Composition 小作文(5%) A Special Gift 你一定有过(或将要)为家人、朋友买生日(或节日)礼物的经历(或打算)吧,还有你为什么要给他/她选择这份礼物呢?请写下来。要求:(1)作文内容至少是前后连贯,符合实际的五个英文句子。(2)书写规范。 ________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
连词成句。 (1)zoo spent he hours three the in . . (2)falling the cola stairs is the down . . (3)am how going I to practise English my now ? . (4)wrote she about a book herself . . (5)make Chinese mistakes of lots I . .
作文 根据表格的信息,用英文来介绍熊猫。 注意语句通顺,意思连贯。不少于五句话。 Name Weight Colour Food Skill Panda 100kg black and white bamboo leaves good climber, can swim _____________________________________________________