首页 / 初中英语 / 试题详细
  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 阅读理解
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 1490

Mr Black goes into his usual teashop one morning, and sits in one of the seats at the counter(柜台). Many other people also come in, but none of them stays long.
About fifteen minutes later, a young man and a young woman come in. There are only two empty seats at the counter, one on Mr Black’s left, and the other on his right. The woman sits on one seat, and the young man sits on the other, but Mr Black immediately(立即) asks to change seats with the young man so that he and the young woman can be together.
“Oh, that isn’t necessary,” the young man says, but Mr Black insists(坚持). When the young man and the young woman are side by side, he says to her, “Well, this old man is very kind. He wants us to sit together. May I introduce myself? My name is John. What’s your name?”
Mr Black sits ________ of the teashop one morning.

A.in the middle B.in the centre
C.at the counter D.in the front

There are ________ at the counter.

A.two tables B.none
C.some waiters D.two empty seats

Why does Mr Black immediately ask to change places?

A.Because the young man asks him to
B.Because the young woman asks him to
C.Because Mr Black wants the young man and the young woman to sit together
D.Because there is something wrong with the seat

At last the young man _________.

A.changes seats with Mr Black
B.doesn’t change seats with Mr Black
C.goes away
D.goes away with the young woman

The young man and the young woman are _______.

A.friends B.a couple(一对)
C.brother and sister D.strangers(陌生人)
