句子翻译 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。(本大题共9分,每小题1.5分) 大家都知道,食用过多的糖会引起各种不同的疾病。 As we all know, eating too much sugar can ________________________________________________. 去年发生了洪灾。因此,渔民们捕到的鱼少于去年。 There was a flood last year. _________________, ________________________________ than last year. 你觉得狼会同情那些以食竹叶为生的胖胖的大熊猫吗? Do you think wolves will __________________________________________ living on bamboo leaves. 当他们正要在森林里找到出路的时候,他们的卡车抛锚了。 When they were going to __________________________________, their truck __________________. 因为可怕的牙疼,她昨晚未能入睡。 She wasn’t able to ___________________________________________________________ last night. 为了能够生火,那些观鸟者刚才在铁路附近拾了一些树枝。 In _______________________, those birdwatchers picked up some sticks _______________ just now.
将所给句子翻译成英语,每空一词(每空0.5分,计5分) 他们将参加跳远比赛。 They will _____ _____ in the long jump. 我必须叫他戒烟。 I must ask him to _____ _____ smoking. 蔬菜和水果对你的健康有益。 Vegetables and fruit are ______ ______ your health. 看!林涛正在打篮球。咱们去为他加油吧。 Look!, Lin Tao is playing basketball. Let’s go and _____ him _____. 他要去上海,而不是北京。 He is going to Shanghai _____ _____ Beijing.