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  • 更新 2022-09-03
  • 科目 英语
  • 题型 填空题
  • 难度 中等
  • 浏览 990

Hello, everyone! My name is Nancy. I’m 1_ America. My favorite animals are koalas, 2 _they are very cute. Do you 3 _about kolas? Let me tell you about them.
Kolas 4_ in Australia. They have small black eyes, big ears and thick(浓密)hair. 5_hair is usually grey and brown. They are about 70-8-cm long. 6 _do they like to eat? Eucalyptus leaves(桉树叶). They don’t usually drink, because they can get much 7 _from the eucalyptus leaves. They 8__ in the trees during(在...期间) the day, but at night they get up and have food.
Kolas are in great danger now. Today there are 9_43,000 kolas(100,000 before). People cut down trees and 10__ kolas. We must do something to save them.
(   )(1)A.over          B.from        C.before
(   )(2)A.because       B.so          C.or
(   )(3)A.know         B.talk         C.walk
(   )(4)A.feel          B.fight         C.live
(   )(5)A.Their         B.Our         C.Her
(   )(6)A.Who         B.When        C.What
(   )(7)A.food         B.exercise      C.water
(   )(8)A.sleep         B.run          C.work
(   )(9)A.either        B.only         C.always
(   )(10)A.stop         B.brush        C.kill

