首页 / 初中英语 / 试题详细
  • 更新 2022-09-04
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 填空题
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 26

Nowadays,there are lots of left﹣behind children(留守儿童)at school,especially in the(76)   (贫穷)areas in China.According to report,China has 61.03(77)   (million)children who have been left behind by their families.(78)   (lack)proper care,many of these children suffer from anxiety(焦虑)and(79)   (事故).

Some of left﹣behind children have(80)   (not see)their parents for more than a year.Some of them live with their grandparents or relatives.They feel(81)   (孤独)and miss their parents a lot.Every child needs(82)   (parents)love and care.

Zhi Yan,a 10﹣year﹣old girl,lives in a mountain village in(83)   (west)China.She has to prepare supper for her family(84)   (除了)study."Thanks to schools,goverments and society's help,we live(85)   (happy)."the girl said.

