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  • 更新 2022-09-04
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读填空
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 53

While dogs are the most popular household pet, cats run a close second. Cats are not often noticed by people choosing a new four﹣legged friend. An animal expert explains why they make fantastic pets.

    Cats VS Dogs It seems that many people prefer dogs to cats. Often people who grew up with dogs find it difficult to imagine owning and loving cats. But they can be surprised to learn how friendly and responsive cats are.

    Good points of keeping cats Cats are always in small size. They can be a great pet choice for people with limited space and busy lifestyles. They don't have the exercise requirements like dogs. Besides, they are quiet and clean. In a word, cats are low maintenance and happy to be left alone indoors. Cats can be very playful and interactive with children and offer them chances to learn to care for another, living being.

    Keeping dogs and cats together Dogs and cats become great companions(伙伴), especially if they are raised at the same time. They can become friends with each other, the younger, the better.

    Help to decide If you've never actually owned a cat, but are thinking of it, talk to cat owners, or offer to house-sit for a cat owner. You could visit an animal centre and interact with cats. It helps decide whether you might enjoy their companionship. You may be surprised to discover how wonderful cats really are.

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Though it seems that there are more dog lovers than cat lovers, an animal expert tells some   (1)  of keeping cats. If people keep cats as pets, they must be surprised to find they are friendly and responsive. Compared with dogs, cats have some   (2)  . They are quiet and clean. Also they need less space and are     (3)  to look after, while dogs always need to be walked. Dog lovers can also raise cats as dogs' companions when they are young. Besides, keeping cats can     (4)  children's sense of caring for other living beings:The   (5)  of the following activities help you decide to keep cats, like talking to cat owners or visiting an animal centre and interacting with cats.

