2015年6月12日,在中共中央召开的纪念陈云同志诞辰110周年座谈会上,习近平指出,陈云同志身上表现出来的坚定理想信念、坚强党性原则、求真务实作风、朴素公仆情怀、勤奋学习精神,永远值得我们学习。这些精神( ) ①在今天仍然具有强大的价值引领作用和导向作用 ②为每个人提供了价值评判标准和价值选择的依据 ③展现了陈云高尚的道德境界和高远的价值追求 ④有利于鼓舞人们为实现自身价值而做出不懈努力
Only one of the answers _______ right .Either he or I________ right.
There are three ______ students on the playground.
—Let’s watch the popular TV program “I am a Singer”, shall we?—______________. I can’t wait to turn on the TV.
Chen Guangbiao often __________ food and money __________ people in need.
—On November 30, Paul Walker’s car _________ a tree and he died in the accident.—What a pity!