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  • 更新 2022-09-04
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 29

For people,it's not surprising that we can open a door,lift a heavy box and control our while walking in the snow.But can a robot do this?Well,Google's new robot,Atlas,can not only do this?Well,Google's new robot,Atlas,can not only do these things,but it can also stand up if fall down.Although the robot may be slow and clumsy,it was created mainly to work in dangerous places for humans.

Now,robots are much smarter than you might imagine.On March 9this year,Alpha Go,an artificial intelligence(AI,人工智能)program made by Google's Deep Mind,challenged top professional Go player Lee Se﹣dol from South Korea.And Alpha Go bear Lee 41.

AI is when computers or computer software are able to have intelligent behavior,such as thinking or acting like a human,In our daily lives,we already use AI in many ways,like Apple's Siri and search engines Baidu and Google.

Some People may worry whether computers are now smart enough to beat us at everything.But experts say that the case.Real life problems can be more difficult than the Go game.For example,humans can watch a person throw down a cup of coffee and know that the result will be a mess on the floor.A computer program would have to know the size of the cup,the height of the cup from floor and many other things to find out the result.But we never know what will happen in the future.

(1)The underline word clumsy in the first paragraph means  





(2)Atlas,was created mainly to  

A.help the disabled people

B.show the development of technology

C.help people do simple jobs

D.work in dangerous places for humans

(3)In paragraph 2,the writer mentioned the game between Alpha Go and lee Se﹣dol to  

A.explain how smart robots are

B.introduce the development of robots

C.show the game was very exciting

D.tell me how robots beat humans in the game

(4)The underlined word that in paragraph 4 refers to  

A.AI is already used in many ways

B.AI can think and act like a human

C.AIpha Go beat Lee Se﹣dol in the Go game

D.computer can beat humans at everything

(5)From the passage,we can infer(推断)  

A.humans will have to follow robot's orders

B.it's difficult for robots to take human's place

C.robots will be just as common as mobile phones

D.people will depend on their robots to do all the things.

