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  • 更新 2022-09-04
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 31


December 27, 2019 was an exciting day for Chinese people. China's biggest and most powerful rocket, the Long March 5, was successfully launched in Hainan on that day.

The 57-meter-tall rocket is the tallest and strongest rocket in China. Since the Long March 5 is much bigger than others in the Long March rockets, it has been nicknamed "Chubby 5", according to China Daily.

The rocket is able to carry things weighing up to 25,000 kilograms-the weight of 16 midsize cars, China Daily noted. This payload is about 2.5 times greater than any other Chinese rocket. The Long March 5 is the third most powerful rocket in the world. Our Chinese scientists are really proud of it.

During the December launch, the Long March 5 successfully sent the Shijian 20th satellite, China's largest and heaviest home-made satellite, into space. In addition to sending the satellite into space, the launch also tested several projects that were used to improve the rocket's basic skills. It also tested the key project that will be used to take the Change 5 probe to the moon, according to the China National Space Center.

In the future, the Long March 5 will be used for China's fifth lunar expedition, as well as to place parts of China's space-station into space. "In 2021, we will use the Long March 5 to launch the Change's 5 probe to the moon and also send a special probe to Mars," said Wang Xiaojun, the project manager of the Long March 5.

1 What do we know about the Long March 5?


It was launched at the start of 2019.


It was launched in Xichang.


It is the tallest rocket in the world.


It is the biggest Long March rocket.

2 What is the payload of the Long March 5?


It's more than 2,500 kilograms.


It's three times greater than others'.


It's up to 25,000 kilograms.


It's the weight of 16 midsize buses.

3 Scientists used the Long March 5 launch to ________.


improve the satellite's basic skills


have China's fifth lunar expedition


send a special probe to the moon


send China's heaviest home-made satellite into space

4 What is the last paragraph mainly about?


How China's space-station will be built.


When the Long March 5 will be send to the Mars.


What the Long March 5 will be used for in the future.


Why the scientists will send the Long March 5 to the moon .

