Some people like﹣living the peace and quiet of the countryside , (56) I prefer living in the city. I like (57) the noise and activity of city life. The traffic does not trouble me. I find (58) interesting to see all the different (59) of traffics that use the roads.BesideS,People Crowded on the pavements (人行道)don't trouble me at all. I think i will (60) rather loneIy ifl only see one or two (61) as I walk along the street.
Some people say that the countryside is much (62) . because there is no litter on the ground,
no graffiti (涂鸦)on the (63) , and no polluUon (64) the air. But our city is not trouble in the first two problems.'Our people, including young people like myse, are (65) of the place where they live. They do not throw litter o n the ground or paint words and pictures on walls
A.kinsd B.cleaner C.but D.all E.feel F.people J.buildings