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  • 更新 2022-09-04
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 65

(A) 你知道吃早饭有多重要吗? A study of 2,000 teenagers in the US showed that eating breakfast daily is helpful to young people.

According to the study, teenagers who eat breakfast weigh around 5 pounds less than teenagers who do not. Although they take in more(B) caloriesin the morning, they are more active during the day because they have more energy. This means they bum more calories than non﹣breakfast eaters. The breakfast does not even have to be very healthy, as eating anything is better than nothing.

The study also showed that eating breakfast keeps teenagers feeling full for longer, so they will not eat too many snacks later in the day. This is good news as most popular snacks, like sweets and potato chips are usually unhealthy and full of calories.

Another big benefit(益处)of eating breakfast is that(C) itmakes teenagers do better at school. This is because it gives them more energy to keep their attention in class.

What's more, a study in the UK showed that adults who eat breakfast daily put on less weight and also perform better at work.

Whatever your age is, take time to have breakfast every day.



(2)根据上下文,猜测文中(B)处划线单词 calories的中文意思.   



W   : how heavy somebody/something is, which can be measured(测量,度量)in, for example, kilograms or pounds

(5)请从文中找出与 No matter how old you are, it is necessary to spend time eating breakfast daily.意思相近的句子.   

