英汉互译 (1)have a good trip _____________________ (2)中国新年 _____________________ (3)准备好 _____________________ (4)on the way to _____________________ (5)be good for _____________________
翻译句子。 ⑴We played football yesterday. ______________________________ ⑵She is 1.7 metres tall. ______________________________ ⑶I’m thinner than you. _______________________________ ⑷He can speak English. ______________________________ ⑸How heavy are you? ______________________________
翻译句子。 ⑴I’m taller than you. ________________________________ ⑵He’d like to have a try. ________________________________ ⑶Where did he go ? ________________________________ ⑷I’m 12 years old. ________________________________ ⑸I’m going to China. ________________________________
小小翻译家。(5分) ⑴Show me your bread. __________ ⑵Have a cake. __________ ⑶Smell the coffee. __________ ⑷Eat the fruit. __________ ⑸Drink the juice. __________