Once upon a time, two men were walking in the forest. One was thin and tall, and very bad too. The other was fat and short, and very honest. The tall man said to the short man, “We are good friends. If any beast comes, I’ll help you.” The short man said, “ Of course, we are good friends. We will help each other.”
At that time, a bear came to them. The tall man climbed up the tree quickly to hide himself in the branches and forgot his promise to the short man. But the fat man couldn’t climb the tree. He said to his friend, “Help me! Help me! I can’t climb up. Look! The bear is coming!” The tall man said, “No! No! No! You can’t stay with me. The tree is not strong.”
The bear was coming. The short man lay down under the tree, pretending to be dead and holding his breath. The bear smelled around his body. It doesn’t touch the dead.
After the bear went away without harming the short man, the tall man came down and asked the short man, “What did the bear whisper in your ear when it was close to you?” The short man answered, “the bear told me not to believe such a selfish friend like you. And it also said that a friend in need is a friend indeed.”The two men were _________ in the passage.
A.workers | B.brothers | C.friends | D.hunters |
When the bear came, the tall man __________.
A.climbed up the tree | B.helped the short man |
C.lay down under the tree | D.lost his life |
From the passage, we can know ______________.
A.the bear didn’t eat people |
B.the bear could talk to the people |
C.the bear ate up the short man |
D.the bear didn’t hurt the short man |
The tall man was very _________.
A.honest | B.helpful |
C.selfish | D.good-looking |
Which the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.The tall man climbed up the tree quickly to hide himself. |
B.The tall man forgot his promise to the short man |
C.The tall man didn’t help the short man. |
D.The bear bit the short man. |