首页 / 初中英语 / 试题详细
  • 更新 2022-09-04
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 50

UNICEF is the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund.

It raises money and helps millions of young people around the world.

There are four main UNICEF projects at the moment:

Under Fives.Every year,ten million young children die.We can stop this.We can give children a better start in life﹣healthy food,a good home and a good school.

Child Workers.Many children do not go to school﹣they work in factories.They often work twelve or fourteen hours a day.And about 300,000children in the world are soldiers(士兵)﹣﹣﹣some are only eight years old! This is wrong and we want to stop it.

Girls' Education.More boys than girls in the world go to school.Some girls do not learn to read or write and later in life they don't get good jobs.Education is good for both boys and girls.We want more girls in schools

Medicine.Every year more than two million children die diseases because they do not have enough medicine.Medicine is not expensive.We give medicine to 40% of the world's children,mainly in Africa and Asia.

Buy UNICEF products﹣cards,T﹣shirts,teddy bears.Is there a UNICEF group in your area?Join

your local group! Raise some money with your friend and give it to UNICEF.17projectsachildfromchildren'sdiseases.40buys clothes for ten.150buyscleanwaterfor250people.500brings vitamins for 16,000children.

44.Which project is mainly for young children?  

A.Medicine          B.Under Fives

C.Child Workers      D.Girls' Education

45.If you want to buy clean water for 500people,how much will you pay?  

A.300B.500    C.2,000D.8,500

46.Which of the following is True?  

A.UNICEF is an American toy company

B.About 300,000children under 8are soldiers

C.More girls than boys go to school in the world.

D.40% of the world's children get medicine from UNICEF.

