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  • 更新 2022-09-04
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 65

I loved everything about school except for one person:Mildred.

Every day,as we walked home after school,she would step on the backs of my shoes.Then,when I stopped to put my shoes on,Mildred would hit 6me on the back quickly and run away.She scared(惊吓)me.

Soon,my mother found something was wrong.I told her the whole story.My mum told me not to worry and said she had a plan.

The next morning,my mum walked up the hill with me.Just as we got to the top of the hill,we saw Mildred.

"Hello,Mildred,"my mum said quietly.Mildred stopped,standing still. Her hands and face were bright red.Her oversized coat hung open.There were only two buttons(纽扣)on it.

My mother didn't say anything at first.Instead,she buttoned up Mildred's coat and turned the collar(衣领)up around her neck.

"I'm Amy's mother.I need your help,Mildred."My mother's hands held Mildred's as she spoke."Amy doesn't have any brothers or sisters.She needs a good friend at school,someone to walk up the hill with her after classes are over.Would you be Amy's friend,Mildred?"

Mildred chewed(咬住)on her bottom lip(嘴唇)and nodded."Oh,thank you!"my mother said."I just know you are someone I can depend on."Then she hugged us and left as though nothing unusual had happened.

Mildred and I walked on to school.As I looked over at her,I saw that Mildred was smiling!I'd never seen her smile before.

We walked up the hill each day after school together and pretty soon we became good friends.

I didn't understand my mum's plan at that time.But finally,I came to understand her message:Love never fails.

(1)What made Amy worried about school?    


Poor grades.


No clean shoes.


No good friends.


Someone unfriendly.

(2)After greeting Mildred,Amy's mum    


gave her a loving hug


asked her for help directly


held her hands warmly


helped her to dress properly

(3)Mildred smiled probably because    


Amy and her mum apologised to her


she felt the touch of love and trust


Amy agreed to make friends with her


she wasn't punished so badly as she imagined

(4)What does the story mainly tell us?    


Love is always full of magic.


True love never disappears.


A mother's love is always there.


It's never late to share your love.

