“Logic is the science of thinking.” I said, clearing my throat.“Before we think
, we must learn to tell the common fallacies(谬误) of logic. These we will take up tonight.”“Wow!” she cried, clapping her hands happily.I went bravely on. “First let us examine the fallacy of Unqualified Generalization(绝对判断).Foe example, Exercise is good,
everybody should exercise.”“I agree,” said Polly seriously. “I mean exercise is wonderful. I mean it
the body and everything.”“Polly,” I said gently, “it is a fallacy. Exercise is good is an Unqualified Generalization. For example,
you have heart disease, exercise is bad, not good. Many people are ordered by
doctors not to exercise. You must say exercise is
good, or exercise is good for most people. If not, you have made the fallacy of Unqualified Generalization.”“
we take up a fallacy called Hasty Generalization(草率结论).Listen carefully. You can’t speak French. I can’t speak French. Peter can’t speak French. I must therefore conclude that
at this school can speak French.”“Really?” said Polly, surprised.“Polly,” I said calmly,” it’s a fallacy. The conclusion
too hurriedly. There are too few
to support such a conclusion.”,