首页 / 初中英语 / 试题详细
  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 填空题
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 81

"Amy! Milk!" Mama called.

Milk. It was Amy's turn to get it. Amy sighed and shut her first﹣aid (急救) book.

Amy tied the cow close to a tree. Somewhere down the mountain, some volunteer doctors were teaching medical skills to village nurses.Amy heard Betty drive off hours ago."She should have taken me with her.She thinks I'm too young,"Amy thought. "But she's wrong. I am already 15!"

Amy carried the milk back to Mama, then wandered up the road. Roy, a village boy, was trying to stand on a horse's back."No wonder they don't trust kids with anything important,"Amy thought.

She had just turned away when she heard a heavy fall and a few cries. Roy was on the ground."Roy!" The kids nearby ran towards him. "Get Betty," one said. Amy shook her head."Betty's gone to the city."

The kids didn't know what to do. Amy ran to Roy and saw one of his legs out of shape. A broken leg! She remembered what the first﹣aid book said about it.

"Victor!" Amy called to one of the boys."Go get Roy's mama, and find someone with a truck."She turned to the others."Give me your shirts. We need something to tie his leg with."

Amy then found a strong,straight stick.She carefully wrapped the shirts around Roy's leg and the stick.Roy cried out in pain."I know it hurts," Amy said softly."But this will hold it still until you get to the hospital."

When Amy was done, she looked up and saw Roy's mama and a man watching beside a truck."Thank you, Amy," Roy's mama said. Amy helped them lift Roy into the truck, then they drove down the hillside towards the hospital.

The next day, Betty came to Amy's home."I heard what you did," Betty said."You kept your head in an emergency. That's an important skill."

Amy's face turned red."I was afraid …"

Betty shook her head."It's OK for a nurse to be afraid, as long as she has a clear head.The volunteer doctors are coming tomorrow with vaccines. We need some more hands. Can you help?"

"I'd love to." Amy replied at once.

"Come early, then. There is a lot to learn."

Amy smiled."I'll bring my first﹣aid book."

(1)Why didn't Betty take Amy with her to the medical training?


Amy was busy reading.


Amy had to milk the cow.


Betty left too early in the morning.


Betty thought Amy wasn't old enough.

(2)What happened to Roy?


He fell off the horseback.


He was kicked by the horse.


He successfully stood on the horseback.


He was pulled off the horseback by the kids.

(3)What is the correct order of Amy's first﹣aid actions?

a. She found a proper stick.

b. She helped lift Roy into the truck.

C. She asked the boys for some shirts.

d. She tied the shirts around the broken leg.

e. She sent someone to get Roy's mum and a truck.









(4)Why did Betty invite Amy to help the doctors in the end?


Amy had similar experiences before.


Amy was cool﹣headed when giving first﹣aid.


Betty regretted not taking Amy to the training.


Betty realized that Amy had become a good doctor.

(5)Which sentence best describes a lesson from the story?


Only trained doctors and nurses can provide first﹣aid.


Knowledge from books can help solve real﹣life problems.


Children need enough practice before they can be helpful.


Helping with housework is important to children's health.

