太原市公共自行车服务系统开通以来,单车日周转次数及服务半径居全国之首。市民办理租车卡后就可以在市区任意网点租用公共自行车,既方便出行又低碳环保。市民租用公共自行车 ①体现了绿色消费的主旨 ②获得了该自行车的使用权 ③是求异心理引发的消费 ④将减少对其互补品的消费
Many people can't learn any lessons from the mistakes they've made _____ they get hurt somehow.
Painting from still images leads to a loss of sensitivity, which is _____ to an artist.
——Can I get out in the daytime?——No. The school rules state that no child _____ be allowed out during the day, unless accompanied by an adult.
People have come to understand _____ prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect.
Her daughter was so lovely _____ little girl that everybody in the street would smile at her at _____ first sight.