important thing is to start studying a few weeks before the exams and not leave it until the night before! That's just common sense, I think.

Amy: Nice tip. Thanks, Nick.

Leo: 25 May, 2021-08:06

Hi! Amy. My tip is to have a big noticeboard in your bedroom, divided into different sections. I've got one. It's a whiteboard. I've got a section for each school subject and another one for other stuff. I use board pens to write reminders and I make sure I look at it every day. The best part is when I remove something from the board!

Amy: Great tip. I've got a board. I'll try to use it in the same way. Thanks, Leo.

(1). Amy started the post to get ________.


comments on her homework


tips on how to be well organized


suggestions on not forgetting things


advice on how to do her homework

(2). Which of the following is TRUE?


Gloria was the first to give comments.


Amy didn't agree with what Leo said.


Gloria wrote down things she needed to do in a study diary.


Nick thought it the most important to study hard the night before the exam.

(3). What did Leo mean by saying " The best part is when I remove something from the board!"?


The things he removes are the best part


He is good at cleaning the noticeboard.


He feels excited when finishing the most difficult task.


He enjoys the moment when the tasks are completed.

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was not easy to learn different kinds of musical instruments well at the same time.I still remembered when I took my piano lessons,my mother said worriedly to my father, "Why hasn't he made any progress with so much practice?'' I tried to play the piano better.However,my parents never got a strong feeling of satisfaction with my piano performance.

From then on,I didn't play any musical instrument until my old friend Larry invited me to play the violin with him when I was 60.It made me enjoy the joy of playing music again.One day,Larry asked me to take part in a violin performance with him.At first,thinking of my past,I wanted to refuse.1 expected to hear his words that I would become more skilled with practice on stage(舞台),But he said, "OK,only play if you want to," I was shocked by the unexpected answer.

In fact,nobody made me do it,so I had to make a choice by myself.I was willing to catch the chance this time.After a long and careful preparation,I played the violin with Larry.Though I didn't lose all my nervousness,it was enough for me to overcome my fear.Finally,I offered a full performance in front of the audience(观众).

However,happy times always didn't last long,my friend Larry passed away .It was a hard hit,but his influence stayed.It helped me not only in music,but on all sides of my life.Whenever I paid attention to what I wanted to do,joy usually took the place of fear.

(1)The mother was worried about the writer because    .


he spent little time playing the piano


he made no progress in the piano


his father didn't like him any more


she had no time to teach him music

(2)From Paragraph 2 we know that the writer    .


actually wanted to play the violin with Larry


didn't want to play any musical instrument again


began to learn music at the age of 60


refused Larry's invitation at last

(3)The writer felt a little    during his violin performance with Larry.









(4)This underlined phrase "passed away" means "    "in the last paragraph.









(5)The article mainly tells us    .


not to fear but enjoy the joy of doing something


how to offer a full performance in front of the audience


how to help a person both in music and on all sides of life


Larry is the writer's best old friend in his life

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Sleepwalking(梦游) is when your child gets out of bed and walks around as if he 's awake,but he's actually asleep.Sleepwalking doesn't hurt your child,and it usually disappears when the kid grows up.

Sleepwalking happens during deep sleep.Your child might get out of bed and walk around as if he's awake,but he won't respondnormally to you or anything around him.This may make you upset.But try not to worry﹣your child is OK.

In fact,sleepwalking is quite common.7% to 15% of children sleepwalk,and it doesn't usually mean that there's anything wrong with them.Children aged 4 to 12 are more likely to sleepwalk.Both boys and girls sleepwalk.

Sleepwalking often happens in the first few hours of the night.When it happens,your child 's mind is asleep.However,his body is awake at the same time.

Sleepwalking usually has something to do with age and development.However,some things can increase your child's sleepwalking.For example:

●Bad habits that cause poor sleep

●Fever or some other illnesses

●A family history of sleepwalking

●Medical conditions that cause poor sleep

If your child is sleepwalking at least once every night,it's best to see a doctor.Also see a doctor if your child's sleepwalking is influencing the sleep of other family members,or if you're worried your child might hurt himself while sleepwalking.

(1)The underlined word"respond" means    in Paragraph 2.









(2)Most kids who sleepwalk usually appear during    .


primary school


junior school


senior school


middle school

(3)When sleepwalking happens,    at the same time .


a kid's mind and his body are awake


a kid's mind is asleep and his body falls asleep,too


a kid's mind is awake but his body falls asleep


a kid's mind is asleep but his body is awake

(4)Which of the following is not true according to this article?    


The kids whose parents sleepwalked may sleepwalk.


The kids whose habits cause poor sleep may sleepwalk.


The kids who often read before going to bed may sleepwalk.


The kids who sleep badly after they take medicine may sleepwalk.

(5)From this article,we know    .


sleepwalking is very dangerous


boys are more likely to sleepwalk


85% to 93% of kids don't sleepwalk


sleepwalking happens in the morning

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Vicuna,a small town in the north of Chile,is a great place for watching stars all year round.Although it is near the sea,the cold,wet air from the coast does not bring clouds.Instead,dry winds from the desert keep the clouds away at night.In fact,the sky is so clear in Vicuna that it is possible to see many stars that can be seen only with advanced(先进的)instruments in other parts of the world.

In Vicuna,distant(遥远的)star systems such as Magellanic Clouds can be seen without the help of an instrument.That is why the town was chosen as the home of a number of sky observatories(天文台).One of them,the Mamalluca,is quite different from the typical observatories used by scientists.This observatory was built for tourists who like to look at the stars.During the year,Vicuna's hotels accommodatethousands of tourists who come from all over the world to see the night sky as they have only seen it in books.The cloudless sky is clearly a moneymaker for the town,which plans to set up even more observatories.It was recently decided that building observatories would go on for another few years.

At one point,however,the town faced a serious problem.As the town grew,more streetlights were added,making it more and more difficult to see the stars at night.The town saved the night sky by building a new system of lights that lit up the streets without influencing the view of the sky.

Choose the best choice from A,B or C according to the passage.

(1)What can we learn from Paragraph 1 ?    


Vicuna is a small town far from the ocean.


We can see wonderful clouds in the sky over Vicuna.


The sky in Vicuna is clear all year round.

(2)What makes the Mamalluca a special observatory in Vicuna?     


Its size.


Its location.


It serves tourists.

(3)What does the underlined word "accommodate" most probably mean in Chinese?    







(4)Why did Vicuna spend money on a new streetlight system?    


The old streetlights used lots of electricity.


The old streetlights made it hard to see the stars at night.


The new streetlights would make streetlights more beautiful.

(5)What is the best title for the passage?    


Vicuna Has a Problem


A Town to Watch the Stars


Pictures of a Cloudless Sky

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It's 2050.The Earth is dying,and moving to Mars seems to be the only way out for humans.A team of American astronauts (宇航员) begin to search on Mars.This is what the movie Red Planet begins with.Known as the Red Planet,Mars is the favourite of writers and filmmakers.

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the next planet beyond the Earth.Mars is the only planet whose surface can be seen from the Earth.It is about half size of our planet.

The surface of Mars is more like the Earth than any other planet.But it is further from the Sun than the Earth,so temperatures on Mars are much lower.Plants and animals can not live now on Mars.But many scientists still believe that such life may have been on Mars long ago.

On 6th August,1996,scientists discovered a piece of rock from Mars,which fell to the Earth 13,000 years ago.10 years later,some scientists still didn't accept that there was life on Mars.People may not be sure about life on Mars until a sample (样本) of life is brought back.Some further researches are being done in many countries.If you want to know more,please click www.spaceexploration.com.

Choose the right answer according to the passage.

(1)Why is the movie Red Planet mentioned?    


To introduce the topic.


To advise readers to go to Mars.


To compare Mars with the Earth.


To tell stories about American astronauts.

(2)What do we know about Mars?    


Mars is as big as the Earth in size.


Mars is the fourth planet from the Earth.


The surface of Mars is similar to that of the Earth.


Mars is one of the planets whose surfaces can be seen from the Earth.

(3)No life exists on Mars because    .


it is too soft


it is too far


it is too small


it is too cold

(4)What did scientists find from Mars in 1996?    


Some plants.


Some animals.


A piece of rock.


Some water.

(5)The passage is most probably taken from    .


a notice


a website


a diary


a tour guide

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

So,it's exam time again.Have you done the necessary work to get good marks?Sleeping with the textbook under the pillow(枕头)doesn't work.The best way is to space your practice out,rather than cram(塞)it all together.Just as a scientist called Tom Stafford advises,if you organize five hours of study into one hour a day,you'll remember more than what you study for five hours on one day.

  Get pens and paper and start working!Students who can test themselves earlier will be better at retrieving the knowledge from the memory and keep it in the long run.John Dunlosky,a professor in the US,suggests that "you start by reading a textbook with your favorite pens and colors,and then write down the important ideas on small cards.While doing so,you actually try to test yourselves on them."

Good revision(复习)should give you confidence,but if you are still worried,it's not harmful to follow some special customs.In Japan,it seems to be a tradition for students to eat Katsudon before a test.This is a bowl of rice with egg and pork pieces.The name of the dish makes people think of the word "katsu",meaning "winning".For some students in South Korea,the key to success is not washing their hair before an exam,because they believe they could wash all the knowledge out of their heads.And in different parts of the world,there are always those who believe in their "lucky underwear".

The bottom line is that you need to study,eat a good meal,sleep well on the eve of the test,and believe that your efforts will pay off.

Good luck in your exam!

(1)When you "space your practice out",you    .


study for at least 5 hours on one day


sleep with your textbook under the pillow


organize 5 hours of study into one hour a day

(2)The underlined word "retrieving" would probably mean "    ".


filling in


getting back


giving away

(3)Which sentence can be best put in in paragraph 2?    


Don't read your textbooks early.


Don't depend on memory alone.


Don't test yourselves very often.

(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to paragraph 3?    


The word "Katsudon" sounds similar to "winning" in South Korea.


In some countries,washing hair brings bad luck after having exams.


Some people might wear special underwear before important events.

(5)What does the writer advise students to do before tests?    


Prepare your exams well and be confident.


Choose your favorite pens and stay up late.


Follow some customs and enjoy yourselves.

  • 更新:2021-08-16
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Recycling is a way to take rubbish and turn in into new products.helpful to our environment There are a number of different recycling steps that allow materials to be used more than once.

All kinds of materials can be recycled.Some of the most common things in use today include recycling plastic glass,metals and paper Things made of these materials include soda cans,plastic milk boxes,newspapers,computers and cardboard boxes.

There are a number of advantages for recycling.These include:Landfills ﹣Recycling materials means less rubbish and saves space in landfills.Resources﹣ When we use materials again,this means we can take fewer resources from the earth Pollution in general,recycling materials can produce less pollution,helping to keep our environment clean.

Be sure to recycle everything you can in your house and school There is almost a "recycle" rubbish can around.Be sure to drop your used aluminum cans and plastic bottles there.At home,be sure to put paper things like the newspapers.paper bores.and homework pages into the recycle box.

Plastics are usually marked with an identification code that shows a recycling symbol and a number from 1 to 7.This shows that the type of chemicals,or materials,is used in making the plastic.Used paper can be recycled around seven times.

It is high time we set up a recycle station in every street,across the city and the country so the cleaners can transport the rubbish conveniently.This is the only way out for handling rubbish without causing danger to the environment and our health.For ourselves,our children and our children's children,let's take action NOW!

(1)From the first paragraph,we know that    .


A we can make more money from recycling


recycling is helpful to our environment


recycling is common and popular


there is too much rubbish around us

(2)In paragraph 3,we know that recycling has many advantages including    .


less rubbish


more space


less pollution


all the above

(3)What kinds of materials are usually marked with an identification code?    









(4)The underlined word "handling" in the last paragraph means       in Chinese.









(5)What does the writer mainly want to tell us?       


We should recycle everything in our daily life.


Many resources can be saved by recycling.


We should take action to recycle rubbish.


Recycle stations should be set up in the street.

  • 更新:2021-08-17
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Water is important to all living things but some areas in the world are short of water a lot.So we should try to protect and save water.

A group of students from Zhejiang University have successfully developed an"air hand﹣washing machine".The machine uses an infrared ray induction system (红外线感应系统),which can feel the presenceof our hands.If it feels there are hands,the water with the air will come from the tap.And it has been proven that it is nearly as effective as traditional hand﹣washing.It uses only ten percent of the water that regular hand﹣washing does.The students have even set up a company to introduce the product to the public.

Li Qizhang,a member of the team that developed the machine,told a reporter that a model of their machine had already been placed in a classroom building at the university and it worked very well.

In 2014,a student called Chen Puyang first thought of the idea while he was washing his hands.Washing one's hands uses a lot of water,Chen thought.Would it be possible to replace the water with air? Others may not give the question a second thought.However,for Chen and Li,who were studying fluid mechanics (流体力学) at the time,this was considered to be an excellent idea.

Soon,Chen,Li and several classmates started on the project.After a year of research,the team cam up with a gravity﹣driven (重力驱动) hand﹣washing machine successfully.


(1)The underlined words"presence" means "    "in paragraph 2.









(2)The underlined sentence in the 4th paragraph means       .


other people may no spend a second thinking about the question again


other people may think it is impossible to use air instead of water


other people may not think or worry about the question all


other people may think there is no answer to the question

(3)We can infer from the passage that        .


the air hand﹣washing machine will be expensive


you can wash your hands clean without any electricity


you can buy the "air hand﹣ washing machine" in the shop now


the students developed the machine by the knowledge of fluid mechanics

(4)Which of the following is TRUE about the"air hand﹣washing machine"?    


A company was set up to produce the machine.


It doesn't need any water when you wash your hand.


It was invented by two students from Zhejiang University.


The idea of the machine came to Chen's mind in a sudden.

(5)Compared with the air hand﹣washing machine,how much water can be wasted by regular hand﹣washing?    


Only ten percent of the water.


About twenty percent of the water.


About ninety percent of the water.


A hundred percent of the water.

  • 更新:2021-08-17
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mary Armstrong was a pretty little girl,but she did not pay attention to her things.She usually left her books and playthings everywhere,and it gave her mom much trouble in picking them up and putting them in the proper places.Some of her books and toys became spoiled(损坏).Her mom had often told Mary the bad result of being so careless.The growing habit of carelessness would make her unhappy,and sometimes annoy her friends.Even worse,it would be of great harm to her all her life.But Mary didn't listen to her mom.So they argued a lot.

    One day Mary made a beautiful toy,a gift for her best friend's birthday.When her mom asked her to go out into their yard to play,Mary put the toy in her room casually(不经意地).She ran around and played happily there.An hour later,it was time to go to her friend's birthday party.Mary went back to get the toy.But she couldn't find it anywhere.Finally,she found the toy broken in the corner.At once she realized that Dash,her pet dog had done this,and she was very angry.Carrying the broken toy to her mom,she couldn't help crying.

    Mrs.Armstrong asked Mary if she had left the toy in the place where Dash could easily get it,and Mary answered, "Yes,mom"

    "Then you should not be irritated,Mary,because the dog does not know it is wrong to play with your toy.I hope this will be a lesson to you hereafter,to put your things away when you finish"

    I will try, "said Mary.And her mom promised to repair the toy as well as she could.


(1)What did Mary and her mom argue about?    

A.Her books.

B.Her playthings.

C.Her way of making friends.

D.Her habit of carelessness.

(2)Why did Mary cry when carrying the gift to her mom?      

A.Because her gift was broken.

B.Because Dash broke her book.

C.Because Dash annoyed her friends.

D.Because Mrs.Armstrong was mad at her.

(3)Which is the right order of he following things?      

①Dash broke the toy.   ②Mary put the toy in her room.

③Mary found the toy in the corner. ④Mom would repair the toy for Mary.

A. ①③②④

B. ①③④②

C. ②①④③

D. ②①③④

(4)What does the underlined word "irritated" in the fourth paragraph probably mean?    





(5)What does the passage mainly tell us?      

A.Listen to our parents,and they'll repair our things.

B.Be kind to our pets,and they won't break our things.

C.Get on well with our friends,and we'll get birthday gifts.

D.Be careful with our things and we'll develop a good habit.

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Many of us stayed at home in January because of COVID﹣19,but a special mom and her two babies took a trip.They were driven a few miles from a breeding center in northeastern Argentina to a 1.7 million﹣acre nature reserve called Gran Ibera Park.There the three jaguars were released into the wild.

    Their release was the first reintroduction of jaguars in that part of Argentina since the species(物种)almost died out there 70 years ago.Scientists hope they can turn things around for this important apex predator,meaning one that is on top of the food chain (链).Only 200 to 300 jaguars remain in the country.

    "That is the highest level of protection that can be given in Argentina,"says Sebastian Di Martino.He's the conservation director for Rewilding Argentina,which is one of the organizations helping to restore jaguar populations.

    The jaguars' journey started in 2018 when the park was built in the Ibera Wetlands.Several thousand jaguars once lived there,along with other important species.But the jaguars' fur was valuable,so people hunted them.Then farmers cleared the land they lived on.With the jaguars gone,the ecosystem was out of balance.

    "In the absence of this species,ecosystems stop working well and may even collapse," Di Martino says. "The main prey (猎物) of the jaguar is the capybara and the caiman.They are very abundant because of the absence of the jaguar,which causes imbalances in the ecosystem."

    The park was the first step to give jaguars a place to live.Then they needed to breed.A female named Mariua mated with a male jaguar from Brazil.Mariua then gave birth to the two baby jaguars.

    It sounds simple,but the reality is more complicated.Di Martino said that jaguars born at breeding centers have to learn how to hunt and must not become used to humans.Otherwise,they will not have success in the wild.

    The people who work at the breeding center stay out of sight.They use video cameras to watch the jaguars from several miles away."We provide live prey for them,without them realizing it comes from people," Di Martino said.

    Mariua wears a radio collar so researchers can track her and her babies,Karai and Pord. "So far,so good.She's been hunting capybaras and wild pigs and is raising her babies very well," Di Martino says.

(1)What can we learn about the jaguar?      

A.It is found only in Argentina.

B.It is taught to hunt by humans.

C.It is not hunted by any other animal.

D.It is not considered as a rare species.

(2)Which of the following words can best describe Di Martino's job?       





(3)What does the underlined word "abundant" mean in this passage?       

A.More than enough.

B.Less than enough.

C.Getting more powerful.

D.Getting less powerful.

(4)The writer mentioned Mariua   .

A.to give an example of jaguars' life

B.to show the importance of female jaguars

C.to introduce a way of training jaguars

D.to explain the method of rewilding jaguars

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

One wet,rainy April afternoon Miss O' Shay,the principal,sent for Nancy Lee to stop by her office as school closed.Pupils without umbrellas or raincoats crowded in doorways hoping to make it home between showers.Outside the skies were grey.Nancy Lee's thoughts were suddenly grey,too.

    She did not think she had done anything wrong,yet that tight (紧的) little knot came in her throat just the same as she came near Miss O' Shay's door.Perhaps she had banged her locker too often and too hard.Perhaps the note in French she had written to Sallie halfway across the study hall just for fun had never got to Sallie but into Miss O' Shay's hands instead.

    She knocked on Miss O' Shay's door.That familiarly solid and competent voice said, "Come in."

    Miss O' Shay had a way of making you feel welcome,even if you came to be punished.

    "Sit down,Nancy Lee Johnson," said Miss O' Shay. "I have something to tell you." Nancy Lee sat down."But I must ask you to promise not to tell anyone yet."

    "I won't,Miss O' Shay," Nancy Lee said,wondering what on earth the principal had to say to her.

    "You are about to graduate," Miss O' Shay said. "And we shall miss you.You have been an excellent student,Nancy,and you will not be without honors (荣誉) on the senior list,as I am sure you know."

    At that point there was a light knock on the door.Miss O' Shay called out, "Come in," and Miss Dietrich entered."May I be part of this,too?" she asked,tall and smiling.

    "Of course," Miss O' Shay said."I was just telling Nancy Lee what we thought of her.But I hadn't got around to giving her the news.Perhaps,Miss Dietrich,you'd like to tell her yourself."

    Miss Dietrich was always direct."Nancy Lee," she said, "your picture has won the Artist Club scholarship."

    The brown girl's eyes widened,her heart jumped,then her throat tightened again.She tried to smile,but instead tears came to her eyes.

    "Dear Nancy Lee,"Miss O' Shay said, "we are so happy for you." The elderly white woman took her hand and shook it warmly while Miss Dietrich smiled with pride.

    Nancy Lee must have danced all the way home.She never remembered quite how she got there through the rain.She hoped she had been calm.But certainly she hadn't stopped to tell anybody her secret on the way.Raindrops,smiles,and tears mingled on her brown face.She hoped her mother hadn't yet got home and that the house was empty.

(1)How did Nancy feel on her way to Miss O' Shay's office?     





(2)What can we infer from the passage about Nancy?      

A.She was Miss Dietrich's best student.

B.She would never tell anyone her secret.

C.She was often punished by the principal.

D.She would try to hide feelings at home.

(3)Which is the best title for this story?       

A.A New Star

B.The Girl.

C.A Young Artist.

D.The News.

  • 更新:2021-08-15
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Great mix of representatives from across China

    A total of 2 ,287 representatives (代表) attended the 19 h National Congress of the Communist Party of China (中共十九大),which was held in Beijing from Oct.18.

A representative must have

They Include

√Unshakable belief

√Correct political stand

√Good moral quality

√High standard in honesty

√Excellent career record

√Strong ability to carry out the duty as a representative

√Wide support from Party

members and the people



Government officials



Military officers



(1)When and where was the 19 National Congress of the Communist Party of China held?   

A.In Beijing from Oct.19.

B.In Beijing from Oct.18.

C.In Shanghai from Oct.19.

D.In Shanghai from Oct.18.

(2)According to the material,representatives of the 19 National Congress must have   .

A.great wealth

B.much experience

C.unshakable belief

D.good appearance

(3)Which of the following Chinese people can't be a representative?   

A.Li Lei,a farmer.

B.Zhu Ping,a volleyball player.

C.Wang Gang,a worker.

D.Zhang Hua,a primary school student.

(4)Which of the following is TRUE?   

A.All the representatives were from Beijing.

B.Businessmen couldn't attend the 19 National Congress.

C.2 ,287 representatives attended the 18 National Congress.

D.A representative must have strong ability to carry out the duty.

  • 更新:2021-08-17
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
