include; look; find; seven; among; which; know; animal; cause; how |
With the COVID﹣19 epidemic(传染病) hitting China, many of you might want(1)____ more about the virus. The disease(2) by a newly﹣found type of corona﹣virus (冠状病毒). Corona﹣viruses are a large family of virus. The word "corona" comes from Latin and refers to crowns (王冠).When people first saw a corona﹣virus under a microscope (显微镜),they found that its spikes(刺突)made it(3) like a crown. That's(4) the virus family got its name.Some corona﹣viruses cause disease in humans, others spread illness among animals(5) camels (骆驼), cats and bats (蝙蝠).
We(6) seven types of corona﹣virus that can infect humans so far.Four of them are common and cause respiratory (呼吸道的)illness such as mild flu. Rarely(很少),(7) _____corona﹣viruses can evolve(进化)and then spread(8) people,such as Middle East respiratory syndrome (中东呼吸综合症) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).Novel corona﹣virus,(9) was first found in Wuhan, is(10) one.