近年来,广东某市委市政府以城乡社区民主自治和社会组织“自立、自主、自律”发展为两大着力点,推动法律、体制、能力三大建设,形成了“党委政府为主导、社会组织为主体、人民群众为主人”的社会管理新机制,受到当地居民的支持和拥护。这说明( ) ①城乡社区自治组织和社会组织获得了行政权力 ②新机制使政府、社会与公民的关系定位更合理 ③人民当家作主是社会主义民主政治的根本保证 ④新机制有利于调动公民参与社会管理的积极性
The how-to book is of great help to ____ wants to apply for the job.
I sent you 100 dollars today, the rest ____ in a year, because I’m also in debt.
It is said that Nigeria is ____ Great Britain.
On average, the footprints discovered are 14 to 18 inches long, 5-9 inches wide and much larger than ____ of a human.
New policies, ___ to insure that compulsory education is truly free,___ by the local government across China since the start of the school on September 1.