
Everyone can feel stressed out because of too many things happening in your life. Teenagers, however, have    opportunities to get stressed than people in any other age group. Being a teenager is hard.
You are not a children any more, but you are not     , even though you have to deal with some grow-upproblems and made decisions by     . Families can be one of the biggest causes (原因) of stress, such as problems of arguing with      or brothers or sisters. Teenagers also have lots of stress from       , either fromtheir teachers or from their classmates. Some teenagers also feel       about choosing their education after highschool. Getting a place at university can be very difficult and some can't     to go to university. It is hard for  some teenagers to get a job after they graduate. There are so many young people finishing school        not enough jobs for them. Though there is a lot of stress, you can find many ways to      it. Talking to people isone of the best ways to deal with stress. It may sound      , but it is helpful.

A.more B.fewer C.many D.better

A.a baby B.a teenager C.an adult D.a teacher

A.yourself B.himself C.myself D.ourselves

A.teachers B.friends C.classmates D.parents

A.family B.society C.school D.street

A.relaxed B.stressed C.excited D.interested

A.remember B.offer C.refuse D.afford

A.and B.but C.or D.until

A.agree with B.talk with C.look for D.deal with

A.simple B.difficult C.good D.important

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

I was once a volunteer in an English village. It was quite different__my home in Sweden. Jane, one of the volunteers from Tanzania, had a friend who was very poor. She__ all her pocket money to help her friend. It meant that she didn’t have much food to eat, and she had no money to go anywhere outside the village or buy more clothes.
I was so moved(感动)that I felt I had to do__too. So when I bought food one day, I__to buy her some rice. I started__to the woman in the shop(named Gloria who was also a volunteer) about my friend Jane. The woman looked at me, being surprised, “Does she eat noodles?” she asked. “Yes,” I replied. She immediately (立刻) started__ a bag with noodles, cookies, sweets and other things until the bag was full. “Give her this for me.” I couldn’t believe___but cried with happiness.
Imagine Jane’s look when I gave her the__! I had never seen her so happy! A few weeks later she found Gloria in the shop and___her in person.
The two wonderful women really showed me__true kindness is. And the impression(印象) will stay with me for the rest of my life.
A. at                    B. on                    C. from
A. borrowed              B. sent                   C. carried
A. anything              B. nothing                C. something
A. decided                B. hated                  C. served
A.laughing                B. answering              C. talking
A. filling                 B. taking                 C. buying
A.them                   B. it                     C. her
A. money                 B. shop                   C. food
A.greeted                 B. asked                  C. thanked
A. what                   B. when                  C. how

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Mr Guppy was a very large man. Life was not easy for him. He could not find clothes big enough. His          were too large for most shoes. In buses, trains and planes, he could not stand up straight. The roofs were too         . In fact, wherever he went and whatever he did, Mr Guppy had          because of his size.
These problems were so bad that Mr Guppy          at home most of time. Life was easier at home.Then one day, a friend said, “You spend too much time at home. You           go out more. There’s a good movie at the theatre.”
“I can’t sit in any seat there,” Mr Guppy said. “I’m          big.”
“That is no problem,” his friend said. “I’ll buy you two tickets. You can          them at the theatre when you get there.”
The friend sent money to the theatre for two tickets. When the day came, Mr Guppy         his best clothes and went to the theatre.
“You have two tickets for me,” he said to the        in the ticket office. “My name is Guppy.”
“Oh, yes, Mr. Guppy,” the woman said. “Here you are. Seats G4 and P12. I’m sorry, you and your friend can’t sit together           too many people have come to see the film this evening.”
Poor Mr Guppy! He smiled sadly, walked out of the theatre and went home.

A.hands B.feet C.ears D.eyes

A.low B.high C.large D.small

A.experience B.problems C.relations D.practice

A.left B.kept C.stayed D.lived

A.must B.would C.should D.need

A.few B.little C.some D.too

A.buy B.sell C.give D.get

A.picked up B.asked for C.put on D.saved up

A.woman B.man C.girl D.boy

A.until B.because C.before D.whether

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Henry was a boy of nine. He was born in a         family. His father was often ill and couldn’t go to work. Only his mother worked in a factory. She worked hard and hoped to give her four children and husband         food and clothes. But she failed. Her family was sometimes hungry. Of course, she couldn’t send Henry to school. She was         it but she didn’t know what to do. The boy was very clever and taught himself to read,write and         at home in the evening. And in the daytime he was polishing(擦)shoes in the street, so he could make some         for his family.
One afternoon the boy saw a young man’s shoes were        , so he said to him, “ Let me polish your shoes.”
“No, thank you,” the young man said and walked away.
“You may pay me only one dollar, sir,” the boy shouted         him. But the young man said no again. Then the boy thought for a while and told him that he would polish his shoes for nothing. The young man         to this, and soon one of his shoes was shining brightly. The man showed         shoe to the boy, but the boy said no to polish it if he wasn’t paid two dollars for his work. .The young man refused(拒绝)to         anything on it and went away.
But his shoes were so different that he had to stop. He turned back and gave the boy two dollars. In a very short time the shoe was as bright as the other one.

A.happy B.lucky C.rich D.poor

A.much B.little C.enough D.many

A.afraid of B.sorry for C.useful to D.friendly to

A.play B.swim C.count D.sleep

A.books B.clothes C.shoes D.money

A.dirty B.clean C.old D.new

A.under B.above C.in front of D.behind

A.liked B.agreed C.worried D.surprised

A.other B.others C.the other D.the others

A.spend B.cost C.pay D.take

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

How often one hears children wishing they were grown-ups. And old people wishing they were         again. Each age has its pleasure and its pains, and the happiest person always enjoys what each age       him without wasting his time in useless regrets.  
Childhood is a time when there are       responsibilities(责任)to make life better. If a child has good parents, he is raised, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. It is        that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anything in return. But a child has his     . He is not so free to do what he wishes to do. He is        being told not to do something, or being punished for what he has wrongly done.   
When a young man starts to earn his own living(谋生), he can no longer expect others to     his food, his clothes, and his room, but he has to work if he wants to live      . If he spends most of his time       in the ways that he used to as a child, he will go hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison.      , if he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up for himself his own position in society.

A.children B.young C.active D.strong

A.leaves B.hopes C.makes D.gives

A.few B.a few C.little D.a little

A.impossible B.natural C.common D.harmful

A.pains B.weakness C.dreams D.rights

A.year by year B.again and again C.one by one D.for ever

A.take the place of B.pay for C.talk about D.think of

A.comfortably B.freely C.peacefully D.separately

A.playing about B.play about C.played about D.plays about

A.By the way B.Possibly C.Though D.However

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was a cold winter, and Mrs Owen wanted to do some     . so she waited until it was Saturday, when her husband was free. She took him      the shops with her and let him     for everything and carry her bags. They went to     shops, and Mrs Owen bought a lot of things. She often said, “ Look, my dear! Isn’t that beautiful!” He then answered, “All right, dear, how much is it?” and took his money    to pay for it.
It was dark when they came out of the last      , Mr Owen was tired and thinking about      things. He wanted a nice meal and drink by the side of a warm fire    home! Suddenly his wife looked up at the sky and said, “    this beautiful moon, my dear!”
Without stopping Mr Owen answered, “All right, dear. How      is it?”

A.shopping B.shops C.shopped D.shop

A.at B.to C.from D.upon

A.to pay B.pays C.pay D.paying

A.any B.little C.few D.some

A.out of B.of C.out D.into

A.shops B.shop C.shopping D.to shop

A.other B.another C.the other D.others

A.on B.at C.for D.to

A.Look at B.See C.Look for D.Find

A.many B.more C.most D.much

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Jim is the son of a farm owner. One New Year's Day, when he was 15 years old, his father      him to work on the farm for one year in his free time. Jim was       with his father's idea. "That isn't my job. I have            schoolwork to do. " Hearing this, his father said, "I will promise(答应) to give you the best present if you         finish one year's work. " Jim thought for a while and      .
Starting one Saturday, the boy got up early and worked      until evening, just like any other farmer. Time passed        . Jim's crops grew very well. On the last day of the year, the father called his son to him. "I'm happy to see that you have worked very hard the whole year," said the father. "Now, tell me       you want."
The boy smiled and showed his father a big piece of bread made from his wheat. "I've already got the         present. No pain, no gain.(不劳无获) I think this is what you wanted me to     ."
His father was very pleased to hear that.

A.asked B.invited C.promised D.helped

A.happy B.unhappy C.excited D.familiar

A.a few B.so little C.too much D.too many

A.shall B.must C.need D.can

A.refused B.answered C.agreed D.began

A.hard B.hardly C.easily D.difficultly

A.fast B.quickly C.slowly D.immediately

A.that B.which C.how D.what

A.least B.worse C.best D.smallest

A.decide B.like C.take D.know

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知


they  surprise  he  other  no  what  easy  hard 
prepare  toy  do     allow

There are two twin brothers in a family .One was an optimist and the   was a pessimist. The parents were worried about   behavior and attitude, and finally took the boys to see a psychologist( 心理学家).
The psychologist looked over them for a while ,and then he said, “They can       be helped.”  He told the parents to prepare a room filled with all the      that a boy could want .They should put the pessimist boy in that room and      him to enjoy life. They also needed to     another room and fill it with horse manure(马粪). They should put the optimist boy in that room. They       this, and then watched both boys through one-way mirrors.
The pessimist continued to be a pessimist. He said that he had     one to play with.
They went to look at the optimist, and were    to see him digging through the manure.
The psychologist ran into the room and asked    the boy was doing. He looked up through the manure and said, “I am sure there must be a horse in the room somewhere.”

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

“Ring… ring…” the telephone suddenly rang. Sam got up to      the call. It was his aunt. “Sam,      are you still at home?” she asked in surprise. Sam 1ooked at the clock. It was already 7:30 a. m. “Oh, my goodness! There’s an important        today,” Sam shouted out. He hurried to wash his face and get      .When he was going to leave the house, he remembered that he had not put away his books. He ran quickly to the door and put them into the bag. He then went to the bus stop to go to school as      as she could. When he got into the classroom, his classmates were      writing. “Why are you so        ?” asked the teacher. ‘‘I’m sorry, sir,” Sam answered, afraid of looking down. “It was my clock. It  failed to wake me up this morning and....” “Don't say anything about it,” his teacher       him. “Don’t try to come late next time!” Sam said yes and walked to his     quickly. But when he tried to do the paper, he could not think in a right way. He put his head on the desk and said, “What a       day it has been for me!”

A.find B.give C.put D.answer

A.why B.how C.when D.where

A.talk B.party C.exam D.meeting

A.tired B.lost C.dressed D.rested

A.carefully B.quietly C.early D.fast

A.worried B.free C.busy D.careful

A.1ate B.ill C.lonely D.ready

A.helped B.knew C.followed D.stopped

A.room B.table C.seat D.teacher

A.short B.bad C.happy D.usual

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Rose didn’t see her school IC card at lunch time. She asked her classmates and looked for it everywhere. But she couldn’t       it. Later, one girl said that she saw Kate take a card from Rose’s desk. So Rose got very      .
When she met Kate in the afternoon, Rose      , “You have stolen(偷) my card!” Hearing this, Kate began to cry, “No, no, I didn’t steal it! I only took it by       .” But Rose didn’t think so and they began to fight.
Just then a teacher came up and       what had happened. Kate told the whole story. She said her pen pal came to see her in the morning. She was so       that she took the card carelessly. Then they went for lunch happily. “I used the card, but I had thought it was mine. I didn’t know it was Rose’s       she asked. I was too afraid to explain it to her. So I decided to put the      back with some money secretly. “I am sorry, Rose.” Kate said in a low   .
“It’s just a misunderstanding(误会)!” said the teacher. Tears(泪水) came into Rose’s eyes. Then she said, “I was       sorry, Kate! I hope we are still good friends. ”
A. find     B. buy             C. put
A. happy    B. angry           C. afraid
A. sang     B. shouted         C. read
A. card     B. words           C. mistake
A. asked    B. understood       C. allowed
A. sad      B. excited          C. interested
A. until    B. after            C. if
A. pen     B. book            C. card
A. voice    B. sound           C. noise
A. not     B. also            C. Never

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

It was a cold winter's night. It was getting late and l was tired so I went to bed.
At about two in the morning my phone began to ring. It was from Mum. I started to feel frightened, because she only    if something was wrong.1 lived in the same flat as Mum,    I rushed down to see what was wrong.
The door would not open. Everything was running through my mind including Mum could be dying and I could not get into her flat. I went around to her bedroom window and could see Mum on the floor. She had heard me and   to unlock the door painfully.
Then I entered the flat and what I saw was terrible. I could see Mum's leg was badly broken and it was completely      the wrong way. I rang the ambulance(救护车) and while we were waiting I tried to make Mum comfortable.
The ambulance finally arrived and I      it. It was a cold freezing night. The roads were empty and      . It seemed that everything was going in a slow way.
We arrived at the hospital and rushed into A&E. The doctor told me that Mum would need an    the next day. After Mum fell asleep, I went home to get some sleep.
When I rang the hospital the next morning, Mum had gone to the operating room. Everything was racing through my head. Is she OK? Will she be safe? Would she    it through the operation? Finally that day she was fine. My mum is a very    lady and I am so proud of her.
From this I have learned that you should never take family for granted(想当然),      everyday  every moment you have with them because in my mind family is the most important thing you will ever be a part of, so never, ever forget what you have.

A.waited B.wondered C.rang D.cared

A.but B.so C.unless D.because

A.afforded B.offered C.allowed D.managed

A.meeting B.facing C.receiving D.allowing

A.followed B.missed C.ordered D.passed

A.safe B.clean C.quiet D.free

A.experience B.excitement C.experiment D.operation

A.test B.make C.push D.cut

A.brave B.lonely C.weak D.serious

A.trust B.expect C.find D.enjoy

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A true friend is always helpful. I didn’t believe it         one thing happened to me when I was in Grade 7.
Li Jie was one of my classmates. He and I were also neighbours. He always listened to his mother         I didn’t like listening to my mother. I didn’t think it was necessary for       to teach me anything. Li Jie knew all about that but he said         to me.
One weekend, Li Jie invited me to watch a film. I liked films very much so I went to the         with him happily. The film was about the love between a        and her son. After watching it, I began to know how great the love of the mother was. I felt         that I didn’t listen to my mother before. I decided to think more about my mother than about        . After I told that to him, Li Jie smiled and said, “It’s really necessary for you to watch such a film. That was a good choice (选择) for both you and me.”
Suddenly, I knew         he invited me to watch the film. Just at that time, I knew a true friend is always        .

A.when B.after C.until D.because

A.and B.but C.so D.or

A.her B.you C.him D.them

A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing

A.park B.cinema C.museum D.zoo

A.mother B.father C.sister D.brother

A.happy B.bored C.sorry D.interested

A.myself B.herself C.himself D.yourself

A.how B.where C.what D.why

A.generous B.hard-working C.smart D.helpful

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

My name is Penny. I started being a     in a group called Kinds Camp in 1995. There were many       kids in the camp. At that time. I was a street kid. I didn’t know what to do     one of the workers asked if I wanted to help in the camp. I really didn’t know what to expect but I     .
The first day was      for me. I thought the kids might not like      and I was afraid to talk with them. But to my surprise, they were very      and smiled(微笑) at me. By the end of that day, I found I       working there. The kids didn’t       if I wore old clothes or I couldn’t read well. They      me for me the person not who my family were or how much money I had.
Volunteering to help the disabled kids not only helped them but it      helped me. It saved me from a road that might turn in the wrong direction. It        me understand that no matter how bad your      is there will always be someone else that has it much worse than you do. It gave me hope and made me find my place in the world. For that       them greatly.
Thank Kinds Camp for       me a chance(机会) to volunteer. I will keep on volunteering.

A.volunteer B.owner C.nurse D.trader

A.strong B.lazy C.homeless D.disabled

A.although B.because C.until D.but

A.disagreed B.said C.refused D.agreed

A.exciting B.hard C.normal D.possible

A.you B.me C.him D.her

A.friendly B.lonely C.careless D.angry

A.disliked B.imagined C.enjoyed D.changed

A.advise B.control C.understand D.care

A.accpeted B.received C.caught D.promised

A.almost B.also C.only D.hardly

A.helped B.took C.gave D.saw

A.reason B.education C.situation D.decision

A.thanked B.hurt C.trained D.controlled

A.breaking B.raising C.carrying D.giving

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

Pearl and June were good friends and spent most of their time together.
They were both very old and they worried about their health. Most of the time they talked about nothing else.
They worried about their food. Was it clean? Would it give them pains in the stomach?
They worried about the weather. Was it too cold and wet? Would it give them pains in their bones?
They worried about pollution in the air. would it give them pains in their chests(胸部)and throats(喉咙)?
They worried about being hurt in a car accident, killed in a plane crash, getting sick, and so on.
All they could think about was being ill or hurt.
One day they went on a train journey together.
“We’ll need some food,”Pearl said.
“We’ll buy some bananas,”June said.“They are good to eat and always clean.”
And so they bought two bananas to eat on the train.
It was not long before they were hungry.
Pearl took out the bananas and gave one to June. Then she peeled(剥)the skin of her banana and took a large bite of it.
At that moment the train went into a tunnel(隧道). Everything went black.“Don’t eat your banana,”Pearl shouted at June.“Mine has made me go blind!”
What did the two old ladies talk about most of the time? _________

A.Themselves. B.Other people. C.Healthy food. D.Dangerous drivers.

The old ladies didn’t want to ______.

A.eat any bananas B.travel by train
C.be young again D.get sick

Pearl ate her banana ________.

A.after they came out of the tunnel B.at the station
C.before June ate hers D.before she was hungry

Pearl thought that the banana _______.

A.stopped her from seeing B.would make her hungry
C.would make her ill D.would be good for June

What’s the best title of the story? __________.

A.What Good Friends B.What a Bad Train Journey
C.Bananas Are Good for You D.Bananas Are Bad for You
  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知

A traveler came out of the airport. There were a lot of    . He asked every taxi - driver's name. Then he took the third one. it    5 dollars to go from the airport to the hotel. "      does it take to hire(雇请) you for the whole day?" The man asked. "100 dollars." said the taxi-driver. This was very    , but the man agreed. Then the taxi - driver showed him all the parks and museums in the city.. In the evening they went       to the hotel. The traveler gave the taxi -driver 100 dollars and said, " What about tomorrow?" The taxi -driver     the man and said, "Tomorrow? That will be     100 dollars. " But the man said it was OK. The taxi –driver was very.    to be getting more money.
The next evening, after taking the traveler to visit the same parks and museum, the tad - driver    another 100 dollars, he felt guilty(内疚的) became 100 dollars a day was a lot of money. "So you're from New York," said the taxi -driver. "I have a       in New York. Her name is Susan. Do you know her?" "Sure. She gave me 200 dollars to give you!"
A. trains                    B. boats                  C. taxis
A. cost                     B. paid                    C. spent
A. How many              B. How long               C. How much
A. cheap                   B. low                    C. expensive
A. for                      B. back                   C, across
A. looked at                 B. looked after             C. looked for
A. the other                  B. another                 C. other
A. angry                    B. unhappy                C. pleased
A. received                 B. gave                   C. borrowed
A. brother                B. son                     C. sister

  • 更新:2020-03-18
  • 题型:未知
  • 难度:未知
