If you don’t know the song Gangnam Style, you must be living on the Mars. It ___(保持不变) the top click on the Internet. And the “horse riding” dance have also greatly __
__(成功) and made the South Korean pop singer PSY a superstar. Plenty of his fans ___
____(包括) kids, teenagers and adults. The song and its special dance has become the __
_(象征) of South Korea in the last three years. The dance is so popular that many schools in China use it as their morning exercises. Different students have different __
___(想法) about the changing of morning exercises. Some students agree. They think students should be ___
__(活泼的). They also believe schools should keep up with the times. Some students think __
_(不同地). The most important reason that they listed is that it doesn’t exercise the whole body as the normal exercises do. So they __
_(拒绝) the dance at school. A student from Shanghai said: “ __
___(尽管) the crazy song is very popular, it isn’t good for students.” Other students don’t mind. They said: “__
__(无论什么) they do, people in these schools should have the right to choose what they want to do.”