歌曲《时间都去哪儿了》中唱到:“时间都去哪儿了?还没好好感受年轻就老了,生儿养女一辈子,满脑子都是孩子哭了笑了……”这朴实无华的歌词,将父母之爱表达得震撼人心。作为子女,我们应该 ①体会父母为我们付出的辛劳 ②继承和弘扬孝亲敬长的传统美德 ③理解、体谅父母的一片苦心 ④调适逆反心理,一切听从父母的
Can you tell me _____ it is proper to raise some money for her sick daughter.
I think cats are as _______ as dogs.
Beth _____ unhappy because he failed the English exam.
The customers are pleased with the______of the restaurant.
I try to make myself ____,so I speak aloud.